

Ask @theycallmesyaz

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Who is the happiest person in the world?

We were all once
So young and free
Oblivious of the future
That we can't see
Happiness was a given
That we denied
For granted, we took
And our childhood died
And as we grow
We will never see
That the pursuit of happiness
Was never to be
For what we lost
Was never to be found
We can never go back
To what was once
"childhood bliss" 30/08/14


Fun facts about brad tan slave
1) he is an otaku
2) his whole fam wears chromehearts <3
3) if you hear a loud construction sound it's probably his dad's car
4) he loves to helicopter ;)
5) he is constantly short of underwear
6) he may look like he's stoning but he's thinking of ways to bash you up
7) he bought the kallang basin

Hi SYAZZYWAZZY THIS IS YOUR TBH!!!!! TBH i think you're a very nice and cool (and handsome too u look damn handsome! )person. you always tend to treat those arnd you with respect and friendliness and i admire that!!!! tbh also thanks for still being my friend despite me being super super crazy hahah

Haha thanks weird Thai kid

Likers get to send a number and you have to post the photo with that corresponding number from your camera roll!!!

My camera roll has no pics cos my camera sucks :/

eh botak jones next sunday luh. this week no money sia

You didn't need to ask me a qn just to tell me that you could've texted me

Hi Syazwan!! My first impression of you was this super enthusiastic guy during boarding who's super good at getting people to listen to him!!

Wah zehui you reply damn fast haha anyhow thanks!

Who in your class will likely end up tgt?

(you want me to say clarice right) I think Shuo Hao might haha

While liking ur answers i accidentally reported one for pornographic content. sorry

HAHA I think your answers and pictures are more pornographic than mine HEH KIDDING
Liked by: Ian Leck

tbh u look like the sporty type! and tbh u r a nice guy but a bit awkward hehehehe all the best in njc!

Haha thanks! Good luck for Os, study hard:)

Juniors you know?

Legit like 3rd time someone has asked me this. Do you want me to specifically say out your name or smth haha

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

(actually it's last week) I survived 10km time trial!!!!!


Language: English