

Ask @theycallmesyaz

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Liked by: MusApy

Which foreign country do you dislike the most?

I guess i havent been to a lot of foreign countries to pick one that i dislike most

what's LKFJL? i know it's scandalous kai feng and?

heehee its an inside joke! im not allowed to say XD

Who is one person in canoeing u respect from each of the following? Juniors, seniors and your batch.

hmmmmmmmmmmm this is quite a hard one.
I guess the one junior i respect would be Captain Jeremiah Jiang. A great C rower and Captain, i see great potential in Jiang. He truly deserves his position. A capable leader, im sure that he will lead the team to victory when the time comes. haha i see a little bit of Reuven in him!
Seniors would be a very hard choice. i respect everyone of my seniors who have done wonders for the team, and have sacrificed and suffered just for the team. i think i wont be able to pick one senior whom i respect, but the smallest number i have would be 3. Im sorry for not following the question! the first senior would be none other than Faiz, the malay canoe god himself. Ever since my early days in SJI Canoeing, i aspired to be him, or to at least be near his level if speed and accomplishments. i guess he was the first role model i had in SJI :) My second senior that i really respect would be the super bubbly Edgar Wangggggggggg. He was the person ive trained with for the longest period of time and i just love his attitude towards training :D his cheerful disposition encourages the people around him to continue to persever during training. i respect him for being able to do that. not to mention that he was one of my major influence in my own personalised stroke technique that i think Jiao Lian still doesnt approve :( and lastly, the senior that i respect would be David. His very own love for the sport inspires others to love it too. His determination during training and races are second to none, and through him, i have come to love this sport. Despite not achieving anything much for his last nationals, in my books, i believe that he is a champion in his own rights. i consider these seniors my mentors, and they have impacted my life in a great way. without them, i wouldnt be standing where i am today.
And last but most certainly not least, the batchmate i respect. That brother who has earned my respect ever since i came to know him would be Hubert Yeo, my C1 partner :) This vice-Captain here is a brother, leader,bufflord, bird, ladiesman,peoples-person ,Mrs Chua's desired son-in-law, sportsman, joker, beast, and canoeist all in one package. I still cannot fathom how he can juggle everything under the sky such as trainings, prefectorial commitments and his many leadership position and still be such a fantastic student. i still cannot believe that he used to be someone else during his time in SAPS and it amazes me how much he has changed through the years. i didnt really get a chance to thank you, so Hubert, if you see this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for being my partner during training, for tirelessly pushing me on during those harsh training days, for spurring me on to reach new heights, for inspiring me to be someone that is more than what i am now. My medals are not only dedicated to reserves, but they are also dedicated to you, because without you, i dont think i would be able to achieve them:')

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Oink. how was Sumund outing?

HIIIII PANDA. it was fantastic!!!!! no mosh pit, only awesome bowling and ice cream :)

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

the question is, do you really 'know' them to begin with?

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

Can i be the only one there? Id rather die alone than have someone i know die with me

Do you remember your first friend?

Haah i think it was my childhood friend! I still find it hilarious that she was younger than me but she could still beat me up (metaphorically)

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

A nelo C1 (or maybe just a gemini) and a bracsa carbon fibre paddle. Yep.

Have you ever thought of running away from home? (just wanna know if im alone)

Well yeah. But if you run away from home there are alot of factors to consider. How are you gonna get your food? Even if you have money, what if it runs out? Where will you find shelter? What if it rains as heavy a how it is raining right now? What then? Where would you sleep? Youre already blessed with a comfortable bed, a shelter above your head, and you want to forgo All of that just for a problem youre facing. I i were you, i would find other ways to solve your problem. Im sure that theres alot more practical solutions to whatever problems you are facing. Neve give up! :)
Liked by: Bennett Nutz


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