

Ask @theycallmesyaz

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What was the last thing you ate?

Rice and asam pedas with stingray! (Sorry mum i still think the asam pedas with stingray from the malay stall number 2 is still better:P)

Wei Jin

ahhh my dear lion. Pardon me if you get bored, because this is going to be a pretty long answer so bear with me.
I think that youre one of the most outgoing, enthusiatic leader in SJI. Youre not afraid to take control of a situation and handle it well. You make sure that the job gets executed, well; ensuring that not a single detail is missed and that it is near perfect. Youre known to be a hardworker and you give your all in anything you do. youre caring, hilarious, loyal and a fantastic friend.
That being said, I see a sense of sadness in you. Im sorry if im wrong, but from the things youre posting i think that something's bothering you? By the looks of it im guessing its the fear of not being accepted. Am i correct?
Wei Jin, what you fail to realise is that everyone has the fear of not being accepted. what we do about it or how we counter that fear is a whole different story. What's worst is that you look down upon yourself and you try so hard to be someone youre not until you fail to see the true you. Im sorry if ive offended you or if im wrong, but in my perspective youre like a lion whos jealous of a bird who can fly. you try so hard to fly but you know deep down inside its impossible. Then again you were destined to be greater. you have a roar like no other. your leadership. do you notice? youre a fantastic leader Wei Jin, you have to realise that. dont let acceptance be a hindrance of who you really are. you can thank Zoey for that story.
Remember, prove your worth. not to others, but to your ownself.

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Liked by: Justyn Oh Mulder Teo

Whats the relationship between YK and Beth? -OT looking for scandals

whatever you have with your crush - nothing and there will never be any relationship. sorry man

For every alphabet, name and describe a friend

A - ammmmmmirrrrruuuuuulllllll - the rager :) haha Amirul stop overreacting and raging at everything! breathe, take a chill pill and relaxxxxxx
B - Bryan Leong - the short squasher who still can't reach the footrest of a Nelo XD one of the most faithful guy i know in both religion and girls ;))) stay awesome Bryan!
C - Chee Wan! - CHEEEZE. one of the most awesomest guy ive met. one of the few brothers i have who is actually willing to listen when i need a listening ear. If youre seeing this, I hope that youll make your own choice well and that youll stick with it and not regret your choice!!
D - Dasuki - the craziest Gaga fan i know. beastly ACSM with the damn cool unicorn badge! master of life sayings that will bring great impacts to your life - "go jer dont scared"
E - Edgar wang - HAHA Edgar. forever bubbly and crazy. the only two things he would ever talk about if youre lucky enough to be rowing/training with him is 1) chio female rowers from other schools and 2) muscular definition. gosh i miss rowing with him..
F - Fabian - just a huge ball of fun. never fails to lighten the mood when hes around. not to mention hes bloody hilarious! (if only he did scream during HP when "the devil will burn" was sang)
G - Gordon - awesome guy. had a great time planning camps with him! hope we can do the Stay awake during the night of PSFTC - runs at 3am - movie watching in the bunk - shower at 6am again soon!
H - Hubert - one word: beast.
I - Ian Chan - crazy charlie, but one of the few people in the team who knows what he wants and is willing to fight for it. good luck for next season!
J - Jerryl Goh - the best captain anyone could ask for. the utmost respect to him.
K - Kai Feng - the panda. enough said :)
L - Liew Zheng Yi - im using his surname cos ive no friends that name begins with L. hes a mugger lah. good luck with your dsa and i hope ill see you wearing AC tank top next year!
M - MUTHU - Matthew Guannnnnnnnnnnn :D forever the brilliant first aider who comes to everyones aid. still cant believe you carry a first aid kit wherever you go
N - Natalie - one of the best mentors i know. brilliant core team member!!
O - Oh Wei Jin - ROAR
P - PARANEEEEEEEEE - wah this guy ah. no words can describe his level of slenderman-ness
Q - quack. ducks are cool. theyre my friends.
R - Russell Kam - gosh. camp was awesome with him around. singing Zaki walked into the showers wherever we go, going crazy all the time, im gonna miss LLTC and the Patricians!
S - Samuel Choy - the boss. im already missing the awesome bus rides we had after trainings
T - Teckyan - this one also. another beast.
U - Uthman - cant sit still, outspoken, hyperactive, but still an awesome guy :)
X - Xian yi - godly ancient mentor. still cant believe he ran at national stadium before!
Y - Yankee - i think reading my previous ans on him will suffice :)
Z - ZOEY - Hamster + Macaron :')

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What was your first mobile phone?

a sony erricson green screen phone that had awesome games inside. haha funfact: ive never changed my number, not once. i stuck with the same handphone number ever since primary school

Name 10 twitter followers you wish to meet

i have the slightest gut feeling that this is either nat or amira. hmmmmmm
generally i guess i have met all of my twitter followers, and those that i havent would be less than 10. so i guess i wanna meet all those that i have not met before?


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