
Lou VD

Ask @valeriepriv

What was your favorite subject in school?

I’m between AP Calculus or Spanish, any class with language or literature.

What's more valuable, brains or beauty?

I feel like I should say brains, but in my hometown if you’re pretty everyone likes you, and you get known around and that gives you extra help if needed

How many eggs did you eat today?

It’s still early, but I didn’t ate any eggs today. I do need to have breakfast.

Who's the one person that makes you laugh all the time?

My best friend and my mother, they both share a weird talent. Even when I’m pissed of as hell, they can still make me laugh

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

Probably I would want to meet Hitler right before the world war and kill him that moment

What is your favourite TV show?

To be honest, I’m a big fan of many TV shows, but I always say Friends

Language: English