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would you date yourself, if you were someone else ??

yunglawd’s Profile Photodessy
Probably not 😂😂… I am too independent and I’m not competitive. Maybe I’m wrong but two independent people just lead separate lives, do they not? I wouldn’t compete for attention. I get bored too easily. I’d rather indulge my time in things I enjoy.
would you date yourself if you were someone else

In most cases, are you someone who gets more attention than they feel comfortable with or less attention than they actually want?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Definitely more than I want or need but I don't lose any sleep over it. Most people become bored very quickly and move on. It seems to be a pattern. One may crave excitement. Until it's found. Familiarity can erode appeal with little effort. Interest rarely lasts for more than a fleeting moment. Human nature.
In most cases are you someone who gets more attention than they feel comfortable

What's the craziest thing you've done just because you were bored?

GoLiBaZz’s Profile Photokittycore ^_^
Making deals with lowly human beings, and granting them their wishes for mere soul. They don't deserve happiness. I'll take them all to the hell. Seeing them in misery is more satisfying.
Haha, i am enjoying the evil vibes. 🤣

I've had nothing but good encounters with the people s a m and s o l a r have problems with i'm sure lots of people on Ask have

Asking yourself anonymous questions then accusing us of enabling anonymous when its actually yourself sending yourself hate 💀 like girl nobody is obsessed with you does my personality really look like i could give you attention 😂 nope cut the bs and stop sending yourself questions its funny how you get certain when you turn on anonymous especially when you're bored

If you could have a hair color that stays in perfect condition for the rest of your life without ever needing a touch-up, would you choose one? Or do you think you’d eventually grow tired of it and prefer the ability to change it, which wouldn’t be possible if you chose the first option?

I always wanted blue hair or for the light blonde to always stay but then again it's nice to change it up every now and then I think I'd eventually get bored

What's the most courageous thing you've ever done?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Story time super hair kidnapped princess.
So once I k!lled the whole marvel universe...
Was it courageous?
Maybe, I don't know.. was it Rapunzel?.
You're only alive because I don't know if you're from marvel universe or DC.. you're from babrie world I guess..
Anyway so yes I think it was courageous because those marvel hero's were too kind to the villains unlike me..
And the villains were stupid and had a soft spot for the hero's. There was a little chemistry and I was bored
Whats the most courageous thing youve ever done
Liked by: Micro. زینب

https://ask.fm/nebelung1717/answers/174810301166 - At least it makes you interesting 😹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSVHoHyErBQ 🤪

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
PL: Owszem, ale jednocześnie mnie samą to momentami męczy.
Czasem sama siebie nie ogarniam...
ADHD czasami utrudnia życie, dla przykładu, kiedy pracujesz w banku i Twoją jedyną pracą jest siedzenie na czterech literach i picie kawki.
Ja wiem, dla wielu osób jest to praca marzeń, ale ja się tam po prostu nudzę, a co więcej wolałabym już chyba pracować w sklepie, gdzie roboty jest mnóstwo i nie ma chwili, żeby usiąść, albo na produkcji z siostrą Chłopaka, niż w tym nudnym jak flaki z olejem banku...
Żeby to jeszcze był bank! XD
To w sumie placówka pracująca dla banku, SKOK, ale nie są bankiem.
Dosłownie szukam nowej pracy, bo w obecnej się po prostu zanudzę.
ENG: Yes, but at the same time it exhausts me at times.
Sometimes I can't handle myself...
ADHD sometimes makes life difficult, for example when you work in a bank and your only job is to sit on your three letters and drink coffee.
I know for many people it's a dream job, but I'm simply bored there, and what is more, I would rather work in a shop, where there's a lot of work and there is no time to sit down, or in production with my Boyfriend's sister, than in this dull as dishwater bank...
If only it were a bank! 🤣
It's actually a branch working for a bank, credit union, but they are not a bank.
I'm literally looking for a new job because I'm simply bored in my current one.

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🏝️⛱️are you a sun, fun, tan beach girl?

Haha, no not in the slightest. I have very pale skin and I don't tan. I'm actually going on a beach holiday next month, and I'm a worried about being too bored. I don't mind sitting in the sun for a little bit, but too much sun just makes me sleepy. Luckily we have a lot of things planned. 🙂
Liked by: C ❀ Metanoia Jo

Why people gossip so much in the work zone especially someone who is basically 40?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
My friend and I used to do that all the time. I did it because I knew she liked gossiping and thought that it would strengthen our bond but I was wrong. It could be that they’re bored at work and are trying to distract themselves. They might have personal problems that they’re trying to avoid dealing with so they gossip to pass time or they might’ve misunderstood you somehow and don’t want to talk to you either so they resort to gossiping.

Learn to spell stupido

Your speeches are on your shoulders!
it’s enough…?!
it’s at first…
and stupido is a face what u see in the mirror!
why u are insulting me …?!
my man read it
and he will not like it
everyone love me
and i so bored answering such ignorant… unpleasant … people…
like u anon.
u are not welcome on my pages!
and tasks about spells so
not on trend…in modern world so bored
so not beautiful…
in such beautiful life …
need to be far away from people like u… and ur lifestyle!
and it’s so boring irrelevant topic for me…right now
but i want world know my opinion about it
and i tell u one thing guys,
last two months i was two times near death…
and of course someone could think
it’s some kind bad people wish me dead … or it’s spells …
or it’s some kind women ( not only one…) wish me bad things …
used spells and other nonsense
but it’s absolutely not true
because when my time will come
any spells …even love will… not save me … i will died
and what is this spells …?!
it’s fear
and scammers ( which call themselves witches and other nonsenses)
try ( but absolutely unlucky)
very well used
fears of people…
and all those stuffs so not… on trend
right now
god… world was changing
i don’t know what u are smoke but u far away
from trends anon
with ur spells
and other nonsense
i was near dead a lot of time before
and every time i saw my grandma
last times
my mom …his mom
it’s just because not my time yet
guys, don’t let any scammers deceive yourself…
it’s just about used ur fears
and if
u just choice to live like this
think that spells save u and
blah… blah… blah…
nothing not save you when it will come…
and it’s about everything
u just weak and fearful
and everything… everyone will save u
till your time will come!
and here someone write me all the time
i save ur life …u …
it’s like u owe me
even if it’s true
and u really invisible save my life
it’s not because…
u have a power… stop deaths or call it
it’s because it’s not my time yet
i absolutely mystery and unreal girl
but i about lucky beauty
and beautiful life…
i want to be happy… i don’t want any stuff like this
i myself all spells !!!
if it calm u
u could use spells… guys
everyone have fears
u could do what calm u
but don’t let scammers use it
and it’s not about someone have power to change something
absolutely not…!
and u must be stay away
from people like that
because it’s absolutely nonsense…
it’s not working it’s about money … it’s not fashionable
lifestyle… and one thing guys
any spell it’s about
trying submission of the person…
and if person is weak it’s
he or she absolutely profit
for that persons which call themselves
witches… mentors …and other nonsense …
it’s just usual wh…s in literally meaning
looking for profit
stay away from people like that
life so beautiful…
need enjoy every second
and don’t bother your head with nonsense
and not to bear the name…”was bread like sucker”
by scammers

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Are you able to enjoy your own company whenever you're alone? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I used to like it, especially four years ago during lockdown because I could finally spend all my time being alone and away from my peers that didn’t seem to like me much anyways. As time went on, I started getting bored and irritated so I’d text my friend who used to live in the US but went back to Turkey. Our friendship came to an end and the group chat that I later was a part of wasn’t active anymore. I now have friends from here but sometimes wish I could have a friend I can regularly see/visit in person. I enjoy my own company when I’m distracted and I’m an introvert at the end of the day so I do like to listen to music, take naps, or read when I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone. These days, being alone is the last thing I want because I’ve pretty much been a loner my whole life.

Why not. I'm bored myself.

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
Well, your answers are the perfect mix of spice and humor. We don't get to see much of that here anymore, and I'm actually surprised how you managed to steer your way among so many preachers ((devils inside)). xD I'd say, keep doing your thing. You're doing great. I'm damn sure many of the Ask people idealize and use your lines on their partners. ;)) 💣
Liked by: Rida SAAD NIAZI. Urwah

Have you ever been mentioned in a shoutout if so what for.

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
Yeah because someone was bored and think calling me whatever will upset me. But it just makes me laugh how pathetic some people can be on here 😂 not had any for a while think he given up. The little brat 🤣

What activity instantly calms you?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
I used to sing all the time when I was happy, sad, mad, bored, empty, really any emotion and it would take me out of whatever funk I was in and I would be in the moment where I was singing. Water is extremely calming to me to the point that it makes me pass out a lot when I take a shower 😂 really though, I've always loved water. If I had the choice every year I would just go to the lake for my birthday like I used to, this is the longest it's ever been that I haven't swam. Pretty much anything artistic is fun I used to really love drawing as well. Now what calms me is listening to music, petting/holding my fur babies, Pizza, and being around my family in general.

Reply with the 'feminine/masculine urge'

The feminine urge to fall on the ground and let out a gut wrenching scream, to play with your loved ones' hair, to make chai for your loved ones, to get ready when you're getting bored, to dance at the sound of any music, to yap, to isolate yourself, to make cards for your people, to cook food for your loved ones, to laugh out loudly, to compliment every sight of beauty.

What do you think our ancestors did when they were bored, before entertainment media such as TV, radio, internet etc. existed

They might’ve read books, did work around the house, talk to their friends, played sports/were physically active, went farming, or listened to live music. Men might’ve went hunting.

Please, pap outfit atm ❤️

Well well well, if it isn't the hypocrite yapping like usual. I was going to keep quiet about this because I really could care less about you and I'm willing to be the villian if it makes u feel better in your head about your lies, but this needs to be said. First off, @syd13kidxo, I thought you moved on? I thought you were living life? I thought you healed? I thought you weren't on here much and didn't keep up with the drama? I thought you were too busy working and lying about losing weight and screwing 50 dudes in the same friend group to care about this lil app? For someone who's 27 this is embarrassing. Imagine being caught red handed lying.
You just had to go on the exposing page and run your mouth eh? What's wrong your booty call of the week wasn't around and you got bored?
I guess it's a good thing the exposing page messed up and accidently answered that. I'm assuming it was meant to stay private🙊 talk about exposing alright 🤣Secondly, this is the last time I'm.addressing this, I see you're still playing this "I pulled away" card, is that what makes you feel like a good person? Lying through your teeth? Lmfao. First off. You did not pull away, you were yapping your big ass gob off in that GC about kaseh up until the day I fucking left that chat, AND I was told afterwards that even after I LEFT YOU were still talking shit about kasey and then started talking shit about me in that chat. So pleaseeeeeee stop this bullshit 🤣 you have been a fake friend, youve lied, you've run exposing pages about kasey in the past, and it's a fucking shame that these Pathetic anons will always believe your crap, because God forbid they ever knew the truth, they'd fucking die. You are a trash friend. Trash human. Trash person which is why you still at the grown age of 27 can't make a relationship work. Because no one wants to be with you, they just want to bang you. If CHANGED.

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Please pap outfit atm

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
At school, I was an excellent student. Studying, in addition to geometry and English, was easy for me.
Studying really did not cause me supernatural work.
It was enough for me to attend lessons and listen to the teacher. All. I only crammed poems. And I quickly remembered them, despite their size.
I am not a diligent student.
But I, for example, did not cheat.
I hated those who lied.
I often had remarks about behavior.
For me running around school and shouting at recess is a sacred thing.
In high school, knowledge was already important to me, its value, not an assessment.
At the university, history repeated itself. Because of the easy perception of information, I got bored.

What was the last thing you wondered about?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Dry on the sidewalk of a broken dream...
Some of it is a mirage and an illusion that must hurt....
The wound of years and weakness bled...
Deceptive mirages and stories rise....
Scattered... lost... lost... defeated...
Like a broken paper boat...
How much pleasure there is in the talk of the pen...
Don't get bored, don't try to lose her...

How to make you text 24/7? 🌚

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
It depends on the energy and the vibes that i feel with this person..if i can text someone 24/7 without being bored ( which is rare ).. that means I'm in the red line with this person and i have feelings because basically I'm introvert person no friends and no much people in my life and i find person to text always it's like a miracle for me and i would tell him the smallest detais in my life and day i would spend much energy and time on this person with feeling pleasured without being tired even if I'm sick or sleepy or tired i text..
In the end i see that i better pay attention to myself and be away..because I'm just putting energy on vain. Disappointment again in my life.

I have found myself obsessing over AI Art on Instagram. Do you think that AI Art sets an unrealistic expectation of beauty standards online?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Haha yes, it is funny, when I am bored, I try various hairstyles in connection with my face there in AI Art 😁👍. Regarding reality, men and women have not other possibility just to meet those who are around them 🤷‍♀️, and not everyone looks like a model 😂😂😂
I have found myself obsessing over AI Art on Instagram Do you think that AI Art

Do you think it's weird that I haven't really made new friends in years? All my friends that I regularly talk to I've known for years. I haven't really made a new friend since like 2020 when my friend was bored during the lockdown and introduced me to her friend, who later became mine too.

I don’t think that’s weird at all. I haven’t made new friends in person for years myself and the friends that I have now (which I don’t have many) are those I’ve known since childhood or ones that I’ve met online. I separated from my friend group when I was a freshman in high school since the friends that I hung out with the year before have moved away and I wasn’t close to anyone from school so I kept to myself. I was more of a recluse when I started going to college due to the pandemic and since I took all online classes, I didn’t meet anyone new. I’m still taking all online classes when I’m able to due to having social anxiety and only have online friends at the moment. Someone I have mutual friends with moved into our neighborhood recently and she’s around my age so maybe we’ll become friends.

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What is your go to food when you’re feeling down

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
Tbh, I never really feel down. I'm not that sort of person. My problem is that I eat when I'm bored, just for something to do, which is a habit I'm trying to break. Mostly by trying not to be bored.
Liked by: shahbaz Jo

What genres of books do you like to read (or listen to if you prefer audio books)?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I’m a huge fan of mystery and thriller books! I tend to prefer stories that keep me on my feet. Or even those that make me wonder or throw me into the story and let me put the pieces of the puzzle together myself. I am honestly rather picky about books, and often get bored of them quickly. 😬 So yeah, I usually stick to those couple genres. Even though, I am truly trying to venture outside of that and explore other genres! ☺️
What genres of books do you like to read or listen to if you prefer audio books

You turned on anon because you want anons. Why can’t you admit that?

i have literally explained that I turned on anon because my inbox was slow. And I'm bored. because of injury.
but since you're already annoying me I'll just turn it back off? Like seriously learn to be less of a creep.

Language: English