

Ask @xyz66922

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are u different from everyone else ??

grandmasterqtipp2’s Profile Photonicholas
🌞😎🤔 last night I was on tic tok and this girl kept referring to herself as a prophet of God or for God!? Or something like that?🤷🏼 And I was thinking today do people that God uses? Well to me God is using everyone & everything in one way or another🤷🏼 but to call or referring yourself as a prophet how would you know!? I mean do prophetic people know? I mean maybe everyone special in which they are if you ask me! Idk? I just don't think prophet's really know or even think they are a prophet? They just get a message and then share it or them! We all are just messengers!? In one way or another! 🤷🏼 So do I think I am different than everyone else? I don't think so? I bleed! I feel! I will die! Just like everyone! Only you & the animals can make me feel different aka loved or different from others!?🤷🏼 I wish I could plug a USB cable and download everything in my brain into yours 😂 or everybody's LoL and then we wouldn't need this stage of life? 😂🤷🏼 Ha! We could all just skip a grade!? LMAO 🤣 🤦🏼🤷🏼 but that would be cheating 🥰 and that's not allowed!🤩⚖️🌎 So funny! I like you Nicholas thanks for being nice🥰 I appreciate it! 💪🍀

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Why would a guy use your full name in a chat room with other people and in private messages, too

🤷🏼 IDK?

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Do you ever feel like someone is hiding their true feelings from you?

😂 No! I just pretend I am oblivious! Cuz I think it would be so awesome for them to be so vulnerable that their heart is beating so hard and I grab them and feel them!?🥰 Energy is everything to me! I need it I crave it💞

Do you struggle to fake it, and make it in this world?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
🤷🏼 never! You know what I can say anything! But if you never meet me you will never know who I am! I don't fake shit! 🤷🏼 I say what I mean and I mean what I say! With me you gotta earn respect to get respect! Good morning have a great day! Maybe we can talk again? 💞👌
Do you struggle to fake it and make it in this world

Do you know what it's like to have a nervous breakdown in front of everyone you know and be so ashamed to even be seen in public ever again and not even be able to trust the people you know care about you anymore? Your whole life changes like that and you don't recognize anything the same again

🤷🏼 if you knew the truth on how close everyone is to just lose there mind you would realize nobody is judging you! Mostly they are thinking that they have to do there best to hold it together so you are not left without them!? So in a way you are giving them strength! They love you👌 If you can recover? Your strength gives them strength! 💞

Do you overestimate or underestimate people?

stormydazex6’s Profile Photostormydazex
🤷🏼🤔 neither? One look at someone and I know exactly what I'm dealing with! But I do wonder why more people can't or don't or won't have the same ability? But basically I plan for the worst & hope for the best!?

Do you watch movies for free on tubi and if not, are there any other apps that you use in order to watch free movies?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Just watch 123

My sister was fond of you. Imu.

😂 do you remember the first time you said that word fond to me!? 😁 If you do what did I say!? If it is really you you will remember!?🤷🏼 It can't be you but I wish more than anything it is!😭🥰

Do you ever want to send someone a message but then think that the message you want to send is lame so you end up going another day without talking to them?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve

Is there another app that is similar to this q&A ? I want to talk to people who will actually use English. I'm really tired of askFM, it's getting to where 98% of everything is in another language.

Milky8889’s Profile PhotoyEET

Do you believe God has a special someone for all of us? I believe there is someone out there just for me. A special someone who will love me even with all my imperfections.

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
🥰 I know the power of the universe and it will or can do anything for those who are grateful!?🥰 The universe love a beautiful love story! After all the universe is made of beautiful love stories!?

If you could afford it and/or also happened to be in the public eye, would you get veneers or crowns? I personally don’t think they’re worth it if your teeth aren’t visibly that bad but I guess “bad” varies from person to person.

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
🤷🏼 I have implants nine of them

Just so you know, anything that I say may just be coincidence so don't think too much about it. Sometimes thoughts just come to you yk

ILoveYouJulieXoxo’s Profile PhotoJulie


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