@zaidwali915#1 🇵🇰

Zaid Wali

Ask @zaidwali915

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Aww that is the best dream its not ridiculous at all . I feel the same you know and its so great to know that people still care and greed and monetary gains have not yet blinded everyone . I think you're really good at heart and pure and truthful person inside out . Stay the same :))

Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. Trust me a lot!
May Allah bless you!
I wish you would untick though 😊
It seems that you have the same views as mine. Work hard for your dreams. And pray a lot too 😊

Have you yourself gone through some kind of pain? because the people who understand the pains and sufferings of others are the most hurt souls themselves . And they know what its like to feel sad and don't want others to feel that way .

Actually no. I haven't gone through any such pain Alhamdulillah.
But Allah has granted me a good conscience. I didn't ever need to awaken it. It just was there. This truly is a blessing. Since childhood I used to cry for people whom I saw in pain. And I'm not lying its true.
We all must understand others and their feelings. We don't really need pain to be sensitive. Some do need it but not all.


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