@zaidwali915#1 🇵🇰

Zaid Wali

Ask @zaidwali915

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Thoughts on love?

Love is a beautiful things. It binds broken hearts, it helps you grow, it helps you live!
Love is what makes us dream, makes us yearn, makes us give our life for someone or something. It's love that connects us to Allah, it's love that brings us together.
A lot can be said about love. If a heart is devoid of this feeling then a person is just a puppet, a lifeless body waiting to get decayed.

why is life so difficult? why is everyone different, why can't we have peace? why are our hearts hollow and mind just cares about succeeding in this life?

Life is a test, a chance to prove ourselves worthy to get higher ranks in Jannah. So it ought to be difficult. Because if it would have been easy then everyone would have got the same scores.
Everyone is different. Why? Tell me which piece of cloth do you prefer? The one with only one colour or the one which is multi coloured? Obviously you'll choose the later. This world is composed of different people for the sake of variety. Otherwise it would have been a dull world. So enjoy meeting different people and gaining different experiences.
We can have peace. How? Be content, be strong, be kind, be close to Allah, be a good Muslim, don't expect people to return your favours and learn to find humourous aspects of everything.
We have hollow hearts because we haven't learnt the art to fill them with light. We fill them with insecurities, doubt, hopelessness and despair. Learn to fill it with hope and happiness.
Yearning to succeed in this world is necessary as well. So it's not wrong. We must succeed in this world to provide comfort to people who deserve it
I hope my answer was enough ☺

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