
Matahari Indonesia

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Latest answers from Matahari Indonesia

Kartun masa kecil yang paling diingat sampe sekarang? selain Doraemon atau Sailormoon.

Karena ada terlalu banyak kartun yang aku suka, aku coba sebutin 5 yang paling aku suka karena sontreknya ya (& most of them hapal di luar kepala) :
1) Cardcaptor Sakura
apal pisan lah sama lagu-lagunya..apalagi yang versi indonesianya, sampe dicatetin di orgie segala liriknya. OST-nya banyak & bagus-bagus semuaa
My fav chara : Tomoyo Daidouji
2) The Powerpuff Girls
"Fighting crime trying to save the world here they come just in tiiime...the poowerpuff girls~~powerpuff! jengjengjengjengjengjeeengjeng"
"Lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-looove...lo-lo-loooove makes the world go round~"
"I'm a super giirl..Yes I'm a punky girl..I neeever say die..no one can't stop me, cause I~ like to fight! Fight!"
My fav chara : Bubbles
3) Dragon Ball
Nah ini bisa karaokean sendiri di depan kaca.
"Bertarunglah dragon baaaalllll..!!!"
My fav chara : Bezita / Vegeta
4) Digimon
Kesel dulu pas awal-awal udah bagus liriknya pake bahasa jepang (udah ngapalin dari animonster) eh terus tau-tau didubbing bahasa indonesia "menjadi kupu yang sehat..!" (wtf? kupu sehat?). Tapi lama-lama enak juga sih lagunya. "APA YANG WOWOWOWOWOOO~~"
My fav chara : Sora Takenouchi
5) Wedding Peach
"..Kudapatkan kusadari keadaan ini~i~i
Anak wanita kan percaya kepada mimpi
Ku 'kan melindungi kebenaran mimpi
dan gemerlapnya wedding ring
Air mata ini menjadi pelangi senyuman bii~dadari~ (2x)" *sesuai ingatan yang samar-samar*
My fav chara : Yuri Tanima / Lily
Gila, ini baru juga 5. Ga sanggup kalo harus nyebutin semua. Bahkan aku belom mention film Disney, ahaha! God, thank you for gave me the most beautiful childhood ever :')
Btw...Power Ranger sama Ksatria Baja Hitam gak termasuk kartun ya.. *hampir ngemention*

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If you had to write a song, what would the lyrics be? And to whom would you dedicate the song? (You didn't have to answer the last question if you wanted to keep it as a secret.)

Actually I've been writing several songs since high school. I wrote those songs for various persons and based on various mood & background story, from ex bf, best friend, frustation, dreams, etc. Even I wrote songlyrics when I bored in high school exam. Too bad I just can sing (with my mediocre voice) and can't play any instruments, so I never published it anywhere.

Language: English