

Ask @B0bduh

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I'm not sure how the Patreon "reward" tiers work -- if one donates $10 per month is the reward given monthly i.e. an ask.fm answer every month? Also, do you get the $5 tier reward as well or just the $10 one?

Yes to the first answer, no to the second. You can just do the third tier with $15 for one month and I'll send it over though, if you want both.

What shows released this year would u consider great gateway anime?

Depends on the audience, but I'd probably go with Death Parade, Blood Blockade Battlefront, and Sound! Euphonium.

Is the main girl from Euphonium really such a great character as people are making out? She seems very much like a generic male MC gender-swapped to be female. She has the same nonchalant subdued attitude which you see in so many high-school MCs. The difference being she's in a serious show.

Yep, she's great. There's a bunch of nuances to her character that I've talked about at length in my weekly reviews, if you're interested.

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Owarimonogatari announced for anime adaptation premiere in October. HOW HYPED ARE YOU?

It's pretty exciting! I knew it was coming, but it's nice to see we'll be getting consistent Monogatari installments for a while. Monogatari might honestly be better-suited to the Hana/Tsuki style of release than the seasonal format (which may have been the only reason we got standout sequences like Hana's gorgeous flashback episodes), but hopefully the production won't suffer here.

"It's actually closer to why we /can/ have nice things." Huh?

Successful shows and gateway shows that draw in new fans are a good thing for the industry.

Been really nice re-visiting Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer through your review, thanks! You should definitely check out some of the manga-ka's other works (although I don't believe any of them are out in English officially).

Glad you're enjoying them! I'll have to do that.
Liked by: Tiago Coutinho

A third season of SAO?! ...*sigh* This is why we can't have nice things. T_T

It's actually closer to why we /can/ have nice things.

When are you going to update your MAL page, Bobduh? Ore-Gairu's been on the watching page for quite a while now.

Er ner

What's your favourite OP so far this season?

Gatchaman Crowds Insight. We're still kinda early, though.

did you watch Hunter X Hunter back when episode one aired, or did you pick it up later? Do you think you as you are now would be compelled to continue it after the first episode?

I think I picked it up near the beginning of the York Shin City arc? Might have been a bit earlier.
And yeah, definitely. I actually think I really like HxH's sort of thing when it's done extremely well, I just rarely find that to be the case.

How would you go about arguing with someone who responds to the Fire Emblem thing with "It's not actually homophobic because [convoluted plot reasons that still don't remove the gay away potion or context], sjws are just overreacting." I keep seeing that and banging my head against things.

I wouldn't. That entire conversation sounds like a recipe for frustration.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Just got back from bookstore closing with -90% sales, bought nothing. How do I start reading books? Every time I force myself to finish one, the only worthless impressions coming out of me is "Wow, that's high literature for you! It isn't famous for nothing!".

Maybe try reading other kinds of books? No one's obligated to read a specific genre, and not many people just start off reading dense literature - the important thing is you enjoy what you're reading. Maybe try something lighter, or more similar to stories that you've enjoyed in other mediums.

What did you think of the Director's Cut ending for Gatchaman S1?

It wasn't graceful, but it conveyed the information the show needed to convey. I'd figured it was actually the MESS that had enabled Hajime to absorb Katze, but apparently she just did it herself!

do you still want to play fire emblem fates?

Yep! I can understand why that might put other people off entirely, but I'd still like to play the game personally.

Anything to say on the Fire Emblem Fates disaster?

Seems like a really, really shitty plotline that 100% plays into absolutely garbage attitudes about sexuality and identity.

You are fond of Sword Art? That is some 1984 I love Big Brother stuff right there

I'm pretty sure I've been saying the same thing since halfway through the first season.

Hey do you understand what the colors and shapes of the speech bubbles in Gatchaman represent? I know that the bubbles represent the feelings/mood of the person but the particular details.

The colors aren't clear, although the fact that both Hajime and Tsubasa's great-grandfather maintain their implacable gray throughout is likely reflective of how neither of them are terribly influenced by the feelings of others, and are very secure in their emotions. The shapes so far are very clear - there have only been two, with rounded representing comfort and spiky edges representing tension/unease.

There will be a third season (and probably more) of Sword Art Online. How does this knowledge make you feel?

Eh. I was expecting it. I'll probably even volunteer to streaming review it. I've gotten pretty fond of the show by now, it seems like a waste to stop watching it here.
The MST3K guys say they actually love the films they riff on. They are not lying.

So which new shows do you think you might stick with so far?

Gatchaman, Classroom Crisis, Rokka, and GANGSTA, I think. But second episodes will probably be the real test.

What's your take on the newest Reddit scandal?

I'm not really invested in reddit or that knowledgeable of the variables involved. If what people are mad about is transparency, I can understand the frustration, though that still runs into awkward issues of how people essentially feel entitled to some sort of control of reddit itself. I'm not really sure what the solution is there, because most companies don't require the support of a bunch of freelance and potentially sabotage-minded volunteers to maintain normal operations.
But I don't think this would be exploding if it weren't building off other stuff, like the banning of various awful subreddits, and that anger I'm far less sympathetic towards. The dark corners of the internet only work because they're the dark corners of the internet - a big company like reddit has no obligation to host your hate group, and plenty of good reasons not to.

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