

Ask @B0bduh

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Have you played/do you intend to play Everybody's Gone to the Rapture?

Yeah, definitely. I enjoyed Dear Esther, so I'll surely check it out at some point.

Do you think the Archer/Shirou fight has clouded your judgment of UBW S2 as a whole? I followed your week in reviews and you definitely liked Illya's arc, Lancer's introduction, Gilgamesh being an asshole, the epilogue, etc.

There were definitely things I liked in the season, and I pretty much always took care to mention these in the week in reviews, but my problem wasn't just the Archer/Shirou fight. I had significant issues with the storytelling basically all season long, their fight was just a particularly egregious example.

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What did you think of the Hugo awards? Does it ever concern you when people like that are so delusional they'll take an utter defeat as a victory?

It's just another manifestation of the reactionary anger we're seeing all over hobbyist circles. The advent of more inclusive media, criticism, and cultural dialogue seems to these people to basically signal the end of their world, and you often don't react gracefully when you feel your world is dying.

Speaking of which, is it possible to have an objectively wrong interpretation? I know Death of the Author and all that, but when one claims that every line a character says in, say Naruto, is a subtle metaphor for peak oil and then complaining about that, it seems to me that would be a wrong interpr

I just don't really tend to think of stuff like this in terms of objectivity. It's more like "oh, that's your read of the series? Cool, what within the show leads you to think that way?" Due to the way authors and cultures and viewers and texts interact, there's always a number of things you can draw out of a work (you can say it's reflective of this authorial obsession, or is most interesting in light of this aesthetic choice, or is centered on this thematic concern, etc etc) - you just have to "show your work" if you want your read to be meaningful to anyone else.

Not to be rude but you've "attacked" people for liking a show lots of times, you just phrase it more gracefully than "lol shit taste". I would link but ask fm and twitter have no search functions.

You mean I've gone up to people online and specifically told them they were wrong or bad for liking something? I hope not, but that may have happened, and it's a crappy thing to do.
If you instead mean I've criticized a show in a general way, or talked about an attitude I associate with a show in a negative light, well then yeah. I'm a critic. But I don't consider that "attacking" anyone.
Liked by: Zjan Carlo Turla

You ever watch Space Dandy?

I've watched maybe twelve or so scattered episodes. I really should watch the rest of that series.

How will you decide in what order Euphonium, Oregairu, and Shirobako appear on your top anime list (since it seems like a safe bet they'll be top 3)? Duel to the death? Oracle bones? BD sales? Number of angry ask.fm rants each inspired?

Pretty sure Oregairu and Shirobako are already on the list. Not sure where Euphonium's gonna go.

Do you think that Insight has surpassed the first season?

Gatchaman Crowds is a conversation. The first season ended the conversation at a specific idea, and Insight has continued the conversation by challenging that idea. So far I'd say Insight has been more fully realized in the way it incorporates its diverse set of characters into the conversation, meaning it's likely surpassed the first season according to most conventional storytelling metrics, but it's kind of tricky to evaluate a show that's basically just about articulating a social/emotional thought experiment as "better/worse than" the first part of that dialogue.
But yeah, I think Insight has so far been "better" than the first season. Pushing these ideas forward has resulted in a lot of compelling texture, and the overall cast has a lot more to do this season, with basically all their perspectives being relevant, as opposed to just Hajime/Rui/Katze. This has been an excellent season of Gatchaman so far.

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How would you differentiate between an immature, mean-spirited worldview against a truly dangerous one?

Seele000’s Profile Photo生霊先生
Calling a worldview "dangerous" is a pretty dramatic action. A statement like that would definitely require more context than a general rule of thumb.

To whom would you recommend Kill la Kill? Like, would you give it a broad, generally positive recommendation?

Nope, but I'd maybe recommend it to people looking for wacky action shows?
Recommendations are a tricky thing. Like, I don't think KLK is a good show, but it is popular, so I guess I gotta consider it might be enjoyable to people who like its genre?

For whats worth from a fellow from r/fatestaynight i think your reviews are accurate but u should prob consider using less agressive adjetives , just so you dont get all the hatred

Eh, I'll take a bit more negative feedback over censoring reviews to avoid angering superfans. That's a pretty bad road to go down.

I feel like the conclusion you reach in that Monogatari essay - that the only way to be truly happy is to engage with the world no matter how it may hurt you- is pretty common in anime. Would you agree that Evangelion has the same theme, especially when it comes to Shinji and his hedgehogs' dilemma?

Yep! It is definitely a common theme in anime. I WONDER WHY.

Why do people hate Nadeko so much? I always thought she was an interesting character with some not-so-easy-to-understand personality traits (at least in second season). What do you think about her?

I'm guessing people dislike her because she's not classically likable. Many people tend to gravitate towards characters they either imagine themselves as, would like to be friends with, or would want to date, and so an abrasive, deeply flawed person like Nadeko is "bad."
Personally, I think she's a great character, one of the series' best. I've written on her story at length a couple times:

Do you know any good books that involve switching between POVs throughout the story?

That's a really common trick, so I'll just mention a couple that I think do something particularly effective with it: The Prestige and If On A Winter's Night A Traveler.
/My/ book also does this, incidentally, but I'm probably not the person to speak to that one's quality.
Liked by: Daniel

How much did you play of Grisaia no Kajitsu?

One full route (Makina's), and then a little distance into three of the others.

I assume you're watching the currently airing Symphogear; is it completely separate from the others?

Nope, I'm watching the first season.

do you think there's a distinction between "Your favourite anime is shit" and "ur favourite anime is shit"?

Not really. I imagine the second one might be used as a joke among friends, but it's also used by 4chan people to basically add a note of "don't take it so seriously, y u mad" as a defense mechanism against criticism of their statements or tone.


Language: English