

Ask @B0bduh

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If you had to MAL score FMA right now, what would it be?

That's kind of difficult, because it's baiting various threads it hasn't resolved yet, but at the moment, I guess 7?

Sorry, I think my last question got cut off. Anyway, I wanted to know why Monogatari seems to be so highly regarded on Reddit, but is very controversial on twitter. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a criticism of Monogatari on Reddit. This is from someone who's only seen Kaiki's arc of the show

Because reddit's ridiculously homogenous (basically a teenage boys' club), and twitter's significantly more diverse in both makeup and opinions.

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Favorite books as a high schooler?

Vonnegut stuff, Catch 22, Ender's Game stuff, Sandman, various other stuff I can't remember.

Without spoilers, how did you feel about the Game of Thrones S4 finale?

Real good. The show in general is real good. They're significantly improving on the source material.

Oh god, Glasslip just seems like another copy of Nagi Asu... thoughts?

From the two episodes I saw, it seems more ambitious but less competent than NagiAsu. Eh.

Should I watch the Directors cut of episodes 21-24 of NGE or should I just stick with the original episodes?

Director's cut. They just add a little content, you don't lose anything.

Is it possible for a character to be unlikeable but still solid and well written?

Namhur’s Profile PhotoNamhur
Very easily! Gendo's well-written, but that doesn't make him less of an asshole. People don't have to be likeable for their choices to come from an understandable human place.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

What's your opinion on stealing the animes?

That it's stealing. Not much else to it. It's impossible to stop, though - we now live in a world where pretty much all media has to compete with "free," and various industries and creators are all working on their own solutions to that.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Hi Bobduh. What did you think of Bakuman?

An okay shounen. Weakened by the fact that its writer doesn't fully understand how shounens work (which hurts it both in its own conflicts and its attempted exploration of in-universe manga, something I'd normally find fascinating), as well as the fact that the misogyny which pervades Death Note just goes totally crazy in Bakuman.

What do you think of kinetic novels (VNs without the decision-making)?

I don't really have any inherent thoughts on the medium. I played Narcissu, it was pretty good.

Do you still jam with your band?

Not really, unfortunately. It's a shame. I had some songs I was really proud of that I'd like for us to have put together.


Glad to hear it! I hope you continue to enjoy the work.

I've recently started Hunter x Hunter and I'm about to finish the Heaven's Arena arc. I'm curious how you think the first two arcs compare to the rest of the series. So far I'm enjoying the show a lot and I know you rate it very highly so I'm curious things go from here.

I believe you're about to reach Yorknew City, which I consider the series' first "peak arc." I find pretty much all of HxH tremendously enjoyable as pure entertainment, but personally I think Yorknew is the first to elevate the overall series, and then Chimera Ant just demolishes the shounen genre altogether. Between the two of them is Greed Island, which I'd consider one of the series' lesser arcs, but still very entertaining.

Any thoughts about FMA episode 13? (if you remember it)

Not a particularly compelling episode. It was largely focused on a shounen fight that really didn't have any purpose and wasn't exciting for its own sake. If FMA wants to work as pure action entertainment, it'll have to level up its direction and animation.

you should write something! like a short story or summat. I really like it when your writing is droll

Oh man, I have a pretty friggin' droll short story. Maybe I'll dust it off for the blog at some point, I've been meaning to put some short fiction up.

Would you ever wear any anime-related clothing?

I've actually got a Toradora t-shirt that's just the logo (the simplified characters in circles) against a blue background. It's nice.


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