

Ask @B0bduh

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Could Shiroe from Log Horizon kick Kirito from SAO ass ?

Depends on whether Kirito's magnetism and invincibility are self-generated or based on the world he's in.

Why wasnt utena more popular back then? was it because it was "revolutionary"? or do you feel the common mentality about gender was way more restricted back then?

Was it /un/popular? Is there some way of checking that? It certainly seems to have pretty /enduring/ popularity, and also crops up in a variety of other shows.

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Is Space Dandy worth watching?

If you're really into animation for its own sake or western-style Looney Tunes/raunchy humor, yes. Otherwise probably not, outside of maybe a few highlight episodes.

Is the ecchi in Monogatari necessary to articulating Araragi's character?

It does a lot of things, including that. Monogatari is about sexuality, cinematic perspective/visual storytelling, and anime narratives as much as it is about its specific characters as people.

who is the best Evangelion girl ? and what do you think of Mari ?

Asuka's probably the best character of them. And unless 4.44 does something remarkably crafty with Mari, I'll assume she was just a marketing gimmick.

Any plans on writing about video games?

AND HOW MUCH I HATE ALL OF THEM HUAGHLGAGH yeah maybe! I wrote a few extremely rambling videogame essays a few years back, and don't have as many sharp opinions about the art form (or in general, I guess) as I did back then, but wouldn't mind writing about a specific game, or maybe about some trends or something. I don't have any specific plans, but it's one of several things I could write about if I found a topic I want to cover.

what was the last time you recall checking out an anime dubbed? how was it?

Space Dandy. It was a very good dub.

How far are you in Fullmetal Alchemist?

Thirteen episodes, though I'm likely gonna switch back and try to catch up on HxH for a bit. I was stalled on HxH because I felt obligated to think in terms of writing some final post on Chimera Ant, but I'm just not gonna think about that and see what happens instead. Maybe a post will happen, but I don't want to be worrying about that instead of just watching the show.

How large is the gap between each of your top 5 anime?

There isn't really much of one beyond Eva and Madoka being my very clear #1 and #2. I'm also likely going to knock Utena up to #3, I seem to think about and appreciate it more every day.

How old were you when you started reviewing? I'm a young reviewer and I'm working on my first youtube video. Any tips or comments on youtube reviews?

I started after college, which I guess in the internet age makes me old. I don't really know anything about youtube reviews, so I can't help you that much, but I'd say the central thing that defines video reviews is performance/personality, so make sure you enjoy performing if you're going to follow that route!

What figure do you want?

Post-Tiger Hanekawa, but it doesn't exist yet. Hopefully a nice one comes out eventually :(

do you own any anime merch?

Some wall scrolls and a bunch of dvds/blurays. I want to get a figure, but the right one hasn't come out yet.

What do you think of Pro Wrestling, generally speaking?

I have pretty much no thoughts about it, though seeing people talk about it on my feed is entertaining.

Bobduh senpai I'm an avid fan and I have been for over a year now and I've been loyal to your opinion for the longest time even if I didnt shared the same one. It would mean the world to me if you just gave Akame Ga Kill the 3 episode test instead of dropping it straight out. pleasepleasepleasepleas

I would not advise being "loyal to my opinion," though I'm sure that's not what you meant!
And I'm sorry, but honestly, I really did dislike that first episode - I didn't like anything in the first half, and I found the second half actively unpleasant to watch. It's not my kind of thing.

If you were to rate the Rebuilds apart from the Evangelions, would they still be in your top 30? About where would they be?

They wouldn't be.

¸Got into The Mountains Goats recently and I'm wondering whats there top 5 albums to you to ease me into their music?

My top five wouldn't necessarily be their most "accessible" (for that, I'd say maybe Transcendental Youth and Heretic Pride), but...
1. All Hail West Texas
2. Tallahassee
3. The Sunset Tree
4. Transcendental Youth
5. We Shall All Be Healed

Do you feel like the mc becoming a ghoul in Tokyo ghoul will lead to interesting explorations of humanity? Or act as an avenue into schlocky b movie horror?

forealest’s Profile PhotoForest Yang
The dialogue in the first episode was super hammy, so I'm leaning towards the second one, but people seem to like the source material more than that, so I'm not gonna make any judgment calls.


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