

Ask @Mitthesmartys

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if i said to you i dont know how i feel about you all i know is that i want you in my life how would you interpret that??

Hahaha. that's contradiction, man. How can someone don't know how he/she feel towards a person and yet, want him/her. That is possession. Hahah.

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Describe ME

Xavier Tan
this guy, Xavier. He is an easy target to get teased. I heard that when he drunk, he spout more than just nonsense and he did a lot of foolish stuff as well. The guy that has two crushes at once. Two words for him; play boy. Hahah. Kidding. He is friendly but a little shy luh.
Liked by: Xavier Tan

Describe Claren! Hahahah

Oi! He is a devil! I was about to turn my phone away and go to bed. tsk tsk. Hahah.
He is cool and seems to be aloof. I saw him before during ltc but I don't know he was in the snowroaches and flabby group chat until fmo meeting. you have a nice dressing there, you look good with beanie.
Another friend whom I want to befriend with, during fmo meeting.
Because he seems to be fun to hang out with. After knowing him, he is clarbecca's and also known as CLARA instead of CLAREN.
hmm... other than we talked in our whatsapp group chats, marilyn and I teased him and literally forced him to spill his secret out. HAHAH. He is dumb, because he revealed his "open" secret after he made us to promise him not to tell anyone. on that same day somemore. Hahah. He has a huge chest to hug. (for those who eye candy this guy, don't be jealous okays. it was a bro's goodbye hug) he is surprisingly buff, I thought he covered with fats. HAHA. Kidding!
hope to see you around in school and hang out more often! ^^

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Describe describe!

Jermaine ☻
Jermaine! hahaha.
Okays, practically I heard your name during camp impact and oh... I know you indirectly because of tyler (Hong wei) and company.
always wanting to befriend with you, because you seems to be a nice guy friend. ^^
I don't really talk to you, other then those hi and bye. so, i dont really know you. HAHAH. A buff guy, don't get too buff. or else, you will become not proportionate. hehe~ you seems to be shy and socially awkward with people who don't know you like me. Hahaha.
but you are friendly when you talk to your friends and joke around with them. ^^
anyway, hope to know you more and see you around in school! ^^


PHYLLIS! There you are! HAHAH.
Initially, I don't really know you. I heard your name but I don't know your face. (that was after camp impact.)
after which, I heard your name again from amelia, trina, and a lot of people. and I still don't know you, thou you left a good impression in me. Because everyone complimented you and it makes me want to know you in person and befriend with you.
During ltc, that's when I started to approach you and get cozy with you. Do you still remember the photo we took together? I think that was the time we started to text one another and fool around.
However, we don't really talk much in reality. The only moment we started to hang around and talk really a lot was with jun hane, zoshua, roger and delon. that was the only and yet precious moment I would cherish! and that time when we went work together after work! hopefully, more to come by! ^×^ hehe~
okays, now with description! she is really a down to earth and friendly person. She is my lesbian partner whom I would like her to grow her balls big for me to punch and grasp. HAHAH. usually, I don't compliment a person beautiful. but she is, not that I am trying to butter up her or whatsoever. If you know her, she has an attractive yet funny personality and nice pretty face, which fits the whole idea of beautiful. she is funny and manly! I don't know how to explain! but if you notice yourself talking to guys, you are really like a shemale. A super damn joke shemale I ever seen!
I don't really know you deep, like real deep! but still, I am looking forward to every moment to discover you more! and good enough to know you are my lesbian king who has tons of concubines in her bed! soon, I will be her queen! ;) hehe~ love you more more! fili! ♡♡♡

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You have just been dared to post a selfie now. :D Dont cheat by selecting one from your photo gallery.

Whose dare? HAHAH. pretty?? HAHAAH

Sam, don't be bothered by haters, know that you have more lovers than haters ;)

Aww.... thank you! You are so sweet! Thank you for letting me know that there are lovers who adore me. ♡♡

keep it that way girl, dgaf to haters :)

Thank you, girl/boy. Haha. they just don't know me well enough. All I can say this is a judgemental society where people are bound to dislike one another. ;)

WTF HATERS NEEDA CALM THEIR MOTHAFUGGING TITS DOWN. Freshie, too fresh alr is it? sam ignore these pricks.

HAHAHA. Maybe they are not freshies, maybe they are ogls like us. oh well... they don't know me well enough to judge me based on my attitude during fmo. HAHAH. still, I am apologetic and happy to know that there are people who notice sam sam. HAHAHA.


Kah Poh
kapok! okays, that's a weird yet cool name! I don't know you well enough to describe you. someone whom I cannot recognize in the street, although you are in snowroaches flabby group chat.
you have a soft spoken voice which misled me into thinking you as a gay. but you are straight, I'm pretty confirmed about that. Haha. and you are someone who is nice to talk with.
oh and you are friendly and seems to be one of the Mr pops group. ^^

describe unicorn chinggggg!

Jazlyn Ching Wen Han
You! I know you very recently during fmo meeting and sentosa trip. You have an adorable personality, though you are short but you are strong man! Hahah!
you are crazy, like gaga during fmo! which reminds me of my old self. HAHAHA. fun to hang out with, nice to talk with and you look good with your short Bob! somehow, it shows your outstanding personality.
though I don't really know you well, but I feel that you are one of the happy pills in aeolus and that we can click and hang around long! ^^

You are hated by many people I supposed

Oh well, I am sorry then. No big deal. But I do have to apologize to those whom I had offended unintentionally during fmo due to my mood swing. but for you, sorry idgaf. ^^

are you that ogl that looked like you weren't wearing any pants during orientation??

I supposed you are talking about me. Yeah, but I was wearing a pair of shorts that was covered by my huge shirt.


becca! she is my queen b! hahaha!
I noticed you ever since last year. I mean because you are hanging around with Esther and that you are a friend of my classmate. and one more, you resemble my cousin which makes me feel like to cuddle you.
I always wanted to know you and cuddle you, but I don't dare because of your face.
You have a big boobs and butt! you look pretty and super friendly! (above all, are before I get to know you in person.)
when I know you through eteam, ltc (not sure if you had attended) and lastly fmo, you are crazy and friendly. someone whom I can rest assured, stay calm and not awkward around. You are super duper friendly and likeable. oh, I think i did not tell you this...sometimes you act like your age and there are times when you don't. which is cool and fun to discover.
I don't really know you in deep enough to describe your real personality/character. but hey, you are mysterious, friendly, funny and a girl who has god knows how many crushes plus eye candies she has. and up to date, she has 75 eye candies?
50 words are not enough to describe you, because I can type a long essay. you are somebody whom I am looking forward to discover all of your personality trails. ♡♡ love to my queen b.

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theo! hmm...
Initially, he looked very quiet and old. but when I saw him talking to his friend, he is noisy, childish and still, old. hahaha.
However, he is indeed noisy and kind (helpful). He is someone who brings aeolus ogls together. somebody who will get upset when I joked around with him about visiting my funeral at nyp.
oh, he surprised me at club crawl with his goddamn serious facial expression when he did that kick boxing stuff.
words cannot describe you, sorry boss. you are kind, friendly, old and childish. hahaha!

Not bad ah.. Good for you. :D hope you can be cheerful everyday then. :-) jiayou with all your projects, presentations and making of finger food? :P happy cny in advance. Peace out! :-D

Thanks. happy new year to you as well. Have a great day ahead.;))

Haha. Sometimes I just feel it's hard to be happy on your own eh. You gotta be with like your friends or your partner, doing things tgt to be happy.

Kind of easy for me? you just think of happy memories or just fake happy. happy is contagious.


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