

Ask @Mitthesmartys

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Hey there! :-) do you like to lead a life which is very consistent or an unpredictable life?

no idea. both? at least there has to be one thing that is consistent, family.

Sup! :-) Ooh, interesting, so you like cookies eh. Hahahaha. :D do you have any retirement plans?

yeap. I like cookies. nope, I haven't think that far yet.

Yo! :) when you eat your meals, do you eat the meat last or the rice last?

I have no idea. I didn't notice my eating habit. sometimes, I just replace my meal with my favourite cookies and starbucks drinks.

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Hi! :D thank you, am feeling much better now! Is there anything that you regret doing/ not doing?

of course, I did. I have tons of things I have regretted for not doing. but i guess I have to move on. which is why I'm trying to accomplish everything and cherish every single day for now.

What do you mean you can't see them? It's so perky and firm omg I like

- I am speechless- get a room, find some girls that are more open-minded.

Hi... :) sorry! Was not able to ask you questions for the past two days as I was really sick and had to stay in bed the whole day. Awesome dp! :-) do you forgive people easily?

take care and drink more water. I guess you ought to depend on which situation.

Hello! ^^ in general, how good do you think is your memory?

I'm really bad at remembering names, especially my kids' names (I do voluntary work as a Facil in tinkle camp). I'm good at looking at faces and remember things I love.

Hello there. :-) hmmm. Being blunt in social media is not a good thing eh, must be careful! Hahaha. How ironic, seeing that I'm here asking you lots an lots of questions. Well, Faourite cafés?

hahah. yeah, it's not good to be blunt in both social media and reality. I don't have any preference with cafes. But I always have a soft spot for starbucks.

Yoyo! :D do you like any cartoons?

cartoon characters? I have no idea. I enjoy watching all cartoons. but I have a soft spot for adams family.

Aloha!!!! waaaaa. But I don't know you personally man! :( will it be okay for you to reveal it here? ;)

obviously no. but I'm rather blunt both in social media and real life.

Yo! :) wa! So many speeches de uh! You seem like a confident woman, I'm sure you can excel in your speech! All the best! :-) what's your childhood ambition?

that's the cons of poly life, I guess. I'm flattered, but I'm not really confident in reality. childhood dream? it's always been the same if you know me personally. =)

Good morning! ^^ huh! Why don't you see yourself getting a boyfriend down the years leh?

I'm not sure. I got the feeling I will not have one.

Hiiiii! :-) huh really uh? :( I'm so sorry. Anyway. I wanted to ask you in terms of prospect in things but since you mentioned with your future boyfriend, I'm more interested in that.

In terms of prospects, I think I might see things differently. As in, I'll get wiser and childish. I don't see myself having a boyfriend down the years.

Morning!! :D oh erm. What do you see yourself 10 years down the road?

you mean how do I see myself in 10 years in terms of looks? career? prospect in things? or with my future boyfriend?

Hello :- do you believe in karma?

hey. I answered that question before. yes, I do believe in that. but not for paranormal activities or gods.

Good afternoon! :-) Wow! You look good in your new dp! How do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Thank you for your compliments. and I don't get your question.

Ello! :D what do you think happens after one die?

I don't know. probably, they reunite with their loved ones? or they reincarnate to their after life?

Yo! :) yea eh, that's quite a good theory about the eq and iq, nvr thought about it this way! Hahaha. Anyway, if you could be immortal living your perfect lifestyle, would you want it?

wassup! erm....obviously I would want it. like I mentioned before, I'm not always satisfied with my life. And always pursue stuffs or rather lifestyle that are ridiculously perfect.

Happy deepavali! :) which is more important to have, higher iq or eq?

I think both are equally important. however, I find that iq is more important than eq, for girls especially. because low eq means guys can take good care of girls. (my theory)

Morning beautiful! :-) if you could go to either the past or future, which would it be?

future. I am more looking forward to my future than my past.

Happy Halloween! :D approach you? But I'm in army and can only spare time during the weekends! I would have totally no idea where you would be then... :'( will you ever put a tattoo?

of course. if I can, I really want to have a small tattoo on my underarm. and yeah, you can come to my school.

Helloa! :-) what's your favourite bubble tea drink?

I don't like too sweet drink. Probably just milk tea? or caramel milk tea? eh....if you want to know me more, how about approaching me? ^^ I'm very friendly.


Language: English