

Ask @Mitthesmartys

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Hello! :D what's probably the best news you can hear right now?

I guess money drop from the sky? hahah. I don't really know. ;)

Heyyo! :') is there such a thing as happy ever after?

nope. I don't believe in happily ever after. because that's really dumb and happy is only meant for moments. if you stay happy all day long; you get bored easily and eventually you get really frustrated. ;)

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你好!:D do you agree that having two-faced is important to survive this society?

hen hao! I mean your question. I guess so. but I won't consider it as two-faced because you are judging that person negatively. I would say some people see things and treat things/people differently. be it the way they act in front of person A, is different from acting in front of person B. After all, no one give a shit whether or not. because they want to be treated good and differently. it's a way of people being self-center. and that include me, as well.
Liked by: Bec Tan

Heyyy! xD awesome dp! You look super cool in it hahaha. Sorry man, I forgot the time and it's past twelve! :( anyway so will you want to have the chance to meet someone that you already know all over again?

thanks! I would like to meet that someone who I already know and wanted to meet him/her again. ;)

Heyyyyy. :) *hugs* here's a hug!! Hope it didn't came too late! :( what do you think of NS?

aww...it's too late. but the thought is counted. ns? hmmm....guys are pretty horny? hahah. that's a joke. but I guess it's an important stage people(guys and girls) have to go through. everyone need to grow up, be mature. Become more responsible, give more trust their girlfriend and a good pillar of support for girls? whereas, girls...girls have to be independent and stop sticking with their boyfriend.

Hello there Sammy! :-) if given a chance to start afresh new life, (lose all old friends and families and start making new ones) would you want to?

yeap. Definitely. I wasn't sure if I could maintain friendship with new people. but there's one thing I'm pretty sure, I want to improve and be constantly learning something new.

Ohaiyo! ^^ not true tho, when you're famous you kinda lose your freedom I feel. Everywhere you go ppl will be ever ready to judge and comment about you. :( what's your thought on a long distance relationship?

long distance relationship? I haven't had a boyfriend. I can't think about long distance relationship. but I guess it's good? it give us some personal space and not restricting one another?

Hello. (: if you could choose, would you want to be famous?

yes. Definitely. I mean who doesn't want to be famous?

Anyway if you could be an electrical device, appliance or gadget, what would it be?

ain't sure about gadgets. I'm not I.t savvy.

Heyy! ^^ I remember you said when you're down you like to listen to some music and watch some funny shows.. Maybe you can try to do that to cheer up? :) as much as I want to cheer you up personally, I have no idea how over social media.. :( nobody deserves to be alone.

I don't really have time for comedy. but thank you. It's the thought that counts. =)

Heylo. xD will you want to live a kampong life?

nope. not at all. I'm a city person. and of course, I enjoy to stay at countryside villages for a holiday. but long term, nope.

Yoyo! :-)) it seems that family plays a very important part in your life eh. :D if there's a chance, would you rather be the breadwinner or stay at home and look after your children?

I prefer working, rather than staying at home. It's kind of bore me easily.

Hi! :-D besides going to the movies alone, where else do you go when you're alone?

shopping alone, dating with my books in starbucks, eat alone in the public, go toilet alone, gym alone, take a long bus ride alone, home alone. what else? Hahaha

Yo! :-) would you choose career over family?

both. I love to work but I also love to spend quality time with my family.

Hi. :) I understand, but sigh. Who would look into the mirror and agree that they're handsome/pretty enough? So just keep up your lovely smile eh. ^^ do you believe in love at first sight?

thanks. I will keeo up with my smile. nope. used to believe.

Hiiiii!! :D do cheer up ya? You're definitely not ugly! What's your favourite colour eh?

that's what you think of me. but that's what I find myself as and i really do think I am ugly. and yeap, I guess black, white and grey. I prefer simple colors but fond of bold colors.

Aloha!!!! ^^ do you like short hair?

of course. I have a thing for short hair, especially bob hair. I think it's cute. but I couldn't do that, as I don't suit short hair.

Helloooo! :D what's your favourite fruit?

mango? I barely eat fruits. because I hate to peel or wash the fruits and cut them into slices. so yeah, but mango...I just have a soft spot for it.

Hey yo! :-) do you think Singaporeans are helpful in general?

in general? no idea. I am not them, I can't tell so and so is helpful or not.

Wassupsammy! ^^ what are you working as currently?

ssup! I am working as a waitress (I guess so) in lady m (a pastry shop at city hall).


Language: English