

Ask @Mitthesmartys

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Happy Friday! :D jiayou, Korean is like so hard. What's the 1st thing you would do with the money if you won 10 million?

yeah, it's kind of hard to learn korean language. I think I would travel around the world.

Hello! :) Hahaha. I was bored and you seem to be learning Korean! What's one socitey norm in singapoee that you would like to change?

yeap. I'm currently learning korean language. erm....I have no idea.

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안녕하세요! :-) complete the sentence, if I had a dollar every time I think of you, I would _________.

안녕하세요. 왜? I would rather save it and donate to charity or give yourself a treat.

Yo! ^.^ haha, nope, doubt we have any mutual friends.. :( what do you do in your free time everyday? - s

listen to music, watch videos and read books?

Morning! (:, nope! He's still in MI. so can we be anon friends leh? Haha. -s

oh ...sure. I thought that friend might be someone I know in mi. looks like he/she is not.

Yea I'm from serangoon jc. Through a friend in MI. forgive me, but I'm not gonna say who in exactly so as to remain anonymous! :), :(?

I think I know? is it through a guy friend previously from mi but now in nafa? hmm...okays.

Nope, Srjc. It's my friend's friend to be exact, kacheeek. Sigh. I'm such a stalker lols. Sorry. :(

keqi?!?! how do you know keqi?!?!? srjc??

Nope, you do not know me. I don't know you too, just happen to saw your twitter on my friend timeline and tada~ i graduated from a jc, am in NS now. :)

from yjc?? hmm... who is your friend?

Heylo! ;-) I realise this is a bit unfair, you can ask me a question everyday too if you want but no names k, let me continue to be anon. :-) if you found a magic lamp, what three wishes will you make? Cannot be greedy. -s

alrighty. do I know you? how do you get to know me? are you in jc or poly?

早安!:D Haha. I love cats. What will you choose? Happiness or money?

all animals are cute. I have no idea, I'm a greedy person though.

Good morning! ^.^ it's Friday! You seem to like animals, but which is your favourite?

Ohayo! I don't really like them. in fact, I am afraid of animals. they look really pitiful and cute though. to be precise, zebras are my favourite.

Hi! :-) you are beautiful. Remember that! What's your biggest motivation now? - s

thanks. motivation?!? I don't have one currently.

Heys. •~• how do you go through a heart break? :( my ex left me for another guy and she's like so in love right now, in jealous... - s

I don't know, I guess you just move on as time passed. you don't need to feel jealous, just stay true and be happy with your own life.

Thank you. You are so nice. Didn't expect you would give such a sincere and long reply. Bless you. <3

Hahah! You're welcome. Just protect yourself and don't ever let guys affect you. Bless you too. Cheerio, my dear! =)

Every guy I liked hurt me.. What should I do?

Kill them. Revenge. Set them into fire and throw them into rubbish bin. Just kidding! =)
My dear, you don't need to be affected by all these. You're an independent lady, you need to move on. You don't need to have guys to be part in your life. If this relationship doesn't work out, there are plenty of better guys awaiting for you. Think positively. Think of your family and friends, they are rooting for you and care for you. You have a life to move on, your dream? your social circle? your family?
My words for you: don't think of guys and just have fun. Singlehood is better, you get to focus on your life goal better and have a broaden social circle. Guys, just wait for the right one to approach you. Have fun and cheerios! =)
Liked by: Vanessa Tan

Hey there. :) if you have a chance, would you choose to migrate or continue to stay in singapore?

of course, migrate. although singapore is the safest and one of the best country to stay, I would prefer to explore and come out from my comfort zone. =)

Hi :-) why? We don't know each other. If you're irritated by me, do let me know, I'll stop. What's the wildest thing you ever did? - s

I have no idea. I can't remember what have I done.

Yo! (: haha. Cause my nickname starts with s. Anyway, where would you go for your honeymoon?

s? nickname? why not? reveal yourself? I didn't really think about my "ideal" honeymoon.


Language: English