

Ask @Mitthesmartys

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Hahaha just say lwc is good looking laa!!!

HAHAHAHA!! why?? Kkays can....handsome lah handsome lah!! #forcem ×D HAHAHAHAH!!

First and current impression of trina !

First: very pretty and look like a rocker!! ^^ want to know ger more and confirm have a lot of suitors courting her!! ^×^ a little friendly but shy shy! ^×^
Current: very pretty, friendly and super cute!! Hopefully, we can get to talk more and know each other better! ^×^

Join Track and Field! The people there are Fun and Friendly ^^

Serious?? How to join?? When are the training days??^^

Any cheap online store recommendations?

Wow!! There are quite a number of online shops I frequen! For instance, jumpingaround, kittymeow, ragsandspace, nikelrow and many more! You can always check out with the famous bloggers' blog. They always feature a numerous cheap online stores! ^^

ITS NOT ME LA HAHAHAH I DIDNT ASK THAT!! But then again you know ive always eye-candied you ;-) :-*

HAHAHA! Serious?? I thought you miss me so much that you eye candied me. Tsk!! Aww.....either I have eye candied you for so long. Kkays, my secret has just exposed! ^×^ HQHAHAHA! KIDDING~~~XD

EH WOMAN YOUR BFL aka BITCH FOR LIFE MISS YOU LA SIA do you miss her back?????

SIALA!! BITCH, OF COURSE I MISS YOU!! BFFTW! BITCHES FOREVER FUCK THE WORLD!! ^×^ you miss me soo much until you have to eye candy me is it?!?!? ×D


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