

Ask @Mitthesmartys

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Hahaha. But you're making some tarts for your friends for cny right? Awesome. :D do you think being happy is hard?

technically, not tarts. just small finger food. And nope, it's not that hard. You can be happy as and when you want to. ;)
Liked by: Hariz

Wa, that's sad... :( but I still think you have a beautiful smile! :D you love to bake?

Thank you, and nope. I know nuts about cooking, let alone baking. hahaha.

Have you ever considered putting on braces?

Obviously I do. But I can't because I don't have enough teeth to put on braces. =/

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Hello. :-> cos then there will be someone who could help you cook, iron and do household chores. ^.^ oh, what I meant was like a clique, bout 5ppl and 4 are attached. Will you still hang out with them? Or will you drift slowly apart from them?

drift apart. There's no point holding onto friends, since there aren't any common topics to talk.

Yo's! :-) Hahaha. Then why don't you want to get married? ;) your husband can help you with all the chores uh. :D hahahaha. If all your friends are attached, and you're not, will you go out them if they bring their partner along?

Nope. why should I get married? hahaha.i do go out with my girlfriend. In fact, I had befriend with her boyfriend.

Heys. (-; do you get angry easily?

I have quite a quick and hot temper but I can forget easily if I realize it's my fault or the person feel extremely remorse.

HALO! ^^ are you afraid of insects like cockroaches, lizards etc?

er...you should ask the other way round, whether I'm not afraid of anything. Because the fact that I am afraid of ALL animals, pets and insects.

Yo! (: do you want to live alone?

yerp.i do want to live alone but at the same time, I also need someone who can help me to do laundry, house chores and cook for me.

Yo! (-: woah interesting! But why do you think relationship is a drag? Isn't it nice to have someone to care about you only and to try and make you happy, spend time with you etc?

It is nice to have someone caring for you, be there for you whenever you need him. But think about it, don't you feel tired for having there and have to resolve endless conflicts?

Hellllllllllllo! Hahahaha. :D why do you not want to be a leader?

Isn't it be awkward when followers do not take the lead from the leader?

Hi. :) can you believe 2014 is like so near? Time flies man haha. What's your biggest accomplishment in 2013?

I guess so? I have lost track the time and days long ago. I guess staying true to myself.

Hello hello hello! :-} any favourite movie of all time?

Not sure. I don't have any all time favorite movie. not till I came across them yet. ;)

which mini dance practice? the one for syf?

hell no. The year when syf hold, was the year I became a yj quitter. I think I mean the art fiesta opening ceremony. it's hell fun and I totally miss it so much!
Liked by: Ryan Teo

hahaha. you actually miss mr poon?

I assume you are/were from yj. and happened to be my friend from yj. hahaha. Yeap! I supposed his name is Mr poon, that dorky yet full of himself instructor I ever had.


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