
Mark "Mjax Majoran" Caza

Ask @Mjax_Majoran

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What invention has had the greatest impact on society? And why?

A method of forging materials en masse has completely changed and dominoe effected the entirety of society... from war, to cellphones, industrial age both destroyed and evolved the world

Do you believe in horoscope compatibility?

Seeing as I know how horoscopes are written, no, But i do believe if people think they will work or think they wont work, destiny manifest will take over

If you were a car, what kind of car would you be?

A 67 impala painted blue, rust in some places and none of the dials except the speedometer are accurate

What's your favourite song?

I usually Don't have a favorite anything. But for the sake of the question I'll say one of my many favorites is Here I Go Again by WhiteSnake

The best work of art in your opinion?

That's a tough one, art is generally something I believe is up to interpretation both of the author or artist and the audience that views it. Not to mention all the things which qualify as art.
I am quite the fan of the Starry Night by van gogh in terms of paintings. Maybe thats basic but it really says something about seeing things for what they are to you, rather than what they are to everyone.

Suggest a color that make you smile? ?

Mint Cream Green
HEX: #98FF98
RGB: 152, 255, 152
HSL: 120°, 1.00, 0.80
HSV: 120°, 0.40, 1.00
CMYK: 0.40, 0.00, 0.40, 0.00
CIE XYZ: 0.56, 0.81, 0.45
CIE LAB: 92.30, -46.97, 37.25
YUV: 0.83, -0.12, -0.21

How to stop cyber bullying?

don't think we can ever stop it, but the best way to deal with it is to simply block the person, never give them the time of day

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

Honestly depends on why I am no longer allowed to board an airplane. If it's for criminal charges, I guess I'd give up internet. if not I would prefer to at least keep in touch with people via the net

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

Right now? Anything? I guess I would probabbly like to be with some friends or other people that care about me...feeling a bit off, dreading having to deal with the people in drama class.

Who is your favorite fictional character?

The Doc-wait...like period? All time? UH oh god....uhhhhhh....mmm ahhhhh errrrr I uh... huh I don't know.

What is the most played song in your music library?

I would have to consult my program, but I assume it's probably word crimes

What's your opinion about the death penalty?

Wow. Personally I disagree with it, for the purpose of possible mistakes being made and blame being throw prematurely and an intolerance for "vengeance" being the same as justice

What's your morning routine?

Wake up, fold myself in half face in blankets, recieve pet kisses, take a piss, groom my shiz, eat some breakfast, and head out the door

If you could teleport, where would you go?

Damn, first I'd go home, then to amsterdam where a friend of mine currently is

Why do your teeth stick out like a beavers teeth?

because I have an overbite. Born with my jaw out of alignment. Surgery to correct it is too expensive and i find it unnecessary. Thanks for actually asking rather than being an ass :)


Language: English