

Ask @SteveJones313

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If you were a Dark Wizard, which SEVEN objects would you turn into Horcruxes and why?

Now THIS is my kind of question. I would put certain enchantments on the Horcruxes to protect them. So they are:
#1 - Stone of Eternal Darkness: a large stone (currently sitting on my drawers) that lies in the bottom of the sea, but plunges people into eternal darkness if they touch the stone.
#2 - Chain of Weight: my dog tag (belonging previously to my fiancée) that weighs heavily on anyone who doesn't share my blood-line.
#3 - Rings of Longing: both my engagement ring and my commitment rings. Anyone who doesn't share my blood line will fall in love with whoever wears the other ring (so if someone wears both, then they'll fall in love with themselves).
#4 - Special Edition "Permit Me to Dream": A special version of my poetry book, though the more you hold it, the more wild/extreme your emotions become.
#5 - Crippling Cane: my cane that - when held by someone not of my bloodline or given my blessing - will experience pain the longer they possess the item starting annoying aches and building up to crippling agony.
#6 - Trilby of Transferred Thought: a trilby/fedora that when worn by someone not of my bloodline or someone that has not received my blessing, will obey me whilst receiving some of my power. If I am dead, then wearing the hat will make them start to think like me until - after long enough time - I will take full control of them.
#7 - Sword of Honour: a sword that holds the memory/skill of every owner before it, meaning the more people who wield the sword, the better swordsman future wielders will be. However, if you are not of my bloodline or not in receipt of my blessing, you will never be able to let go of the sword until your hand is cut off.

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How often do you login to @DearSteveJones313 and @TotalMarkOut?

Not often as I'm not ready for the DJS313 questions yet and we don't really get questions from the #TMO account as I haven't promoted it much yet. #TMO is a wrestling show, so it's mainly wrestling questions we're looking for, but then people like you feel the need to plague people's accounts with a plethora of questions of the most redundant of matters such as "which is better..." and "what do you think of...", which is why anon was turned off.

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What do you think of Rainbow Road?

I don't. You remember when people asked original interesting questions? Those were good times.

What do you think of pub quizzes?

I think the important question is, why did the Tenth Doctor step into the box to absorb the radiation that would kill him? If he didn't want to die, why didn't he go find Captain Jack, bring him back in the TARDIS and let Captain Jack - WHO CAN'T DIE - absorb the radiation instead? To me, this is a glaring plot point, unless it's subtext for the Doctor's subconscious, showing that he was judging himself and that he found his existence to be too dangerous, thus he ended his current life for the protection of others. Who knows?
What? Not funny? Screw you then...*sniff*...worked hard on that pun...

Why was your room messy in the first-ever episode of #DearSteveJones313?

I wanted to do something for the first episode of the show and in my stupid tired state I came up with the whole speed-tidy intro, so I trashed my room just so I could do that. Yes I'm that much of a fucking idiot.

If Beowulf started poetry in English, Chaucer popularized the English we know today, and Shakespeare perfected it, where does this leave John Milton? :(


How long has your longest ever phone call been?

In one single go, over 6 hours - call got cut at the six hour mark. If you mean one conversation (across a collection of calls in one day) then 19 hours.

Do you have a basement or a cellar?

They're pretty much the same thing, however the term 'cellar' more accurately applies.

Do you think it's better to read poems from another language or culture in English translation or in their original form?

Michael Alan Arnold
Depends if you can get an accurate translation...and read the original language.

What would you do if someone dressed you up as a Teletubby?

What is it with your fetish of Teletubbies and the Trololol Man? Seriously, are you okay? Did someone do something? Do you need a hug?

What do you think of pub quizzes?

Aw man, you were doing so well with the questions, then you went back to your usual stuff. Dammit, you were progressing.

which one of your frends has the weirdest interests?

Hard question, but I wouldn't say on such a public forum. Again I'll answer questions about me, but usually not those I care about. Just doesn't seem appropriate.

If you had to guess, where would you say the person asking you questions was from?

Well, it's hard to say given that it could be more than one anonymous person asking me the questions. If I had to guess, I would guess either Formby, Sefton or Lancashire. I'll say one thing; the past few questions have been decent enough. He may just yet become entertaining. Here's the thing - I don't like not liking people. I prefer getting on with people and there are people who can be troll-ish and still funny. If you're polite and funny, I'll respect the hell out of you. SImple as.

Is there an objective way of judging what a 'good person' is?

Outside of war and self-defence, does this person deliberately hurt people?
No = Potentially good person.
Yes = Probably a dick.

Ever tried looking for a paid writing job?

People say I should get a job writing cards because people apparently love crying when they read the cards I send them. Personally, I would only do that if the money was worth it (all I'd ask is full time, minimum wage). I do commissions as well of various natures from very cheap to slightly dear. I'd love to be a creative writer for a wrestling promotion. I'd also like several thousand people to buy my book, but I don't see that happening any time soon.


Language: English