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Do you have any thoughts, or suspicions about who that anonymous want-to-be-troll is?

Michael Alan Arnold
A random comedian-wannabe who needs to convince themselves they're made of smarticle particles.

Do you remember your first friend?

I do. It lasted from the start of Nursery all the way to the start of Primary school. We ended up going to different schools, basically.

What is the most unlikely thing you have found yourself surprised you enjoy?

Michael Alan Arnold
Speed Art videos and art live-streams. I appreciate art, but I was never a keen follower of art on the YouTube scene, but recently (thanks to my fiancée) I've become more involved in that side of the art scene and I've come to know some awesome artists.

What is, do you think, the strangest style of government you've ever heard of?

Michael Alan Arnold
The strangest (but not the worst I've heard) is an old Greek form where people would be drawn at random to serve as the government, so similar to jury duty or being drafted, a group of people would be randomly put together to run the country. Apparently it did well, not that I have much knowledge of it.

Have you ever played Skyrim? And if so what did you think of it?

Michael Alan Arnold
I have and honestly as beautiful as it is, it's a boring and uninspiring game for me. I mean the idea of screaming people off cliffs is funny, but honestly I've played on both the PC and X-Box 360 and on each one, the controls were a pain; I've never had that as much of an issues with controls than this game. I wish they had taken the game-play and storyline elements of Oblivion and just expanded on it with the newer graphics. I'd sooner play an Elder Scrolls IV - Part 2 or at least a new expansion packs (after Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine) than play Skyrim again.

Do you think there is a link between belief in the supernatural and childhood psychosis?

Michael Alan Arnold
I wouldn't say so, though I have no research to support any claim regarding the subject. There are plenty of people without certain disorders that believe in the supernatural. More than a psychosis, I'd say it comes down to how a person is brought up to perceive certain aspects of the supernatural. For example I have friends who - like me - no longer subscribe to Religion and consider themselves people of Science, yet they still won't call themselves atheists because of some nagging and almost nostalgic link to beliefs of old. Hell sometimes even I find myself looking upwards and going "Seriously? You dick." - who am I talking to? The hydrogen in the air?
It's not a mental disorder, rather an aspect of how you are brought up to perceive the world and how well you are able to educate yourself as you mature.

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If you could visit any fictional world, which one would you visit?

Michael Alan Arnold
Oh so many, but given that I'm limited to one by the construct of the question, I'll probably choose the Dragon Ball Z universe as I'd love to train there and it's hardly a boring place.

Totally not serious question: who would have won in a fight, Stephen King or Ayn Rand?

Michael Alan Arnold
Given that Ayn Rand is dead, I think Stephen King has a slight advantage. If you're asking me who I'd think would win if Ms. Rand was still alive, I'll give it to Ms. Rand. There's something about her that screams "I'll fuck you up, bitch."

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

Flare gun and the biggest box of matches possible.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how “cool” are you?

I can't speak on what the consensus would be. If I were to judge myself by my standard, I'd probably say 3.5 out of 10. I'd be interested in getting other people's opinions.

What is your idea of the perfect night?

Michael Alan Arnold
A calm evening with good, open-minded friends where we enjoy good food, good drink (either non-alcoholic or alcoholic - ether is fine) and good conversation. Maybe we play some games we can all take part in or at least cycle games so we can all have a chance to play some games. Ultimately I'd want the night to end with all of us thinking "that was a relaxing evening and I'd love to do it again."

If you were famous what would you be famous for?

I don't know; I hope for something good and something that doesn't involve me being dead.

If you could meet any figure of the middle ages, who would it be and why?

Michael Alan Arnold
I don't know of any key figures from that period that I'd be interested in meeting; I blame my ignorance of that particular time period.

Did you know that Shakespeare invented the word 'Swagger'?

Michael Alan Arnold
I didn't know Shakespeare invented that particular word, but even if it wasn't true (I haven't researched it) I could believe it.

How is blocking temporary?

Because I pretty much get the same troll over and over. Hit the block button and they go away...for all of a few days.


Language: English