

Ask @SteveJones313

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If there is one thing you could change about online culture what would it be?

Michael Alan Arnold
Reduce the amount of power governments have in regards to internet legislation. Governments are an abuser of power when it comes to the internet, with various corporations in their pocket, so take the government's direct involvement out of it and allow the people to decide on how it should be ran. Democracy still exists - we just allowed ourselves to forget what it looks like.

Do you find this idea that to be an internet personality you must have 'wacky' or 'crazy' humor restrictive? Or do you think there is a market out there for people who actually want to seriously discuss something they really enjoy?

Michael Alan Arnold
I don't think you have to be wacky or crazy, though I do think that people view reviewers like wrestlers in the sense that everyone has to have a gimmick. I definitely think there's and audience for a more serious-styled review show.

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Have you ever considered translating something into English from a foreign language? If so, what would you translate?

No because I can't speak any other languages. I have the most basic of basic understanding of French (i.e. I know incredibly little) and that's about it.

What do you think of B&W TV and/or photos?

I think black and white effects for photos are often overused, but they certainly have their place.

Best thing you've ever bought from your chosen online emporium?

Probably my webcam. Boring answer, I know, but it's a Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 (HD). I actually recently bought one for my fiancée not long ago and she uses it for her art livestream, so yay!

What kind of humour do you like?

I like a wide variety, however my all time favourite comedy is Improvisational (best example being "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"). I hate toilet humour and humour which is - for want of a better word - immature. I can't watch "American Pie" because it's just that unfunny and every single one of the AP movies are for me more agonising to watch than fucking "Twilight".

If you were ga (and single, obvs), which man would you marry?

I don't know. All I'd know is it would have to be someone I love.

What qualities would the perfect person have, and which person has in your opinion come closest to achieving those qualities?

Compassion, kindness, understanding of one's limitations accompanied by an willingness to learn and work hard to overcome those limitations, generous within the limits of how much one can afford to give without making himself a burden on others, open-minded, intellectual, appreciative of one's abilities and qualities whilst humble about it and honestly I could go on. I think Stephen Fry comes VERY close to achieving this.

What do you think of Ann Widdecombe?

Can't stand the woman. Illogical, immoral and out of touch with reality.

Movie reviews woukd be a good way to keep fresh content on your youtube channel-you could do it by yourself and have it up in no time. classkc movies with stevejones313.

This is where my low-self esteem kicks in. I'm currently working on a pilot for a new show called "What The Fuck Are We Watching" hosted by G33K King (http://g33kking.tumblr.com) where he makes me watch movies I've never seen before and I'm not allowed to leave the room until I've watched the entire movie.
I'm also trying to get "Dear SteveJones313..." back up and running. There were complications during recording, so I'm setting a target post date of May 31st 2013, but chances are it'll be posted MUCH earlier than that.
So as for reviews, I'll let you in on a secret. I know jack shit about movies. I really don't. I'm lucky I get WiFi under the rock I live in. I'm not a social kind of person and I'm so out of touch with the world. So I'm not sure if I'm really the kind of guy that should review movies as no doubt I'll end up putting my foot in my mouth. I suppose if there was a popular demand for it, I'd consider it.

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What do you think of capital punishment?

100% against it. I've gone into great detail on this before, but I'll try to brief this up.
#1 - It DOES NOT work as a deterrent. Statistically and psychologically speaking, C.P. does not work as a deterrent. Such crimes are committed either because people don't plan on getting caught, are caught up in an emotionally distressing situation or are incapable of determining right and wrong. This is a psychological fact.
#2 - There have been INNOCENT people on death-row, with people being sentenced when it was impossible for them to have committed the crime. The idea that governments only use the death penalty when there is no reasonable doubt is one of the biggest lies/misconceptions told by pro-CP'ers. If you support the death penalty and even just ONE innocent person is killed by the state, you by proxy are a murderer.
#3 - Imagine a world where all murderers are given the death penalty. How long before you can apply the death penalty to manslaughter and then assault and then so on and so forth, until finally the death penalty becomes a possibility for almost any crime. It's a slippery slope.
That's just a brief version of my opinion, but yeah I hope that satisfies your question.

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Did you ever finish Angels and Demons? Will we get a review four years in the making I'm guessing it'll be epic!

You've been on my alternate DeviantArt account, haven't you? Wow, nice throw back XD
I've wanted to do movie reviews for years, but I've come to the conclusion I'm not funny enough to do it. In fairness, I'm the serious guy in #SHOUT & #TotalMarkOut, so I'm not sure how entertaining I can be. I'm told I'm funny in person, but that's different on camera. I don't know, honestly.

do animals have personaliteis?

I don't know. I think they have their own uniqueness, so maybe they do. I'm not an expert on these matters.


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