

Ask @SteveJones313

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if you were trapped in a book (one which you have already read), and you know your life would be forced to follow that same path as the character, which book would you choose and which charascter within it would you be?

Rebekkah Sisson
I don't know, put simply. The thought of being someone else isn't a good thought as for all my flaws and imperfections, I cannot imagine that life would be worth living without my fiancée. If I was someone else, I would lose her and then what point is there to life?

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I asks the "book' question, I'd like t know what make you think you4 good? I read Sherlock homes I read umberto Eco I read Tolstoy I few d Dostoyevsky and all uv rest is cartoon books for kid? WEL DONE

And yet you still come to me with poorly written questions designed to piss me off. The fact is I'm comfortable with the fact that I have not yet reached the potential I have in the world of literature. There are great things out there that I have yet to read and I look forward to doing so, but you with your tiny grasp of things seek to use the little knowledge you have to try and attack people and now that someone is striking back, you're left with only one course and that is to act like the little brat you are and throw second-rate, poorly worded, creatively absent, misspelled insults back at me. You are nothing more than a failed bully with all the promise of thief's word. You have tried to look like an intellect and yet to everyone reading this, you are nothing more than a failure in this endeavour. You have chosen me as your target for reasons I know not; perhaps we know each other personally (which would be a grave act of cruelty by the universe upon me to actually know someone of your pathetic attitude) or maybe we have exchanged words briefly on Twitter or Tumblr. In any case, you have accomplished one thing by wasting my time and that is to make yourself look a fool, which should make you thankful for the ability to ask questions anonymously. Go to your books and when reading these fine works - as I'm sure they are - be sure to learn how to spell in the process. When you have learned how communication works, perhaps then you will see just how much of an idiot you have made yourself look. Go home, troll. Go home.

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What would you do in a zombie attack?

That depends entirely on where I am. I have a range of plans based upon a variety of scenarios.

Of everyone you know, who would you most like to be for a day, just to learn how they think and see the world?

Purely to learn how they think and see the world, I would probably go with Barack Obama. Find out what makes him tick, how he handles things and plus it doesn't hurt to see a few top secret files.

What, do you think, is the darkest moment in human history?

The bombing of Nagasaki. Humanity reached a new low that day.

What is your opinion on Libertarianism?

That would require a bottle of 18 year old Macallan whisky and a full night of discussion for me to answer that one.

What is your opinion of the stockpiling of atomic weaponry?

To quote Owlman from DC's "Crisis on Two Earths" - "What is the point of having a bomb if you don't blow it up?". If you have a bomb, eventually is going to be used UNLESS you get rid of it. Nuclear weapons are not a deterrent; they're a final "fuck you" to your enemies. Let's say America fires a Nuclear missile at England. What the fuck are we going to do by firing a Nuclear missile back? We're all ready fucked; we'd just be trying to cause as much damage as we can before we see that big pretty yet scary light racing towards us. The world needs to be rid of the Nuclear weaponry but sadly disarmament just isn't feasible at this stage in Humanity's evolution. We are a very paranoid race and frankly we all need to grow up to the point where we can unite and come to the collective thought of "Jesus Christ, what the fuck were we on?" before we can think about global nuclear disarmament.

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What is with these one word questions?

Probably the creation of a sad troll who thinks they're being especially clever by asking one word questions because that is the extent of their creativity. The chances are that they are a sad, pathetic creature who either surrounds him or her self with friends with an equally low sense of humour and creativity or actually is lucky to have friends that possess an IQ higher than that of celery and secretly despise the little cretin or are kind enough to humour him/her knowing that it probably isn't the poor soul's fault and was probably because of the severe brain-damage he or she received as a young child when the Universe was being unusually cruel to them, probably because it was dealing out pre-emptive punishment for the annoying pointless troll he or she would probably become, thus paradoxically creating the troll in the first place. In other words, he or she is either just a sad little git with no grasp of wit or comedy OR they are a cruel cosmic joke.

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It's the 9th letter of the Lithuanian alphabet. In future, please refer your one word questions to wikipedia or a shotgun. In either case, you have become boring.

Which is better, Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

Believe it or not, it depends on my mood. When I'm happy, I prefer Pepsi. When I'm negative I prefer coke. If I'm somewhere in the middle (say a 5 on the 1-10 scale of happiness) I have no preference.


The banana is (currently) classed as a fruit produced by several types of flowering plants, although it has been questioned as to what it actually is as some people claim it's a flower and other various other things other than a fruit. To be honest, it's pretty much a fruit and there's little sense in arguing over the fact as to suddenly discover it isn't would have about as much impact on the World as dropping a penny from the Empire State Building.


A root vegetable that can come in a variety of colours including red, purple, yellow, white and then orange being the main colour type.


Also known as a 'zucchini', the courgette is considered a 'summer squash', although it is (botanically speaking) an immature fruit, thought it is treated as a vegetable in terms of cooking.

Do u eve r like read a book?

Yes; I am a huge fan of Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Matthew Reilly, Max Barry, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Conn Iggulden and Mick Foley. If I could, I'd like to recommend a book to you which I think you'll find fascinating. It's called 'The Oxford English Dictionary'. It's a fantastic book that shows you how to spell a vast amount of words, so you can look competent in front of people instead of writing "do u eve r like read a book?" instead of "do you ever read a book?", thus ironically making yourself look like a complete idiot whilst attempting to publicly take issue with someone for not knowing enough of literature. Thanks for playing, however you don't go away empty handed; for taking part you win the prize of knowledge. Here is your prize: No matter how much you or anyone else might say it, the term 'like' is not an acceptable replacement for the word 'said' neither does it hold any grammatical relevance in the sentence "do you ever read a book?". In that case, 'like' has no meaning and simply serves as a tool to reveal your loose grasp of English (you'll notice that's 'loose' as in the antonym of 'tight' not 'lose' which would be the antonym of 'win'). Thanks for playing and we'll see you next week on the online game show "Ask.FM"

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When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?

Having a massage by my fiancée so I can be pain-free.

Is there something you wish you liked better than you actually do?

Probably should be "Is there something you wish you liked MORE than you currently do?" but I'd probably say healthier foods. I can get on with a lot of fruits, but there's a lot of vegetables that physically make me ill, which is incredibly annoying.

Is there something you have always wanted to try but never had either the opportunity or the bravery to do so?

Attempting professional wrestling. Too many injuries.

r u a schoolboy steven?

At the age of 26 and having left school 10 years ago, I think it is safe to say that I am no longer a school boy.


Language: English