

Ask @SteveJones313

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OK SO here an few in one go - favourite comedian? Author? Band? Director? Book? Poem? Song? Word? Pornstar!?

Comedian = Dara O'Briain
Band = Nightwish
Director = Couldn't really say as I tend not to pay too much attention to who's directing the movie.
Book = "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Poem = "Halfcaste" by John Agard
Word = YIGGITS! © (a word invented by a friend and me years ago; my favourite real word is 'bastard'.)
Pornstar = When I used to watch porn, it was Tori Lane. I don't use it anymore. It's boring as fuck.

Which do you think is better? Greek food or French food?

French, but only because I've yet to try Greek food. Wouldn't mind trying.

You could write a wrestling coloumn for 411mania? Any other indie websites? Any local wrestling promotions need commentators?

I'd love to be either a member of a creative team or a commentator. I would want to do a lot more studying on wrestling history before taking the job of commentator, but I wouldn't mind doing it. I'd certainly do a better job than Michael Cole.

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Here's an idea based on the previous askers question why not do a show where mr mad sets you questions that you must answer. That way you can come up with your own questions and not rely on your audience who may be too shy etc to ask

That would work as a temporary means to deal with a question short-fall, however a crucial element of the show is that I don't know what I'm being asked until I hit the record button. I have to improvise the answers. It was when I started scripting answers that people lost interest. Would I be willing to use your idea in future? Yes - again - as a way to make up for a question short-fall, but I would still need unique questions even if they came from the same people.

Please tell me, have you ever ever ever considered creating a Mr Mad spinoff?

I have been planning a Mr Mad series to explain his origins. However I don't have the production power to do it. I would be completely open to doing a Mr. Mad spin-off show.

How can you be a poet if you have no knowledge of poetry besides Shakespeare?

Because poetry isn't a question of knowing the works of others. Are you suggesting that a person cannot write poetry if they have never read the poetry of other particular persons? A play-write need not read Shakespeare to know how to write a play. Also, where do you get this idea that I know nothing of poetry? I understand the various styles and mechanics of poetry - I know mathematics but I could name maybe one or two famous mathematicians. I find your premise rather flawed, my friend but for asking me a question, I thank you.

Ever considered writing for a website?

Yes, which is why I'm setting one up. It's still in planning stages, but we'll get there eventually.

Instead of starting Dear SteveJones313 next year, why not just do it this year?

Basically it's a case of planning how to do the show and timing it right to get the best audience possible. When I first tried to progress the show, I ran into it and ended up fucking it up because I tried to do too much with too little. Is it possible the show could return this year? Of course, but to do that I NEED audience participation. The show works off questions given by you guys. I would need people to send them in of their own volition than me begging for questions on a monthly basis. If I can get the support of my fanbase, then I could in theory start this year.

I don't claim all questions for the night but many, I will now lay down my head and try rest, but first, what is required in attaining the status of a fellow knight of lachaber, Lord Steven the First?

All you have to do is accept my rule as Lord Steven of Lochaber (I own an estate there) and swear that should our land find itself at war, that you will take up arms to defend my realm.

If you could meet any famous person just to punch them in the face, who would it be and why?

Assuming I could get away with it, my vote has to go to David Cameron for fucking my country up and then blaming it on the lower classes and the Labour Government.

When you release another book, will it be another poetry book?

More than likely. "Just Wondering..." is due to be published either late 2013 or early 2014.

Is wrestling as it's known on the TV in the main wrestling shows such as TNA etc more like a sport or a drama to you?

It's like a movie where the actors run the risk of death or serious injury. Wrestling is athletic entertainment with HUGE risks involved.

How did your first DnD storyline go? And would you write another at some point in the future?

Writing my first one at the moment.

With regards to DnD - Player or Master?

Only been a player, but I am writing my own campaign; sadly it is unlikely that it will ever be played.

You asked for questions, have I provided sufficiently to allow me to go to sleep now? :)

Considering you're anonymous, you could be one of many people sending me questions or the sole-provider of questions. In any case, I have no hold over you in terms of your sleeping arrangements. Should you wish to sleep, you may do so - you do not require my permission. Of course you may feel free to join my army and become a Knight of Lochaber. You will have to refer to me by my official title Lord Steven the First.


When one attempts - via comedic means - to ruin the sentiment of a normal photo, usually by doing something in the background that is inappropriate to the situation. Also, why are you just sending me random terms and words?

When you move in with your fiancee are you planning a sort of "temporary" period of adjustment before making it permanent?

Nope. We're all ready engaged; living together is a certainty at this point.

What do you think is your most attractive quality? (Note: Your personality is a cop-out of an answer and therefore not allowed)

My eyes as many have said that they seem to be unable to look away when I'm looking at them, as if they're trapped in them. Some say they feel a sense of calm. Not sure if it's true, but I'm going with the majority vote on this one.

Are you going to go back into education in your future do you think? If yes, what kind of area of expertise do you think you'd like to study?

I'd love to go back and re-do Psychology and Ethics. I love both subjects, however due to personal circumstances I was never able to get the grades I wanted and COULD get. Didn't help that I ended up battling with lecturers whose incompetence was matched only by their immorality.


Language: English