

Ask @SteveJones313

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If you had the power to change ONE law, what law would you change?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
It wouldn't even be a law in my own country.
I would change it so American taxes are based on residency, not citizenship.
Liked by: Rezz

Looking back at your life so far, what are three things that turned out good for you?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
1. The relationship with my future wife.
2. My job.
3. My investment in my PC.
Liked by: Rezz

Who are two people that impress you, and how/why do they impress you?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
My wife always impresses me with their knowledge, humour, wit, and accomplishements in spite of the obstacles.
My younger brother who has survived everything ever thrown at them (he literally died once), plus his mind is such a fascinating thing.
Liked by: Rezz

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If you were forced into a position of national power, what do you think your first priority would be?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
A universal basic income based on citizenship.
Liked by: Rezz

What is something you predict will exist in 10 years that doesn’t exist today?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
Virtual Reality occupations.
Basically jobs that are set within Virtual workspaces. It'll definitely be some Silicon Valley bullshit, but there will be businesses that find some what of incorporating Virtual Reality into their day-to-day business.
Liked by: Rezz

With all the negativity going on right now, what is something about humanity that you're proud of? (It could be a person, an invention, a movement, anything.)

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
That a large proportion of the younger generations are compassionate, empathetic, well-versed, energised, and determined.
Liked by: Rezz

If you had the opportunity to study 1-3 school subjects again with a dedicated tutor, which subject(s) would you choose and why?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
In order of priority:
1st. Mathematics (to brush up on my skills)
2nd. Physics (to improve my understanding of the fundamentals)
3rd. Music (because it was FUN).
Liked by: Rezz

How would you feel if everyone, after leaving school, were to be paid a universal wage to work in community centers, care homes, and other community organizations for a year? Assume this were to become mandatory and not optional.

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
Genuinely, I think it could be very beneficial. Of course we'd have to protections in place to ensure youths aren't taken advantage of by organisations, but I think this kind of thing could help foster a generation of empathetic, responsible characters.
Liked by: Rezz

If you could experience a week in a particular job role just to see the truth of it and to understand it more, what would it be?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
WWE creative writer. I really would love to know what the hell most of them are thinking.
Liked by: Rezz

Is there a voice acting role you'd at least be interested in doing if it were offered one day?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
I can think of a few
A saiyan in a Dragon Ball movie/series
A reocurring character in a "The Weekenders" revival
Dr. Robotnik in any media
Feste (Twelfth Night) in an animated telling of the story
Liked by: Rezz

If you were going to a Comic Con, what would you be most excited about?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
Who I'm going with. A comic con could have all the guests I'd ever want to meet, but if I'm going with assholes or just bad people, then it'll be ruined.
But a comic con can have no one I'm interested in seeing, but if you go with good friends, it's a fucking grand time.
Liked by: Rezz

Which X-Men character do you like the most and why?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
Depends on which universe.
Original X-Men - Wolverine, because I too am a short angry man.
X-Men Evolution - Nightcrawler, as he just seemed like someone I'd be cool with.
Cinematic Universe - Jean Grey, because Famke Janssen.
Liked by: Rezz

If interdimensional travel was possible, which would be more interesting to you: 1. Meeting a version of yourself that was born female or 2. Meeting a version of yourself that was born in a different country?

Resonance21’s Profile PhotoRezz
Probably born female as I think it would be interesting to see how my personality would have been altered.
Liked by: Rezz

What do you want?

12 months of bills paid
11 points in my intelligence stat
10 out of 10 experts to agree on something
9 years of my life back (and a big fuck you to my ex)
8 stone of weight loss
7 dragon balls to make some wishes
6 hours of sleep per night minimum
5 minutes in a soundproof room/pod/chamber
4 dimensional perspective
3 wishes from a genie
2 Replicas of the WWE Attitude Era Tag Team Championships
1 bottle of Pepsi Max Cherry
Liked by: Rezz


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