
Danil Reshetnikov

Ask @theDiamondprox

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Hi! Can you describe to me how you prepare for relegation matches ? Do you afraid about GMB?

TomekZso’s Profile PhotoTomek Zso
Our practice is going good, dispite my worries in the begining. Yet we shrekt all gauntlet teams in teampractice bo5's, except OG(couldn't finish scrims with them due to electricity problems), so if we continue growing I see us having little problems with relegations.
I really like playing with Kris again, both as a player and as a person.

Hey diamond I love your jungle style and followed you since beginning season 3. I'm having some struggles lately with soloq and it seemed that i dropped 2 divisions in 2 days. My main lanen is jungle and I play alot Nidalee but even though I have a good kda I seem to still lose, what can I do?

RoyalPurplezz’s Profile PhotoVictor ?
If u already have a good kda, try to die even less, especially when it matters the most(death at 50th minute will cost u the game, while death at 1st minute will only give a slight advantage to ur opponents).
Also if u have good stats - you are the one on ur team having advatage and it becomes ur resposibility to snowball it further. You can make it by spotting the least protected turrets of enemies and killing them 1 by 1.
Another thing u can improve is that when u see ur teammates argue about something - tell them politely to stfu, otherwise they might tilt or afk at some point, which will lower ur chances of winning.

what do u think about kha jungle nowadays?

Ianmini’s Profile PhotoIvan,Aparicio
He is terrible if nobody feeds him. And it's really hard to get fed on him if opponents are not dumb. His jungle clear is also bad if you dont get purple smite.
Riots seem to either not understand the affect item+jungle changes have on some champs, or they just want some champs "gone" after awhile they were usefull.
Even the initial nerf to his W was kind of questionable, but then... In two months Kha lost Lizard(which was better than warrior on W-evolved Kha), his W cd got destroyed and the jungle monsters changes just nailed a couple of nails in his coffin.
If all those changes to his kit would be reverted - we would have another viable and interesting jungler to play. Though current top-tier junglers are really strong against him, because of their op CC(elise, graga, rex).

What do you think is the major factor that makes league of legends so fun to play? :)

I don't know
It's the amount of good work put into this game from our beloved company. Even though I hate some decisions they made and will make, I understand that you can't have perfect workers everywhere. They are by far the best company in gaming industry imo.
Let's always remember how good and fun their game is for us and forgive their little mistakes.

If you participate at IEM Cologne how do you think you will perform? Do you think Gambit's teamwork improved?

I don't know
Well, if we will be performing there - I'll put as much effort as I can to win this tounament. It some kind of a tradition for us to be on IEM finals every year and it won't happen w/o good performance at IEM Cologne.
Our teamwork improved hugely after roster changes, but it's never perfect.

why did u think j4 is worst teamfighter from toptier junglers? I think with tanky-built, j4 ult is really helpful in 5-5 fights.

fritzle28’s Profile PhotoNguyễn Trường Sơn
Well, thats not him being completely useless, but other champions being better.
I'm just comparing him with elise/vi/lee/kha/gragas. Some of them are better tanks, some can change fight with just 1 spell, maybe he is better than kha in some cases but thats all. His tankyness is very questinable because he is a jungler with no money, his CD on combo is too high for fights and his ultimate... you rarely can find someone w/o escapes if you are not hella ahead and burned all the enemy flashes before the teamfight.
That being said, he is loosing duels almost to any other junglers. And even when he can outtrade some1, he needs to jump so fucking deep, wasting his only escape, that it can backfire hugely if any help will come from enemy's side.

Why do you think EU >= NA? So far world's has proven it should at the least be NA >= EU.

Because EU has much better soloq practice environment. And teams overall are better in EU, in my opinion. With an exception of C9 and maybe someone else.
On WC FNC showed the same result as LMQ and Alliance were a bit worse than C9, but they are an exception.

Do you think that rito should buff elise? She has 43% winrate and popularity is going down and down.

ppl are tired of playing that "mainstream" champ and also she has a very hard-to-balance kit, because its very good when you are playing it on the highest level. but tbh she is just "bad" when you are playing average on her.


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