

Ask @AKnative123

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honestly, are you toxic?

I really don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ no one told me if I have a bad side or not

Have you ever played pool? 🎱

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I did but I had my friends show me what to do because I do not know the game. Most of the time I’m solid. I don’t know how to hit the white ball properly because I don’t have the arm strength at times 😂

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do you like fortnite yes or no #fortnite #gaming

technowarriorstv’s Profile Phototechnowarriorstv
Yes I do play it but I have it on my phone. I downloaded Xbox made and account and downloaded cloud drive to play it on my phone since my dad will not allow the ps5 to be on the internet

Why you are single ?

hahshfata4’s Profile Photodon in the dark
They’re interested in me but I’m not interested in them. When I am interested in them they don’t have an interest to me. And most of my guy friends are just nope not happening type of ordeal


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