

Based on how you look, what kind of person do you think people think you are when they first see you? 🤔💁‍♀️

Well to be honest, I have never really cared about peoples opinion of me, it's easy to lose yourself when you let people get inside your head and when you lose yourself you tend to see negative things about your personality that shouldn't be in the first place.I am mostly fond of people who know what they're talking about and most people most of the time dont know what they're saying,they make stupid comments that clearly doesn't relate to you. I like people that let go of the mindset that they ain't pretty enough and really embrace their sexuality because when they do they'll see the beauty that was there all along.
Liked by: Chike
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Latest answers from Chike


Life is too short to worry about things you can't change but remember change is the only constant thing in life.

How do you deal with being misperceived or misunderstood?

avadroitII’s Profile PhotoAva Banana
It depends on the person to be honest, if I like you then we to understand each other,

Would you consider yourself to be artistic? If so, what kind of art do you create? 🍃

Used to paint and draw before but now I don't

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