
†Dragon's Blood†

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Some people have anxiety and depression. If you have one or both of these, what is a way that helps you to cope? If you do not have either of these, you can just say so. No biggie

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Hmm let's see.. sometimes nothing really helps and i have to ride it. Other times being cuddled/hugged by your favorite person, no talking just hugs. Lavender oil helps calm me. Taking baths and listening to music. I recently bought a coloring book and that really helped a few nights ago.
My coping mechanism only work for so long until they don’t have a positive effect on me anymore. Something I’ve been doing that’s worked the longest is writing letters. To yourself and others. To yourself, wrote at the end of your day, week, month. Be honest with yourself. Positive and negative. Leave the truth of yourself on paper. In the very least, this started to help me see a bit of value in myself as a person.
Count down from 5.
Read something soothing.
Think of ways to overcome depressing thoughts and actions.
Make a lunch date with someone you trust.
Do a craft like knitting or crocheting.
Psychologytoday articles for answers to questions. U?

Language: English