

Ask @CaraMiniMonsterSkinner

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Oh it can be seen as negative to some and beneficial to others .-. I am caught in the middle of it. Also apparently some dude is stalking one of my closest friends in a way that he considers is, idk, attractive? Gosh men x.x sometimes I don't understand them -vsa

They are weird to be fair
I dot think anyone could ever understand the opposite gender.. To confusing to ever try to get your head around it -.-'
But I hope everything works out for you beautiful :)

yeah damn right step back I'm the godamn MOTHERFUCKING BATMAN... of Manchester

Hahahahahahaa okay then... Keep dreaming pal xD

I am so proud of you girl!!! I am still cheering for you :3 have fun seeing family! Ahaha yes it does deserve it! Goodness, how does it dare interfere with the people! :P -vsa

I know right! My tiny people are very powerful people!
They are not to be messed with Hahaa!
So how is the busy social life babe?

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yawn please I lived on what is known as the his roughest estate as a Mosher you'd think I'd have got shit, instead they used to refer to me as Batman due to the fear I struck into their heart's and possibly my leather trench lol

Oooo we have a bad ass over here
Step back xD

like 20 of my answers and ask me 5 questions and I'll do the same back✔ Possibly follow4follow? Like 40 For a Gift❤️

I followed you & liked 40 :)

bull there's Noway you know who I am... I'm like the batman but when Dick Grayson was batman I'm just a mystery behind an enigma

Ey! I am the only Batman pal!
I have the tattoo to prove it :')

Omg! Omg! ;) hehe hellloooo gorgeous :3 oh goodness things has gotten pretty busy (socially wise? maybe lol) for me. Hbu? Oh and I come with an army of dirty clothes! May they choke the washer to death! :P -vsa

I am good thanks!
Things are looking up for me I guess! Away doing some more training for the Army xD But I get to go home tomorrow evening to see family!
Yes may you choke it with your clothes! It deserves it all!! Stealing my people, pft, who does it think it is! Hahaa

hmm u I'd come and force him too but then you'd know who I was... I could dress up as a puppet but then you'd get excited thinking your people weren't dead... guess I'll do nothing

Hahaha I know who you are anyway :')
Liked by: Lizzie Breanna

I cannot believe how long I have not messaged you </3 and what?! someone took your people hostage? Let me at 'em! :P -vsa

Omg! Omg! Omg!
Hellooooo :3
It has been ages since we have spoke! How have you been? Where have you been?
Yeah, my washer has stolen my little people!! Get it! Kill it! Lol <3

your people are underwear? maybe I draw too many conclusions haha I'll kill the monster tho after all there's both an immortal demi God and the soul of an alien Prince inside me

No, they are little people who live in the washer and clean it for me... But my washer won't give them me back :(

sorry I'd give you some but they're needed fory battle to free my world from the evil troleeb who's been possessed by the one true constant and has enslaved my people

Fair enough!
I have an evil monster to kill, he has taken my people hostage and won't give them back!!
Such an evil washing machine! Hahaa

believe the fish will be a problem I got them in Egypt once I'd seen Hitler my dead father and my mother they're baddass

They sound like some awesome fish.. I need to get me some of these haha.. My ducks are just plain and simple.. They are from the chippy down the street hahahaha

it's true though haha ninjas didn't look like most people think :p go look it up I forget the name of the puppet also samurai used to take an apprentice between the age of 6 and ten the young boy would be there property and were often used for sex but honour is how they're remembered...

I always knew the Japs were weird folk.. I knew I had a valid reason to stay away from them! Haha xD

as for your distraction ducks how will they fair against my mongified mooses gongified gooses and army of fish? I think they will fall x

Well I'm pretty sure they will stand a chance against your retarded moose and geese!
Your fish however, they may prove to be difficult Hahaa

ninjas as assassins would need to blend in well and the Japanese are not overly a fan of black the modern western view of the ninjas is rather slanted but yeah I killed all the would be ninjas....

Actual fuck!!
You've just hurt my brain

oh cara here's a history lesson thats very true and very rare the black garbs that the modern world consider to belong to ninja were in fact the clothes used by a certain type of Japanese puppets westerners saw them perform stories bout ninjas and the clothes became part of the lore

What the

it's their own fault for being dressed like puppets they were very easy to spot... but nah my identity is secret sauce

Dressed like puppets?
They are the weirdest looking puppets I've ever seen lol!
Just wait, I will set my distraction ducks on you! They will teach you not to mess with the ninja's haha

I refuse to believe that I killed all the ninjas...

How dare you kill my people!! That was very mean of you sir!

ssh you say that like you know who I am lol I could be Hitler for all you know x and sleep well

I know who you are!
I'm a secret agent who works for the ninja's :')

anyway I'm gonna fade back into shadows x take care gorgeous hope things go right for u

Aww alright then :3
Pop up on Facebook more!!
And I hope you sleep well, I'm off to bed. Up at 6 -.-' xx

no you're answers are scary because they're similar to what I'd say

Ooooh lol
I thought you meant I'm a scary person :') x

well sometimes you're scary with your answers that is pretty Mich what I would've said haha x you're really pretty tho one of the main reasons I don't talk to you is simply coz I get nervous doing so haha anyway hope you're oj

How am I scary with my answers? Hahaa I'm just brutally honest, you shouldn't get nervous talking to me :3 I'm really nice. But yeah I'm okay, just away at the moment doing Army training but I'm back tomorrow evening :) can't wait I've missed everyone!!

Harsh that rant about live cara you know there are others who've been through similar things who probably wouldn't treat you like that tho, you've always seemed really nice from the little we've spoke you're great and beautiful in many ways hopefully one day you'll believe it x

Aww thank you for your kind words :) I know people have been through similar things, but it's not fair on the people it happens too... They put everything they can into a relationship just to be trod on..
I will never believe I'm beautiful, been brought down too many times to have any sort of confidence in myself to be fair. I try to be nice to everyone if they give me a reason to haha x

Have you ever thrown up after eating?

Nope... My body is weird...
I don't throw up, I get the feeling I want to but I haven't thrown up since I was 14

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

It's not a washing machine with little men cleaning it like my home! Hahaha


Language: English