

Ask @CaraMiniMonsterSkinner

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What do you miss the most?

I miss the cuddles at night time, I miss her giggle, I miss her smile... Fuck it, its not what I miss its who I miss thats the problem :/

How many times a day do you visit Ask.fm?

Not often lol... Considering i came online now and have 12 messages hahaaa

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Where is the most fun place you have ever been?

Bobtopia... My home planet obviously with the tiny giraffes with their huge fish bowl hats :D

Even just one message from you brightens my day more than you know :) xx

Awh too cute, well I'm glad I can make some one happy just by sending them a message :') xx

Are you afraid of the future?

Nope, I take everyday as it comes... Why would I be afraid of something that I have been doing for as long as I can remember?

What’s the one book you think everyone should be required to read?

How to kill annoying people in the strangest of ways!

What kind of advertisements attracts your attention?

One with pretty colours because I'm speshul :')

What’s your favorite seafood?

Everything! I see food I eat food! Lol
Nah I'm kidding... I don't eat seafood

What is the worst thing that has happened to you in the past year?

There's quite a lot of shit been thrown at me over the past year... And I have come out stronger for it....
But it's not like I'm gonna post it all over ere for all the nosey bastards to read and judge me on it, because I know they will. They're all too quick to judge because they won't take a second to actually sit down and think about the person they are judging

What color shoes are you wearing today?

You're a computer.. What would you want to know for? You can't see lol

If you were a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

I would rule my own country of course... What a stupid question lol

I'm pretty sure you used to listen to Nicki Minaj, why would you want her gone forever? :')

Irish Lee
That m'dear was to annoy you :) but I can't stand the squeaky ass bitch! Hahaa

What is your true opinion on Lee Hunter and why?

My true opinion on Lee Hunter.. Well, at first I thought he was a really nice guy who would do anything for his friends or even his girlfriend at the time... But I was wrong at that time, he was a strong minded person who used people's fears against them to get what he wanted I suppose, but maybe that's just me... I suffered quite a lot being with him but also gained quite a bit too... Never trust those who say they won't hurt or harm you, never trust those who say they're gonna be there for you... Because in the end they will all leave you eventually in a whole different world of pain.
But we have gained a kind of friendship, we are working on things. And I hope he finds happiness sometime. I was no angel in the relationship, I made him angry. Some could say that I deserved what I got.. But then that's their own opinion and I respect them for that.
But all in all, he can be a decent guy when he puts his mind to it. :)

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If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

I would want .... Nicki Minaj.. So when I fall she can be underneath me, I would have something squishy to land on.. She would then burst and be gone FOREVER!!!! Lol

Opinion on Nico Spragg?

I love Nico!!
He's an amazing guy, he's helped me out in so many ways and I will always be thankful of him for that.
He's a fellow Green Monster lover.. I can't dislike him for that either :D
Liked by: Nathan Spragg

Do you remember your first friend?

Yes I do :) I was in year one when I first met her. Her name was Lizzie and we went to Castle Hill and we used to run around the playground pretending we were the cast from Pokemon hahaa. Ahh the imagination of young ones lol


Language: English