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yeah I know, how sexist, well the bouncers are guys so they're going to let the women in I guess and your welcome, I try my best, anyways lol I'm going to be heading off to sleep now, I will hold you to that coffee :)

Haha I was thinking the same thing! I need my beauty sleep hahaha!
G'night Sir, sleep well and sweet dreams & all that jazz xD
I shall let you know when we can have that coffee, speak again soon xx

What is your height?

A mere 5ft 4"
I'm tiny I know...
Any small jokes, don't bother I've heard them all before hahaha

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Am I a man?
Do I know?
Would I like to know?
Do I care?
The answer to all of the above is NO! Good day to you Ask.fm

What is the most important thing that you should do today?

Probably sleep -.-
But my brain is thinking otherwise!
Silly brain is silly!
Y u no sleep?!

I've never even been on a night out, I had a chance one time but they wouldn't allow my black trainers, but they would allow my mate's converse lol sounds like your escaping for abit :) have fun

Yeah some clubs can be fussy about footwear, which is pretty pointless to me.. They should be fussy about what half if the girls wear, or there lack of! And I shall do thank you kind Sir :3

is it good at j2, I had an interview there once but apparently they didn't need me I thought you said your busy panicking tomorrow haha, are you going on holiday tomorrow?? :)

The atmosphere is alright depending on the night you go.. Student nights are pretty hectic sometimes, especially when they all get their loans through xD
I'm going away to see a few family members who I haven't seen for a while :3 May as well go and clear my head while I'm up there too haha

awesome what clubs dud you work in?? you usually stay up all night don't you? lol

Square Lounge
And yeah if I can't sleep lol! But I have a busy day packing tomorrow, so I need all the sleep I can get, apparently my brain thinks otherwise hahaha

I prefer emperors new groove,Yzma and Kronk all way's make me laugh xD I'm up early because i recently got back from work, i just started working at the flying flute bar in town, its really strict but fun :) how about you??

I've not been to sleep yet haha! Used to work in 3 clubs around town! It was always fun lol Kronk is amazing I will give you that xD

I would love the lion king but my little brother use to watch it everyday when we where younger haha , it doesnt seem as bad now, Timon and Pumba was bar far the best though :) yay to WIFI abusers!! XD

Yes! Timone & Pumba are amazing! Never fail to cheer me up with all their weird antics lol!
Why are you up so early anyway? Hahaha

yeah coffee sounds nice, we should totally go to cafe nero because then we can abuse their wifi mwahahaha >:D no worries, hakuna matata and all that n_n

Hahaha we shall now be known as the WiFi Abusers Ltd xD
Hamuna Matata! I love Lion King, now I wanna watch it :( lol

well i live in town so i'm there nearly everyday but i don't usually just stand around near game though because there's not many of my mates that do that well then you have awesome taste then :D

Awesome! Maybe we can meet one day and go for coffee!
And I do have awesome taste :3 Thank you

next time i will and we will talk about batman and and rock music and err and bacon haha how often do you go to town ?

Usually every couple of days, but I won't be in now till next Friday possibly. And they sound like amazing conversation topics to me hahaha

Well i was doing that alot at one point because really there was only one person in that group that i knew and my mate went and spoke to another one of her mates and i was like ok i like just stand here then, alone, no one to talk to, and be a lonely lonesome loner XD

Hahaha I'm usually the lonely lonesome loner xD Maybe next time you should come over and say hey :')

I did, i saw you looking over but i was like they probably think i'm a weirdo looking constantly, i was just trying to make out whether or not it was you haha

Hahaha I did look over but I was looking around as well.. I'm a weirdo, I look around for no apparent reason xD

well you or your imposter was stood talking with JD and another guy, i think it was JD anyway next time i will trust my instincts XD

Haha Jordan
Yeah was me lol, was you stood under the thing with elephants on the top?

you should have said hi, well we both should have, i wasn't too sure it was you though

Haha maybe :)
And I'm pretty sure it was me... Unless I changed and didn't realise lol


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