

Ask @CaraMiniMonsterSkinner

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Oi you snivelling little fucking prick of an anon. How about you stop fuckin' hiding so I can be your new dentist?

Irish Lee
Okay.. You're a dentist now? o_O

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Fucktard? What even is that? And you wonder why all your relationships went to shit.. Cheated on, left, lied to..

Definition of a fucktard - A person who is doing my fucking head in and is a retarded! Merge the words together and voila we have you!
And no I don't wonder.. I know why these things happen to me..
Because I am destined to be alone forever with cats... But not normal cats... Cats who have a better social life than I do.
Are you quite finished now? I'm trying to eat my food because I'm fat!

You would be surprised. I do know you. I know all about you. I will go when and if I feel like it thanks. Is the truth hurting you?

If you know me why are you hiding behind anon?
You fucktard! The truth doesn't hurt at all. At least I can admit what I've done wrong :')

What you truly are.. A liar, a head fuck, you play games with people.. Lead them on and then drop them and make them hurt. You're a horrible person and deserve everything that happens to you!

Omg you are totally right!
I've been hurt that much I thought I would give people what they deserve because its not right when the nice people who do everything for their partners get stomped on and hurt or lied to!
Look what goes around comes back around and bites you in the arse!
And yeah I do deserve some of the shit that happens to me because I dent help situations...
But Anon.. You don't know me so back the fuck off!
Go now. Bye..

A halberd is like a big spear dear, just with more pointy bits. You are hot though, deal with it.

Irish Lee
Ha! There gonna shaft themselves with pointy bits xD
And I'm not dealing with anything that isn't true :3

Jealous? Of her? Don't be stupid.. Just wondering why everyone is blind and can't see her for what she truly is!

Can't see me for what I truly am?
Elaborate for me and everyone else then considering you think you know me better than everyone else!

Lul anon, go sit on a halberd. Cara's fuckin' hawt. Don't be jealous, just deal with it.

Irish Lee
Sit on a whut?
Hawt? Pahhh no, you made me sneeze. I don't know how so don't ask lol xD

You think you're so funny don't you? Get yourself checked out!

Baby I was born this way :3
I am hilarious, read below.. Or do you have trouble with that?
I don't wanna get checked out. I'm awesome the way I am.. Plus they might try to lock me up and feed me drugs... Waiiit... That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually

I don't wanna 'be gone' so I'm gonna stay here and annoy you

Ah baby..
You could never annoy me. On the other hand I could probably annoy you xD
Y'know because I'm a joke..
Also, the best part of you probably dribbled down your dads leg just after he finished banging your momma :'D

Bewbs or Boobs?

Well boobs xD
Because boobs make for great pillows and they are filled with hopes and dreams :3

You're a joke. I'd accept it if it were true. Did your parents ever tell you not to lie?

I'm a joke?
Well I'm the funniest joke ever to be pulled out of a cracker xD
My parents did tell me not to lie, which is why I'm being honest.. They also told me not to talk to strangers.. So... Be gone please xD

Why do you think you're better than everyone else?

Babe, I don't think... It hurts my brain cell when I think..
But I know I'm better than everyone else, its not my fault you can't accept that :3

What could you do as a child that you can't do now?

I miss that shit..
Fall asleep anywhere you like and wake up in your fucking bed!!

What is your favorite sound?

The cries of my victims as I throw them into a freezer :')
Gawd I worry myself sometimes xD


Language: English