

Ask @DeanTheMemer

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What is the best way to tell someone that you love them ??

Personally I would ask them to/set up a special event that they might like. Get a good conversation with them and if you can try to slowly steer the conversation toward relationships/likes and dislikes. There will be a decent time in the conversation to say how your feeling. Make sure you don't stress yourself out or you might mess it up and try to pick up on signs like body language and tone. If she stays happy then your all good, but most of all just be yourself and try to let it come naturally

Have you ever visited a place where it made an emotional impact on you? How did it make you feel?

Yeah, I once passed by my childhood homebi had to abandon because we couldn't afford it at the time. It hurt hardcore, it was repainted, some of my favorite things about it where removed, and the people that live there now where my childhood bullies. Yay

I’m a secret stalker I hack people’s network when they don’t know about it, what would you tell me?

I would ask how you got into my stuff t bgg en I'd ask how much they're planning on taking. Info/money

Do you like Mortal Kombat ?

I used too. I loved all dlc characters till d'vora came into the game, now she's my main whenever I play

Would you rather always get first dibs or the last laugh?

NicoleBuckleyyx’s Profile Photonikki ☻
Last laugh. If you always get first dibs you could possibly jump into something bad, but if you get the best of the last then it will always be good because you know what you'll be getting and you know that nothing could go bad afterwards

What types of musical instruments you can play freely?

I can play the skin flute...bad joke. I haven't learned any instruments and tbh I don't think I could

Burgers with pickles or onions or both?

Personally I prefer my stuff plain but If i do have anything on it i love both/everything


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