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Is there a nickname your mom/dad calls you by that immediately makes you feel like their little baby all over again? What is it?

You know, I have a childhood nick name, but I don't know who gave it to me. My parents don't use it, just my sibs. I nicknamed my sibs growing up and their nicknames stuck too. But we just use them between each other.
Liked by: Blockhead

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Is it morally incumbent upon us not to watch, and thereby not patronize, activities we know cause enormous harm to its participants (I’m thinking of football and CTE)? Or, can we ethically cleanse ourselves of such culpability given its participants are there under their own volition?

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
As long as there are people who are willing to participate in high risk sports, I suppose the rest of us have the right to watch as sports fans with a clear conscience. Assuming they knew all the risks and possibilities and long-term affects when they signed up for it.
Lines should be drawn when it involves innocents, such as animals...for example, bull fighting. Or, "running with the bulls". I'm not a fan, and I always root for the bulls. :)

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~ Einstein. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Hmm....well, knowledge is what we *know* to be. Imagination is what *could* be...so for humans to move forward and advance, there will always need to be people who think "what would happen if....?"
Liked by: Façade

Do you agree or disagree that heterosexual men should hand over the leadership of the world to women and gay men? Please explain why you agree or disagree. Disclaimer: This is a serious question and is not intended to cause drama or anger. If you can't answer the question like an adult, ignore it

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
No. Leadership positions should be by merit, and merit only. Which has nothing to do with gender, sexual orientation, race, etc. Hi Thomas
Liked by: Façade Thomas

That's supposed to be an owl right?

I think so? It has a beak anyway, and it's fluffy. Ask.fm is changing with regularity now it seems, and not for the better as of yet. The orange is a bit unsettling. I voted purple, but no one ever listens to me.
Hi Tom
Liked by: Façade

Unless Scott weiland, lemmy and bowie are 3 and then Rickman starts a new wave...

Applepop’s Profile PhotoⲆⲣⲣⳑⲉⲣⲟⲣ
Good point. I guess it's a matter of where you start counting the three. Not that I believe in the theory of celebrities dying in groups of three, but I got nothing else to do today. I have time to count. *twiddles thumbs*

What do you think of *honeytrap*, where you hire someone to seduce your partner to test his/her faithfulness (or lack thereof) to you? Is ot justified in some situations? How would you react if your S/O tested you this way?

Yikes, that sounds like something that would go on in high school or by very immature people. Actually paying someone to do that to your partner (whether or not they fall for the bait) says as much about the trapper as it does the trap-ee.

What's that scratching noise near you? I think it is in your basement. You better go check it out.

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
Lol Guess what? My house has no basement. I can't fall into the evil clutches of scary basement monster if there is no where for it to lurk. *nods wisely*
Liked by: Thomas Neo Blockhead

What temperature do you keep your house at in the winter?

68 degrees. I like a cooler house, so I can wear my snuggly sweaters and cozy socks.
Liked by: Thomas Neo

How would you handle your family hating your s/o? Like 'wouldn't go to your wedding' type disapproval. Not sure it's fixable. Just want her to *eventually* be allowed at family things.

TheDeathOfLiz’s Profile PhotoBean
Is it a personal dislike your family has against her? If so, maybe you can identify what it is exactly they don't like about her, and address those things. If however, it's more of a dislike of anyone who would be your s/o in that situation, then the problem is them accepting your lifestyle. Not sure that's something you can fix.
*If* that is the case, it may eventually get to the point where you will have to make yourselves a package deal. That they accept the both of you, or get neither of you. Such as taking a stand that if there is a family event coming up, which your family wants you to attend but not her, then it's up to them to choose the both of you as a unit, or you aren't coming at all.
That's a drastic step though, and one which doesn't necessarily have to be made until things are very serious, you have been together a long time, and have a future/engagement ahead of you.

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Liked by: Thomas Neo

Do you have any recurring dreams, and if so, what do you think they mean?

I don't anymore, but in early childhood I had one that went for years from about age 4-7. We had toys in the basement and would play down there during the day. My reoccurring dream was that there was a horrible monster down there about to eat me, so I ran up the basement stairs in a panic. My mom stood at the top of the stairs, forcing me back down to pick up my toys. I told her about the monster and she didn't care. Made me go back down to pick up my toys, and ultimately to my early, gruesome demise at the hands of a scary basement monster.
I think you can read between the lines of that one. *twitch*
Liked by: Thomas Neo

have you ever tried aspartame? I have but I heard some bad things. if you dont what aspartame is, anything diet would be it (ex: diet coke, diet lemonade)

I try to use Stevia whenever possible, since it's more healthy.
But I do drink Diet Coke a few times a week.
Liked by: Thomas Neo

Remember those ID bracelets little kids used to get when they first started school? The ones that you could get a little design on the front? Do they still give those out? I haven't seen any kids wearing them. Did you have one? What was your design? Mine had sailboats :)

Applepop’s Profile PhotoⲆⲣⲣⳑⲉⲣⲟⲣ
Wow, you were a sailboat? *impressed*
I was a dinghy.
Liked by: Thomas Neo

Wir sind Köln: »Frauen schlägt man nicht, nicht mal mit Blumen. #nichtmalmitBlumen« http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/01/why-are-feminists-refusing-to-discuss-the-cologne-sex-attacks/ (eng)

FacadeGS’s Profile PhotoFaçade
Wow, this is the first I've heard of this story. And it's a big story....it begs to be addressed. I'm not sure that I feel qualified to answer this because we in America are not experiencing the mass immigration issues from the Middle East that Europe currently is. But I will try.
With the mass immigration of a people who have a history of not seeing women as equals, and in fact fair "game"... It is up to the native country into which the immigration is happening to set boundaries and come down hard on those that cross the line. Even in this politically charged atmosphere, there should be zero tolerance for those that cross over the basic boundaries of human decency in interaction with native people.
Once we start letting small things slide, such as allowing women to be groped publicly and against their will, by an influx of immigrants who don't understand the new (to them) rules of western civilization, then we are on a slippery slope indeed.
This is not an issue of feminism nearly as much as it is basic human rights. If they bring their own set of values and rules into another country and no one stops them, what's next? Cutting off the hand of a thief in a public square?

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Have you ever made a prank call?To whom was it and did the person you call get pissed off?

Tons of them, all at sleepovers and slumber parties in my teens. I can't remember any specific ones though. We'd prank call some businesses, but far more often, boyz.
Liked by: Thomas Neo Robin Hood

At greater than 1 billion dollars in payoff, will you be buying a Powerball ticket, and what's the one thing you'd buy if you won?

No, I don't play the lottery.
Travel, I think. Hi Gracie, hope your knee is better today!
Liked by: Thomas Neo Robin Hood


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