
Where Are The Kittens

Ask @GlindaBells

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Does anyone else feel like the GS/Ask.fm community on here has become rather tribalist? I notice that some users have become slightly cliquey and it's really getting on my nerves. Can't we all just put aside our petty disagreements and get along? I used to love this community but it's gone downhill

I think that's the case in any group of people, that we naturally tend to interact the most with other people who we have something in common with, or we think the same way, or we have similar opinions, or we just click with them as friends. People we feel comfortable with.
Same as through school, when it was someone's birthday party, kids invited their friends, not the whole school. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with that at all, that's life. We determine friendships by getting to know, (and important here since it's online) having a *trust* factor with the people we are close to. That we know we can say whatever we want to them and they will keep our confidences.
I think we have a really good group overall of nice people, of people who have tried to help out others when they are in a bad way, listen and give advice. We just need to steer clear of those that are whiny, judgmental, and make false accusations about others. In other words, trouble makers. Anyone whose page is full of other user's names, or who writes non-proven accusations about them, is only in this for gossip and dramatics. That's not someone I personally want to be friends with. I don't think that's being cliquey; that's self-preservation. :)

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Does the quote 'It's a man's world' remain true in today's highly automated world? A progressive world in which the weak can flourish.

GCTC1’s Profile PhotoATLAS
I think "it's a geek's world" would be more apt. People who have a tech background of some kind, engineering, IT, etc...the geeks shall inherit the Earth. :)

What do you know about Russell Brand? Do you like him? This guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Brand

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Yeah, I do like him overall. I liked the movie "Get Him To The Greek" that he was in. The most recent thing I've seen on him was a YouTube where he was talking in defense of Renee Zellweger and her dramatic plastic surgery on her face. I have to say.....as kind as he was to defend her....she looks like a completely different person and it's not just "natural aging" as he said. I mourn for cutie pie Bridget Jones.

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I don't trust 99% of the population, and only think in terms of "What's in it for me?" and what I can gain from them. On the other hand, I've got 3 or 4 people who I'm fiercely loyal to and would go to the ends of the earth for. Can I still be considered a sociopath?

The primary characteristics of a sociopath is the inability to feel compassion, remorse, or guilt. They use people for their own means, they lie regularly, they don't follow basic societal rules. They are typically cruel and heartless. This doesn't sound like you.
Ted Bundy and Charles Manson have been officially diagnosed as sociopaths. They have charisma and charm, but don't care what happens to people who believe in them.
These terms, sociopath and psychopath, are bandied about a lot by people who don't understand psychology or have the ability to diagnose someone as one or the other. There are relatively few of both of them in society.....so I think you're safe, Myles. :)

If your were the opposite sex, would you prefer to be good looking, average, or below average? Why?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
Hmm...I can't imagine anyone wanting to be less than good looking if given the choice. But if I was a male, I wouldn't want to be a Justin Bieber or an "Alex from Target"...just good looking enough to get by nicely. lol

Are you lax on who you apply your expectations to, or do you hold the same standards to everyone? The more I enjoy someone, the less I care what they do. there are things I never find ok, ever. But I'll get over it quickly if I like them enough. Can you relate? Genuinely curious about this.

TheDeathOfLiz’s Profile PhotoBean
Yes, I think the more you know people, the more you can predict their actions, and you adjust your expectations to their personalities.
For example, my bff is always running late. It can be from 15 minutes up to 45 minutes late. It used to just make me steaming mad, because if we were going someplace that started at a certain time, she would always make us late. So now, if something starts at 9:00, I tell her 8:00 because I know she has always been late and always will be. (I myself get really anxious if I'm not on time.) So now we're good, she hasn't caught on yet. xo

What is your personal definition of harassment? When someone says hello to you, do you feel harassed?

If someone touches me in an intimate way, or tries to talk dirty to me, or generally makes me feel uncomfortable and that little red light goes on in your head that says "possible danger here."
Saying hello is in itself not at all harassment, but the cat-calling while walking down the street is scary. From the answers on this and similar questions by many men, some do not seem to understand the primal fear women have when one woman is the focus of several men, who are trying to get her attention in a flirty or sexual way....it would be so easy to be overpowered and gang-raped. Sorry, I'm not going to be all tippy-toe politically correct about this. It's our instinct that when we are the sexual focus of men and we are walking alone, and they are trying to get our attention, it's damn scary.
We can't win. If they yell "Hey baby, lookin' good!" "Shake what your mama gave you" etc....and we don't acknowledge them, many of them go from "I want to flirt with you" to calling you a "snotty b*tch" or "stuck up" because we won't engage in conversation with them out of fear.

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I am still waiting for the experiment with your cats, Glinda! I hope you did not forget about me.. You did, didn't you? Tiny wah.

CzElly’s Profile PhotoCzElly
Awww....you know, it didn't work for me! I had a green circle of yarn in the middle of the living room for a week, and they wouldn't go near it. Maybe the yarn was too thin? Idk, my cats train me, I don't train them. :)

I'm an idiot: Sometimes when I want to post a question, I accidentally click "Get a random question" instead. Then, when that random question pops up, I get confused. Like, "How did this happen? Why is this here?" Should I thrust myself onto a pile of nails?

You had me at the word "thrust". *pervy wink*

Does anyone think that a 50 year old man who touches a 26 year old woman in between the legs and tries to rub her off in the museum infront of kids playing and people drinking tea whilst her 2 year old is sat on her lap is a creepy old rapey perv? LMAO.

Brick. Wall. *sigh*

If there was a dumb little kid that liked video games only, would you buy her a book series for Christmas? I'm debating what to buy my annoying half-niece, no way it'll be a game-anything, dumb kid is brain fried enough. *remembers being smacked by her*

TheDeathOfLiz’s Profile PhotoBean
Yes, a book is a great idea for her. Or, some kind of arts/crafts thing where she can make something. Just something where she has to think for herself. xo

How many people really have to wait long to vote? I've never waited more than 5 minutes. Certainly nothing like you see on the news. How do these places manage to screw it up?

ColonelReb’s Profile PhotoBuster
I'm with you, I rarely have to wait in line to vote. But the key is to never go before work, at lunch time, or 5:00pm until the polls close. Those are the busiest times for people trying to fit in voting around their work day.
Then there is always someone who forgets what precinct they are in, or who didn't register, or their ID is expired (happened to me, with my driver's license, and I held up the line trying to prove who I was). Stupid people. *rolls eyes*

Hey! Whatever happened to Trevor? Is he still around? I wonder if I should reveal my real name just like him... What's the worst that could happen, right? Someone give me like some good advice!

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Ok, this is driving me crazy trying to remember Trevor's user name. It had the word "homo" in it. That's all i can remember. Feel free to remind us.
Anyway, to your question, how long has it been since you have talked to him? If over a year, and you don't talk regularly, there is really no point in contacting him just to tell him your real first name. But you DO talk to us, so you can tell us, mkay?
Liked by: Thomas


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *dies*

I have developed a fetish for asian men and it's gotten so bad I no longer find white men attractive. AT ALL. I don't know what to do. White (and black) men are the only ones I seem to have any chance of finding a relationship with. Asian men either use me or ignore me. I don't know what to do.

*wants to hang self*
For the billionth time, and as has been said to you from many of us here:
1. Stop obsessing about men. Finding a man will not solve your problems.

2. Concentrate on Ginny, she is your top priority. Men that you meet online, from Craig's List, etc, are not the kind of men you want to bring around your daughter. They may harm her, many of them prey on single mothers like you to let them in, so they can have access to your child. What message are you sending Ginny? You are telling her: A woman without a man is not complete, do whatever you can to find a man, offer yourself up for abuse from a man, a woman can't be happy without a man, that it's okay to hook up with married men, that it's okay to hate yourself, that it's okay to have no self respect. Is that how you want her to turn out? If not, then be a role model for her instead.
3. Find something else to obsess about that will move you forward in your life. Take classes, get involved with social activities, do something to move your life forward YOURSELF, instead of waiting for a man to come along and rescue you. You do not need rescuing from a man. You can rescue yourself.
4. Find and talk to other women who have been in your shoes, get ideas on how to make your life better, what support systems are out there for single moms, and use them.
I truly wish you the best, CC. Please listen to us that are saying these same things to you over and over and over again. But it really feels like talking to a brick wall, that you can't see clearly that Ginny is more important than you and your sexual fetishes and your obsession with men. :(

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What is your first thought of a man who gets divorced and makes sure his wife doesn't get a dime?

It would depend on why he divorced her, and which of them was the breadwinner of the family, and if one of them was a stay at home parent, and which parent will have custody of the kids. Too many variables to answer this one.
Btw, why is it assumed that the man is the primary or sole breadwinner? In cases of a family where the married mother and father both work, the mother is the primary breadwinner 37% of the time. This number is steadily climbing.


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