
{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

Latest answers from {͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

// Papyrus, Wingdings and Comic Sans walk into a bar, and the bartender says "sorry sirs, we don't serve your TYPE in here!" //

byfirebepurged’s Profile Photoᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ꜰʟᴀᴍᴇ
*All Underverse skeletons: DA FAQ YOU SAY TO MEH!?
Bartender: IT WAS A JOKE I SWEAR! -LEAPS out the window screaming-*
Papyrus Wingdings and Comic Sans walk into a bar and the bartender says sorry

⠀⛓ ﹔⠀Hades remained stoic during the process in the expectation of regenerating body and soul of the God of Death.

HELLBXNT’s Profile Photo⛓ ﹔⠀ HADES
*A swirl of darkness and black feathers appear after Hades had returned the Gods own type of magic back to him, they thought he was completely gone but the Gods Soul was still inside the robe Geno had handed over to Hades, unlike normal monsters, the Gods Souls don't shatter when their body is destroyed, after a few minutes, the darkness and feathers disappears with a very small, tiny figure laying on the floor where the robe once was, Reaper was back but he was very very small*
Hades remained stoic during the process in the expectation of regenerating body

⠀⛓ ﹔⠀...mortal contact; staining the dark cloth. With another outstretched hand, suspended at head height, a flashing aura fell upon the robe covering it in warmth and cold darkness; the essence he took previously from Goth... ( cont )

HELLBXNT’s Profile Photo⛓ ﹔⠀ HADES
*Now I see why he took Goths powers O.O Hades pulled a big brain gamer move*

⠀⛓ ﹔⠀Reaper's robe would fall to the ground - part of his home, where he allowed himself to take refuge and be at one with the peace in family. A sharp dagger would make a precise, deep cut in the immortal flesh, right in the palm, releasing a peculiar fluid. Bright, golden and lethal to... ( cont )

HELLBXNT’s Profile Photo⛓ ﹔⠀ HADES
*I'll get in the continue but aw- looks like Hades likes the Death God XD @DontcallmeSans *

Huh..?*she grabs the letter opening it up to read it* ((that was funny lol))

FracturedSoul’s Profile PhotoRipley Dread
*When she looks at the letter, it reads* "So, your the one who made all that noise outside Deaths home, huh? Mind explaining who you are and what your doing here?"
*XD mission accomplished- made friend laugh*

*Ripley struggles to get up covered in dirt now* Just my luck.. At least they didn't follow me.

FracturedSoul’s Profile PhotoRipley Dread
*Reaper was debating on what to do since he was a bit tied up at the moment..so Ripley is greeted by a flock of crows in his place, a flock of crows has surrounded her by the time she managed to get up and one seems to have a letter in it's mouth*
*Ripley: -walks in and sees the Grim Reaper wrapped up in a bright pink blanket, in a chair, surrounded by donut plushies and Geno stuffed animals- o__e; wut.. uh...aren't you Death?
Reaper: Uhhh.. ...DEATH IS ON VACATION--DON'T JUDGE WHAT I DO ON VACATION -Geno then walks in wearing a bright pink cooking apron and a maids dress-
Geno: ...uhhhh.. -fakes being dead and throws himself on the floor-
Hades: -randomly walks in- F-CK THIS SH-T I'M OUT -leaps out a window-
Ripley: ME TOO! WAIT FOR ME!! -leaps out the window with Hades- *

Just rest Reaper. I know that's what I plan on doing

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*Reaper then looks over towards their window and back to the Tsun, giving a worried look* I wanna rest too..but ..I don't think I can.. can ya undo the blanket?

I got the blanket for you, and I did see you hurting

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Geno..? *Reaper struggles a bit, but he manages to lift open a eye socket just enough that he's able to look over at the Tsun*.. uh.. ..s-sorry Love...

*Geno reappears and hooks Reaper up to the new IV which has a painkiller mixed in, he wraps the god in a blanket tightly so he won't move*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*After a few minutes, the Death God let's out a heavy sigh of relief and just sinks his skull down on top of the blanket with his eye sockets closed*... .. I r-really.. hate my powers.. ..at l-least it stopped hurting.. ..before G-Geno saw.. I think.. ..? ..When did I get a blanket..?
*he didn't register that the Tsun was right there beside him-*

*Geno uses Blue Magic to get Reaper back in the chair before leaving for the classic timeline to get IV painkillers*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*The Death God starts hugging himself after he's placed back in the chair, he's gonna feel bad that the Tsun is seeing how bad it is when his powers turn on him, he tries keeping that hidden from Geno since the Tsun has enough problems with the state he's in*
*How is poor Geno handling this? D:*

Language: English