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I’m 17 years old and I absolutely hate my body ,I have huge hip dips and I’ve always felt this way ever since I was 14. I have a bf and he saw me naked for the first time he , said my body looks different with clothes on and that I need to get surgery to fix my hips..He’s never been this mean to me

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Girl, he doesn't deserve you. You are pretty ash, fine asf. Don't let anyone tell you other. Fuck the nigga. Everyone would be blessed to have hips like you ?
I have huge hips too, but I think it doesn't matter. You must love yourself, if you take too personal what the people say about you, you couldn't be confident with your own body.
My bf saw me naked for the first time and I was really insecure cuz I thought he was gonna hate my body as I do, but he said nothing about all my imperfections, so... don't worry about it, just be and love yourself ;)
He doesn’t deserve your body. And you shouldn’t allow others your body until your comfortable with yourself. Plastic surgery won’t fix your confidence. That’s a practice you have to work on. It’s a guy that will love your hips. But it’s a rollercoaster of emotion if you don’t like yourself.
I am pretty sure most people hate their own bodies. But you see, that is what self hatred is. When I was young, I hated my hands, the way my thighs and calves looked, how my stretch marks are showing. Honestly still do till this day. But I won’t let anyone judge me especially a boyfriend on how I physically look. If you like me, like me for my personality not my looks. Because when one day if he turns blind, he won’t even be able to see you except for your personality. So please, love yourself, don’t let your boyfriend or anyone tell you that you’re not good enough! :)
Leave him.
No one should be made to feel like their body is not worthy enough to be loved. My ex used to call me fat and tell me that I would look better skinny. I finally woke up and broke up with him. Now I'm with Mitch and have been for almost five years. You don't deserve to be treated like that, no one does. And don't say, Oh but he loves me. No he doesn't. Anyone who truly loved you would love you as you are and not tell you that you need surgery. Your body is beautiful, you're beautiful. Know your worth.
well first things first drop this boyfriend of yours because you only need positive people in your life, secondly if you want to change things about your figure thats on you i would say wait just because you dont know if you will find yourself in a few years loving your body but if you want change go for it but not until you first try out exercise and every other thing before surgery
Love yourself. Fuck the opinion of others, be comfortable with who you are. If he truly loves you then he’ll love every aspect of you. Don’t tolerate disrespect. You’re beautiful just the way you are.
Your body is beautiful no matter what. If he doesn’t see it that way, he does not deserve to see you fully undressed. 🙅🏻‍♀️ Rock the body your momma gave you. & If you ever choose to eat healthier or start a fitness journey, do it for yourself 😘 Love yourself before anyone else.

Language: English