
✖️Luysa Rodriguez✖️

Ask @HappyPerson2001

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You are perfect. ❤️✌️
I've followed you for ages and your answers are hilarious. You look like Andy Biersack tbh :p cx

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Why do people kill each other?

Going to answer this seriously because it's worth answering. Why people kill each other will forever remain a mystery to me. All I know is that it occurs out of jealousy or hatred, at least that's what they claim. I find it so ridiculously idiotic, to kill someone. You don't know if they have a family to support or not. You don't know if they're already having family problems, maybe even financial. All I know is that it's not truly worth it, to kill someone. It stupid and honestly the person killed isn't the only victim, their family and true friends are. In fact they're some the major victims. I say this because I've dealt with this. I lost my dad July 14, 2013 almost a year ago. I was a victim, not by being killed but by being a close family member, it truly hurts because they're ripped away from your life with no sign. If I could have a choice in how he died, I would've preferred a long time sickness, at least that way i would've seen it coming. But truthfully speaking, why people kill each other is truly a mystery, but it's one of the most painful ones yet.

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Liked by: Ashley Beaulieu Luke

Ahahaha, was it the best ass you've seen? lmao

Def a volleyball player's I'm jelly of their asses ngl

Hahahaha what is a volleyball player's butt like?

It's like perfectly shaped, like the size of two small balloons blown up and they're perfectly round lol

Damn it hahaha. what was the funniest one you exposed?

Probs the booty XD it was like a volleyball player's butt


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