
✖️Luysa Rodriguez✖️

Ask @HappyPerson2001

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I have never met you, and I don't mean to be creepy, but I'm worried about you. And while I don't know what you've been through, please know that it would absolutely shatter my heart in two if you ended your life. I say that with absolute certainty and honesty. Please--there is always hope.

You're not creepy. You're doing what I try to do sometimes. Give hope and happiness to people. Even when I don't have any.

Depression is so tough because it's not an overflow of emotions, but a lack of emotions. I know. And people who try to make you happy don't help, I know. But do you believe that there is a God in Heaven? Because I do, and I know He created you for a purpose and loves you more than you'll ever know.

I wish that purpose would appear already. -_- That way I would know if I'm useful or not.

Please, I don't know what you're going through, but please know that even if you don't believe it, there is a God who created the universe and who died for you because He loves you. I pray that you are able to find hope... and know that even if the world rejects you, God won't.

Even if I were to believe in God how can I be 100% sure there's Heaven and Hell?

What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

I don't know anymore. I swear I don't understand why I try helping people be happy. I'm not happy. Helping people doesn't make me happy. I want to grab the pills swallow them and just lay in the tub while darkness consumes me. While tranquility and calmness welcome me. The thing is, I know that once that happens, the domino effect begins. First me then Jade. Or if she does it first, I go second. It doesn't matter. One of us will give up. Then the rock sustaining us will have disappeared leaving us to drown. I feel like I'm an annoying pest to people. Just getting in the way. Things have happened in my life that I wish hadn't. I'm at a young age. I should be happy, skipping around smiling. Hoping that one day my crush will notice me. It's a fantasy. Suicide and death have become a natural thought in my mind. I don't know if there's heaven or hell or an afterlife at that, but I do know that enough has been done to me that I know for sure that Hell is where I'm living. I know that honestly and truly, I'm someone that if I were to kill myself right now, the only person that would really go into depression is my best friend Jade, my mom? She'll begin drinking and dancing and partying, right after 3 days of grieving like she did with my dad. My brother? He'll be broken, go to therapy. A counselor. He won't get over it, no one gets over death, but he'll continue living eventually. My "friends" will cry, they'll wonder why I did what I did. They'll get over it too. The only one who knows why, is Jade. She's the only one who would know why.

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Liked by: Diana Urueta

Please always remember that life is beautiful and you are loved, okay? Keep your chin up! Things'll get better. =D

c: I'll try, if you try also anon.
Liked by: Diana Urueta

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

If your parents failed/accomplished their dreams then fuck them and accomplish your own.
Liked by: Diana Urueta


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