
✖️Luysa Rodriguez✖️

Ask @HappyPerson2001

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I feel like ranting for some reason. This goes to everyone who feels like life is so shitty that they have the need to cut themselves.
Life gets better. There's always a spark of light in the empty darkness. The light represents hope. The darkness is what makes you believe life is shitty. Please don't start cutting. When start there is no turning back for a long time. Plus, when you want to stop, it's really difficult. I know right now I seem like a hypocrite to everyone, since I cut. But just don't do it. Apart from the fact you leave scars on your skin, imagine this. Girls: You've been asked to prom. You say yes, now you're looking for a cute dress. You fall in love with one, is simple and chic. One thing though, you can't wear it. Why? Because of your scars, you don't want anyone to know you cut. You'll be judged. You know then that's what your life will be like forever.
Guys: You can't do anything like anyone else, you can't go to the beach or anything or play sports or anything like a normal guy because you cut. Your scars will show. You know that you can't ask a girl out to somewhere like the beach or pool or picnic because they'll make a big deal out of it. Why? Because that's just the way girls are. They'll worry. Make a big deal out of it, you'll realize that's how it'll be every time.

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Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life! You don't need them, stay strong and have faith in GOD <3

>.> Yeah. The major problem is the fact that the people who make me feel like shit is my family.
Scars and blood mark our body,
Bumps and bruises covered under our sleeves.
Blades and knives hidden in secret places.
Relief and smiles are what they bring to us.
Don't judge us nor classify us,
We have enough of this in our daily life.
We don't need to add you to the list.
Don't feel guilty for us,
We don't need anymore stupid advice.
All we need are blades and knives.

What is the most boring job you can imagine?

Nuuuuuuuu my perfume is gone. There's no more. It's my favorite perfume.
Apart from that, since I don't like people squishing me and hugging me. I reject hugs from people I know that do that. My brother does that, so when I rejected his goodnight hug (just so you know he's ten) he goes to his room and begins crying. My mom calls him out and asks him why he's crying and he says because I wouldn't give him a hug. So then my mother barges into my room and yells at me saying I'm too good for my family now. She forced me to give him a hug and afterwards she kept on saying I'm too good for everyone. WTF. I really hate her. This is not some stupid teenage hate you have for your mom or dad just because they wouldn't give the money to go buy a pair of jeans. No this is right down to the core HATE. As in I wish I wasn't under her custody.

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Language: English