
✖️Luysa Rodriguez✖️

Ask @HappyPerson2001

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Ah I see. I didn't mention Zach though. I just thought it was disrespectful to throw around the word faggot.

Liked by: jac

He's not making fun of him he's saying what he's doing wrong!

Saying that he did something wrong means saying it once. After you've mentioned it more than once you're just hating on him.

Did you see what he said to me? :/

Yeah he's just pissed. Considering Zach has been hating and you're his friend just trying to defend him. He's just in the heat of things.
Liked by: jac

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Why do you think it's right to make fun of zach like that

Why do think it's right for him to make fun of Dylan like that?

I agree I think Zach shouldn't have said anything, because it just makes it a bigger deal. But in a way you have to understand that he gets a lot of hate and he's passionate about magcon so I think he just snapped. Zach is a really nice chill guy and he just reacted to the hate in the wrong way.

I guess so and well I mean I guess I shouldn't have mentioned anything about the magcon thing because I mean we all have that one obsession or thing we like a lot I mean mine is bands, and as for the hate thing we all react to it different ways some of us brush it off and ignore it, others laugh it off, and some just burst. I'm the type of person that when I get hate I just get all witty on them so yeah.
Liked by: Anna jac

Well I don't know the whole story but Zach gets SOO much hate like it's ridiculous. You probably don't care. Dylan is a big boy and I'm pretty sure he can handle himself. I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with you btw.

Yeah it's okay I went on your page you seem like a chill guy but I just don't like the fact Zach is hating on Dylan for no actual reason.
Liked by: Anna jac

Why are you hating on Zach?

Why is hating on Dylan? Seriously. I really try not to hate on people but if you're going to hate on someone for no reason I'm going to butt in. I don't care what you say, I'm going to do it.

tbh; you're a youngin. but you see really chill. uhhh i really don't know what to say but you should spam bc ily. and hit me up while you're at it. byeee:*

JJ Raymundo
Haha ily2 going to spam you right now bc I'm bored ❤️
Liked by: JJ Raymundo


You're seriously perfection. You and Cat need to get together like ASAP because you two would be the cutest couple ever.
Your singing>>>>>
I haven't seen any of your videos of you playing soccer which sucks. :'c
But anyway ily.❤️
Liked by: ♛Ñiçołe♛


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