
✖️Luysa Rodriguez✖️

Ask @HappyPerson2001

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Typical fangirl and your "about me" is attention seeking. You're not unique or different, so many other girls do the exact same thing as you do and want to be a photographer just like you. No one on this shit Earth is unique. How you look and talk is about the only thing that sets you apart

I just fucking woke up and I don't want to deal with this shit but I will.
My about me thing isn't attention-seeking because if you even bother to fucking read, it says in parentheses "deep shit". I'm not attention seeking, I don't need it. I don't want it. I could care less if I was "ask.fm popular", and if you truly believe that no one is unique or different, you can shove your beliefs up your ass. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE IN THEIR OWN WAY. I know I am. I'm unique, maybe not to the world but within my family I am. In fact, if I was an attention-seeking whore like you I would be saying, "my dad died and I cut because of that and because my mom insults me." but I don't. Because even though those things are true, I'm not going around saying it. Bitch, I more than sure that you cut for attention. Really? "Emo, Getto at night" or whatever. You're stereotyping yourself. NO ONE DOES THAT UNLESS THEY SEEK ATTENTION. I've been asked if I was emo, scene, or whatever and its always the same answer- "I'm not a can, don't label me." Unless it's a teacher, in that case I answer I'm an outcast. And the truth is even though I HATE admitting it, I am. All the things I've been diagnosed with in my "about me" section, are just a heads up to people who decide to follow me. It's a heads up that on here there will be moments when I answer with really depressing shit, or sometimes with really stuff. Those are things for people to read so people won't ask the same shit again. So, your majesty Queen Bitch, get your facts straight before coming to insult me. Bye-bye! Hope you have a shitty life like mine! Oh whoops, that was attention-seeking wasn't it? I don't even care. Rot in hell. c:

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why you crying cus I said that girl looks 40 wtf if shes dumb enough to beg for questions shes gonna get people hating her

The fuck?
I'm not crying. Who told you that? I'm not stupid to cry over an insult you told another person. I have actual reasons to cry, and don't flatter yourself thinking that you're one of them. In fact, I should be ignoring this but guess what I'm a person who argues A LOT and I sure as hell like it. But back to the point, don't stick your fucking nose in places you don't know anything about, I'm surprised someone hasn't already beat the shit out of you for doing this. Because I'm pretty goddamn sure you've done this multiple times. But you know what?
Bye-bye! Hope you have a shitty life like mine!

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What is your favorite thing in your room?

eating ice cream bc I can.
just finished my science project.
it looks pretty.
oh, and I don't have school for 3 days. hell ya motherfuckers.
I'm lonely. I need more friends.

What annoys you the most?

So I just gonna rant on here while I cry.
I hate my mom.
I truly do. If your daughter who has always had perfect grades and a-b student fucks up and gets a D what would you do? I personally tell her that she has disappointed me and I hope that she gets back on track. Honestly that's what I would do IF they told me AHEAD of time. My mom is basically telling at me about how fucking useless I am and how I'm an idiot and a fatass. Why? I don't know. But I sure as hell can assure you that asap I will be leaving this shit hole.

What's your favourite chocolate bar?

Can someone please bring me like a tub of chocolate ice cream or a bunch of chocolate bars?
Please? I'm reading The Fault In Our Stars while listening to really depressing music and I'm about to cry because of the music. Like I'm not that far into the book but. Someone please.
I want to cuddle.
And cry whitlist I read.
The struggle of being single.
The struggle of reading sad books.

Do you think animals have souls?

stretching while scrolling down ask.fm is dangerous.
almost fell out of bed.
almost fucking died tyvm

If you were locked in a room with one celebrity that you hate or dislike, What weapon would you use to kill that celebrity?

chainsaw or machete c:

What is your favorite love story movie?

Whoops that's not a love story movie?
Too bad.
I don't watch romance.
Horror movies>>>>human race


✖️Luysa Rodriguez✖️
So I'm bored and decided I should talk a bit about myself. Soo, I guess I should say a couple things about me. I turned 13 on February 7. I'm an "outcast" if you wanna label me. I'm constantly judged. Apparently, according to my psychologist(I go to a psychologist) I have an anxiety disorder, anger issues, and depression. I use to self harm. I've been clean since 2/17/14. Go me! My dad died on July 14, 2013. My mom is a bitch to me 99.9% of the time. I'm bisexual. My family believes it's a phase, I don't. I care a lot for my best friend. She's a girl whom keeps on fighting all day, every day. She gets bullied but so do I.I honestly feel like I don't fit in with anyone. But that's how I like to be. I don't have many friends that are girls probably one or two. I don't have many friends at all. The few that I do have are mostly boys. Most girls stare at me and rule me as a dysfunctional person. Truth is, I am. I get good grades at school, I also try to go unnoticed by everyone. I have an addiction to bands, some like: Avenged Sevenfold, Sleeping With Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, and many many more. I also read... a lot. I read mostly fiction and I have a lot of fandoms. I love to draw and sing. My drawings reflect what I want and what I feel. Many people believe that I'm a failure of a girl. I don't. I know I'm going to make it in life. I'm going to make it. I'm going to be something different. I plan on being an artist or a professional photographer. My family believes that if you're not wearing a suit and tie or a uniform then you don't have a job. I'm going to change that. I'm going to be the one that is defiant. I know that's what I am. Defiant. Different. Unique. I'm what my family doesn't want. Doesn't need. I'm the one they're going to regret.

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Music Taste?

In no order.
My Chemical Romance
Asking Alexandria
Avenged Sevenfold
Green Day
Hollywood Undead
Black Veil Brides
Pierce The Veil
Falling In Reverse
Blink 182
We Came As Romans
Suicide Silence
Avril Lavigne
Blood On The Dance Floor
Panic! At The Disco
Marilyn Manson
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Sleeping With Sirens
Bring Me The Horizon
Daft Punk
Lady Gaga
and since I'm Hispanic I have to put some Spanish artists in here.
Prince Royce
Romeo Santos
Toby Love
Enrique Iglesias
Don Omar
Daddy Yankee
That's pretty much it. There are a couple more floating around I can't remember the names of. So yeah. c:


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BASIC ~~~
FULL NAME: Luysa Raquel Gonzalez Rodriguez
AGE : 13
SEXUALITY : Bisexual
TAKEN : As single as a flamboyant potato can get
VIRGIN : Yes and I plan on staying a virgin until I'm ready
FROM : Born in Florida, blood line from Colombia and Venezuela
KIK : Luysa2001
FACEBOOK : not anymore
SKYPE : deadatthehotel
BBM : 28158EFE
YOUTUBE : SweetDarkAngelShadow
TUMBLR : http://www.tumblr.com/blog/imaunicornondrugs
TWITTER : @Le_Brunette2001
Other Shits:
15 likes for a drawing
10 for a fansign
@ChikaaaRed ~sister from another vagina, her>>>you fgts
@JadeTheQuotevQueen ~bfff/sister love her to death, bully her and you'll be seeing your grave in 5 seconds flat.
I'm hispanic, 49% Venezuelan, 49% Colombian, 1.5% Italian, .5% American
If you're nice to me I'll be nice to you.
@Scorpio99 <~follow him, he's my cousin.

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Liked by: Paris ☮


Language: English