

Ask @Iizzzyxx

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Something you would never do even though its interesting?

all your desire for this materialistic world is interesting and every one want to do it but if its against the order of God and i wish i could prevent my self from them .usually attraction of this world is biggest weapon of satan thats why hazarat Ali said i gave 3 time divorce to this mean world .and this broken shoe of mine is even better than all pleasure and treasure of this world .

-Pray For the victims of Peshawar Attack Please. May their soul rest in peace,Aameen.

AmnaAAbbas’s Profile PhotoAmna Asad Abbas
i am my heart is crying may we cant imagine pain and suffering of parents who lost their children its unbearable and those innocent children who have lot to achieve in this world brutally killed for no reason .i think i am also responsible for that act as it happen in our world and i ask forgiveness to Almighty that i didn't do enough to save that innocent lives .may Allah give patient to the parents and relatives of martyrs and give highest rank in jannatul firdous to all who sacrifice their lives to save humanity ,Aameen suma Aameen

“If anyone slays a person, it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.”Qur'an 5:32

mind your own business .i don't care,i know everything,me first,yes i am selfish,its none of your business,why are you telling me this,
this is common words around us .but in reality you are responsible for everything is going around you and you have to give answer for that on day of judgement. don't be selfish don't just care about you and your family.its not enough now changing display pic or some words on social site doesn't count or call Allah to help you .Allah will help you only if you are helping your self.wake up that devils who killed innocent children have no religion .they are among you and misguide you on name of religion .you should recognize that satan's companion and remove them from society. they are in government in bureaucrats they are in religious leaders.mosque,universities,market everywhere around you .they think you are impotent and coward.they act fearlessly because they know no one really cares and things gonna be normal in few hours killing couple of hundred children is no big deal in Pakistan .thats the bad behavior how come you guys lost your conscious common you are accountable for that at day of judgment all your namaz roza zakat will be vanishes because of this silence .at least get enough knowledge of your religion so any uneducated bastard cant misguide you on social sites .do one thing scream that taliban,Al quaida or ISIS are not Muslims and they are followers of Satan .declare them as non believer and remove them from your society come our protest until government kill and remove all that bastard .government knows everything they fund them they use them for their own benefit .sorry no offence but i saw lots of people humiliate malala instead of Taliban here ,what kind of mentality is this .how many of you condemn terrorist attack around world India,Iraq,even in Pakistan against minorities you think who cares .don't think only terrorist is accountable for that but you are equally accountable because your silence encourage that cowards take that negative mentality out to find faults in others and blame some one else.i know my words ar bitter but its true .as a muslim country you are brothers and sisters please don't blame each other help each other and save humanity.
Surah 8, Al-Anfal (53) & Surah 13, Ar-Ra’d (11) … Allah never changes the condition of any people until they first change that which is in their hearts ….
Surah 47, Muhammad (38) … If you turn away, He will exchange you for some other people, and they will not be like you.
( for more answer follow me here )

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I love u. U always tell me good stuffs in deen i really love u thank u so much am big fan of u ❤️❤️

i love you too and thank you very much for appreciate and admire me i am big fan of you too god bless you .i really don't deserve your love but its your big heart and courtesy if few more people like you in this world this world would be heaven for sure :)

Rich and loveless, or loved and poor?

being poor is curse,i need enough money to survive .instead of love i need respect from people and humbleness and courtesy as i saw lots of people here they are really rude and arrogant like they have their own fantasy world and they think they are gonna stay their for ever .its their life but what we have here is gift from Almighty.if any one can proud of something then its knowledge its biggest blessing of Allah .i don't care about material world and i have full faith in Allah who said i will provide you food and job.so i want to be rich in my knowledge.i want to get more and more knowledge for every where and find more and more blessing of Allah(s.w.t).i must thank him that he provide me good shelter ,parents, country, and protect me from all calamity from this mean world .sometime i think about people of Africa who don't have clear water for drink and died from suffering and hunger then i forget all my problems and thanks Allah for having me good life .we are here for test and everyone has different test and different judgement and different reward on day of judgement.so don't compare yourself with others.every god deeds has different reward like fasting in summer month has more sawab (reward) than winter.
rich person is more poor if that person don't use money for good cause .

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How to get rid of boredom? bored :3

The best way to talk to people who makes a smile on your face. or open their profile and read their awesome answers.Read Quran and translation do names give you really great positive energy.Hang out with good friends.Go watch a nice movie with them.Find nice site about Islam or science or chat with great people here.I think I usually do when I get bored

What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?

Trusting the wrong people. its hurt when someone betrays you.When you've made someone very close and that person treats you like shit. its really bad feeling and its hurt most.I am talking about friends and relatives.Then I think why I've given this much time and effort for that mean person. makes me feel stupid.

Name one thing you totally suck at?

i am suck at lots of things .my biggest problem is i cant hold people who are close to my heart like conversation problem ,i lost lots of friends.i really miss them some people are here too i really don't know whats going wrong.i cant express my self properly or give enough time to friends i really care of please guy you all are awesome and i really deserve you as my followers or friends ,i said thanks to all of you from bottom of heart and please please forgive me if i hurt yo or ignore you unknowingly.some time i over react on small issue forgive me i know you all are amazing people here and i am such a blessed with your friendship may Allah accept all your good deeds and fulfill all your desire ,Aameen .

What Inspires you?

good friends always inspire me , positivity comes from people i like and i admire always inspire me and word of God of course and biography of great Muslims and stories of prophets of Islam.talking to scholars and reading book of great scholars also inspires me .worship and deep thinking about our existence give me great inspiration .sad incidence in my life also change my way of thinking too. and yup nice questions from people i follow always inspires me lot ,thanks for asking :)

Highlight of this week? ( Everyone I follow ) >.<

sapna abdullah
its awesome week i had answered around 20 questions and its all awesome i love the question and i enjoyed answer it it was good conversation with followers and person i followed .we received bad news about our friend's relatives died at young age of 9 and its sad moment .we should pray for his magferah and prepare our self for journey after death as we have little time left .and keep our deeds pure and our soul and faith too and keep us with good company who constantly remind us Allah(s.w.t) and avoid company of negative people who are companion of satan who misguide us and confuse us in material world and finding faults in others .

Izzy :( My boyfrnd's cxn just died :( What should i do to support him? To make him feel okay? :( Help me plx

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.i feel so sorry for you and your boy friend may Allah give him strength to bear this unsustainable loss in his life its not easy to lost our love once
Allah says in the Quran:
Who, when a misfortune overtakes them, say: 'Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return'
[Surah Al-Baqara 2:156]
that's the scariest part of life when we lost our love once.but this life here is just test for us
death is not scary but states of death is we have to save our emman(faith) at the time of death from deceiving satan.
Allah (S.W.T.) says in surat Al-Emran, (verse 102), what can be translated as, "O you who believe obtain taqwa of Allah as should be, and do not die except in a states of Islam."
we can pray for his cousin that may Allah forgive all his sins and give place in his best rehmat (blessing)
you should be with your boy friend and sympathies him with words of quran and tell that this life is temporary
"Everyone shall taste the death."Al-Ankabout, (verse 57),
you should pray for him do as much as good deeds you can do for that person .Death is overwhelming and dangerous; people are not aware of it because they do not reflect upon it and do not remember it often..... The best way to remember death is for a person to remember his friends and relatives who died before him, so he will remember their death and what happened to them under the ground, and remember their images when they were alive and their positions and situations and reflect upon how the dirt erased their nice images and how their body have disintegrated in their graves, and how they left behind their possessions, their jobs, their families. And how they were preparing and planning for themselves what they need for the next ten years, at a time when there is very little time between them and death... but they are not aware of it until death came at a time they did not expect, so it was unveiled for them the image of the angel of death, and were told where they are going; either Paradise or Hell Fire..... and the happy and successful person is the one who learned from others."
tell him this is lesson for rest of the world that this world is deceiving and nothing but play ground .and surly he will meet his cousin one day and best thing to help that person is to do dua and good deeds like charity and do kaza namaz and roza and read quran for his soul.may Allah grant that person in jannatul firdouse
and i am also praying just give me name so me and every one can pray for that person .Aaamen
i wish i could help more by my words .

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