
Andi Lenny Utami

Ask @Lennyutami

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I fantasize -- during sexual intercourse -- about a guy from college even though I'm happily dating. Am I a bad girlfriend?

Well...... You are pretty normal ! I mean... You cannot controle your brain to fantasize anything rite ? you are freely to 'fantasize' anything you want, anything anytime anywhere. Express yourself on your mind.... While that still on reasonable limits yaaaaa ! 😁😝

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Do you know some friend or colleague who has a Sugar Daddy?

Ahahahhaha many dude.....banyak..... Kalau di sebutin satu satu nanti jadi kontroversi. Lol

What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Uooocchhhhh suatu hari di Bank BRI gue lagi antri dan penuh banget bank nya............
Tiba tiba ibu ibu nunjuknke lantai dan agak teriak dikit sambil bilang "itu tali BEHA siapa warna item ?" Sambil nunjuk tali beha nya !
Dan gue lgsg nengok begitupun semua orang orang yg di ruangan nengok. Semua mata tertuju pada tali beha tersebut.
Sejenak tersadar bahwa gue kok agak aneh ya perasaan ni..... Dan tersadar ternyata itu tali Beha gue yg copot dan jatoh kelantai........
Satpam ambil tali beha nya dan nanya ke gue ini tali sapa gue bilang "bukan tali saya pak"
Komuk parah muka memerah dan gue langsung cussssssa kabooooorrrrrrr ke mobil gajadi nabung
BYE deh.......... 😂😭
Liked by: Ina Massijaya

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?

Romance ?
I guess on my 19th birthday
it would be my best and romantic birthday ever soalnya ga ada lagi kayaknya org yg mau repot repot susah susah bikin kya gni buat gue... I mean i really appreciate it at least i had once in my entire life :)) hehe
Thanks guys

What’s your idea of the perfect date?

yaaaah...... I kno many of you are imangine like thiz
waiting for mr. Right
right man in the right time and the right places.
Kinda perffffffff 🙏💕

Ka kalau pacaran suka main kemana

Ya allah malem ini kenapa anon nya nanya aneh2 terus 😿 ku mau bobo aja ah.... Goodnight :(

What does a perfect day look like to you?

Spending time with family, jalan jalan sama bapa mama ade ade nene tante ponakan sepupu ke mana kek yg indah indah.......
Tapi kurang lengkap kalau ga ada soulmate....
Spending time with soulmate and my family.... Its gonna be a perfffffffffectttt day ewvewrrr ❤️💕
Kapan ya bisa begitu...

W bosen nih ngapain ya

Gue juga lagi bosen nih enaknya makan kue cubit. (Daritadingidamkuecubit) 😭😭😭😭😭

teteh aku pernah denger teteh berobat muka di dokter kun yg di senayan. Aku skrg jerawatan gt teh bagus gak sih kesana ?

Haii ini siapaa ? Gausah anon atuh hehe iya aku pernah ke kun tp cocok2an ya kalau ke dokter muka. Kalau aku sih jd beruntusan kecil2 smpe skrg... Tp kalau temen aku ada fia bagus ke kun mulus... tp kalau kamu penasaran bisa kok di coba kata org org mah bagus kesana. Goodluck ! ;)

What song best describes your life right now?

Lamb of god - walk with me in HELL !!!!!! 😭 goddamnsick god sake 😢

lagi kurang sehat 😀. syukurlah kalau baik2 aja. coming soon ka nginep nya. ngajak risna dulu, risna kan orang sibuk hehhee ✌

Wida Anryani
Wida kesini juga gpp sini........ Hihi risna emg sibuk apaciiii bilangin kan kangen gt ke cipayung doong... hehe atau ga nnti kita liburan bareng kek ya kmn gt...
Liked by: Wida Anryani


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