

Ask @LizAngelina

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When I’m single, I have so much more drive toward my goals. Stay single for however long until I reach them?

Same but I honestly don’t even care bout that stuff I do it more so for everyone else. I could care less tbh

If you love someone, who don't love you currently..possibly never will again, the way they use to..the way you wish they still did..focus on you..do better for you. Don't waste too much time hurting anymore because if that love isn't meant for you..there is one that will eventually be on the way. 🥰

Very true

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If you have friends who are dating and they break up can you still be friends with both of them or do you have to choose one?

It depends on the situation but you shouldn’t be hanging out with no ones ex girlfriend or boyfriend that’s weird

I cheated on my girlfriend with an Instagram model man I can’t resist those I rather have thousands of Instagram models rather than my own girlfriend

Youre tripping what made u cheat

Ok so I can’t stop comparing myself to my bf ex , even tho Ik he loves me . I’m jealous of her and constantly compare , even tho I don’t want too . Any tips on how to stop this ?

Why do u feel like that you’re awesome the way u are and if your man doesn’t make u feel like that. Fuck him.

What irks me the most is when someone thinks they’re better than you because they have more stuff a bigger house looks at you like a piece of trash. You don’t know me you don’t know where I come from. You don’t know what I got. Maybe they choose to wear the clothes they wear think you’re better. ?

Facts. But anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️

I'mma gonna sit here on my couch maybe sleep a bit hell idk. Don't feel like leaving the house tried emotionally drained tonight

Yeah same here

I almost felt like she didn’t want me sitting there because she moved to another table & sat by herself after she left.

Lol what did u do

What is something you find unattractive?

I don’t like it when ppl talk about people’s finical situations. It’s annoying

My crush has reached out to me first a lot more often recently. Today she called me twice, we talked for around an hour the first time, she even turned on video and asked if she/her outfit looked good at one point. But she says no to me buying her a Xmas gift. I'm confused. Opinions?

some ppl are just naturally quiet. I can only speak for myself. If we really know each other there’s really no need to talk so much. Silence is actually cool. It’s nice she doesn’t take from you. But yeah maybe ask her what’s going on. Me personally I get quiet when I peep things and then I slowly start losing interest. I’m naturally observant. So I’ll watch you for a min see how u move. But tbh personally if I don’t like you or I don’t really see it working I won’t waste your time or mine. No point.

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I can’t believe I actually liked them. 😑 They are a pain in my butt and I don’t even know them on a personal level.


Should I give someone 10 years older than me a chance to date. I’m 25

Sure what does age have to do with anything. If u like them you like them

This is the last opportunity I will give you to answer me on your website after tonight you will answer to the public goodbye and keep playing your games. Stupid you’re not blocked.

R u a fucking robot

If there’s one thing in this world I m afraid to lose , it is you . I can’t afford to lose u.

Aw that’s really sweet


Language: English