
Ŋσctʋɾɳe †

Scary Sleepover Games - Concentrate

Concentrate is a spooky game that kids play at sleepovers. Some people say that it is a form of hypnosis. The object of the game is to find out how you are going to die. To play Concentrate, you only need two people. You begin by telling the person to close their eyes. Then you stand behind them and say the chant while performing the rituals. During the chorus, you pound lightly on the peron’s back with your fists while you chant. During the verses, you perform the actions while you chant. (Every time you say this, you pound lightly on the person’s back with both fists)
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
(Verse 1: Tap the person on the top of their head with your fist and run your hands down both sides of their head)
Crack an egg on your head.
Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.
Crack an egg on your head.
Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
(Verse 2: Twist your hands on their shoulders and then run your hands down their arms)
Squeeze an orange on your shoulder.
Let the juice drip down. Let the juice drip down.
Squeeze an orange on your shoulder.
Let the juice drip down. Let the juice drip down.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
(Verse 3: Poke them in their sides with all your fingers, then run your hands down their sides)
Stick ten needles in your sides.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Stick ten needles in your sides.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
(Verse 4: Tap them on the back with your fist, then run your hands down their back)
Stab a knife in your back.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Stab a knife in your back.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
(Verse 5: Mime wrapping a rope around their neck and then pull the imaginary rope. The person’s head should move back as if they are being hung.)
Wrap a rope around your neck.
Wrap it till it’s tight.
Wrap a rope around your neck.
And… PULL!
(Hold the person by their arms. Whisper in their ear)
You’re standing on a building.
You’re out on the ledge.
You’re feeling very dizzy
and you’re close to the edge.
and someone… PUSHES YOU!
You push them, just enough to make them tip forward and regain their balance. Then you tell them to open their eyes.. ?
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Latest answers from Ŋσctʋɾɳe †

Može li jedan savet...ali da ostane međju nama,ako me neko prepoznaje..

Može, nikakav problem ✨

Počela sam da se svidjam sa jednim momkom i dogovorili smo se da ostane u tajnosti.Ja imam stvarno otvoren odnos sa roditeljima i sad od kako se vidjamo krišom,kažem im da idem sa drugaricom ali osećam teret u sebi.Kako da se opustim?Znam da ne radim bišta loše ali taj teret u meni me nervira jako

Znam da je prošlo nekoliko meseci od kada je ovo poslato, no tek sada odgovaram I stvarno se izvinjavam zbog toga.. Da li se situacija promenila za ovih nekoliko meseci? Da li si rekla tvojim roditeljima o tome? Kakav je sada vas odnos? Ne bih ništa dalje da pišem pošto ne znam kakva je trenutna situacija i da li se ista promenilo u celoj ovoj priči ✨

Sto mislis o pandemiji? Da li zapravo bacaju virus iz zraka?

That's ridiculous, no ne bih sad previše pisala o tome, dosadilo mi je sve ovo, iskreno ✨

Gledas li Riverdale? Imas li kakvo misljenje o seriji? Da li ti se sviđa? Da li bi promjenila nesto?

Odgledala sam prve dve sezone i nekoliko epizoda treće, gde sam se zaustavila i nikako nisam nastavila dalje sa gledanjem. Prva sezona mi je bila bas interesantna, onda je tu došla druga, sa malo dosasnijom temom, radnjom, a onda su nastavili sa trećom i ubacili šta sve ne, zato nisam ni nastavila. Nakon polovine druge sezone postalo je dosadnije i ne tako interesantno kao na početku, ne razumem sada toliki hajp za treću i sve ostale sezone nakon toga. Ne znam ni koliko ih ima. Overall utisak bih rekla da mi serija nije nešto previše interesantna i zanimljiva kao prva sezona. Ima toliko toga što bih promenila, ali me zapravo mrzi da pišem, uz to se i ne sećam baš svake scene, svakog događaja ✨

Možeš li mi malo objasniti seriju shadowhunters?

Reci mi, šta te zanima u vezi serije? ☺️✨

Language: English