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Skąd pomysł, żeby Mystery ukazywało się 2w1 skoro to niezakończona seria? Zwykle wydaje się tak zamknięte tytuły.

SJG: W przypadku mang dla starszych czytelników, format 2w1 po prostu wydaje się bardziej przemawiać do odbiorców - jest to opcja, żeby szybciej i taniej zebrać daną serię. Fakt, że seria wciąż się ukazuje nie jest tu żadną przeszkodą. ^^

Rant about something.

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Why do socks always disappear in the laundry? I swear, I put two socks in the washer, but when I take them out, there's only one! It's like there's a secret sock-eating monster living in my machine. And don’t get me started on trying to match socks. I have a drawer full of lonely, single socks just waiting for their partners to magically reappear Seriously, it’s like a never-ending mystery.

Посоветуйте интересную «мобильную» игру, чтобы затянула на время.

Для мобильных, конечно, куда меньший перечень игр с таковым погружением, сравнительно с компьютерными играми или на консолях. Последние совершенно другого уровня, говоря о любом из жанров. Но всё же несколько игр вам посоветовать сумею.
1) Неоднократно упоминаемая мною, назову её лучшей среди всех мобильных игр и входящей в топ 10 игр на ПК, интереснейшая и многогоранная - «Genshin Impact». Вам 100% стоит попробовать. В свой аккаунт я где-то полгода не заходил, добившись в игре максимального развития, но последнее время часто о ней вспоминаю. Вчера решил скачать обновление и посетить восхитительные виды Тейвата, заодно пройдя несколько заданий. Не вышло - обновление требует 23 ГБ, и я понял сие, когда из моих 15 ГБ по тарифу утекло 9 ГБ. Относительно всех законов подлости, именно в июне я решил отказаться от Wi-Fi, ведь скоро мне съезжать из Барнаула, и буквально через несколько дней вознамерился посетить мир «Genshin Impact». В итоге, и гб потратил, и не получил доступа к желаемому, тормознув загрузку. Теперь либо Wi-Fi искать нужно, либо отпуска ждать (дома он будет).
2) “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery”. Тоже классная игра по мотивам моей любимой вселенной - очевидно, не мог пропустить. Яркие локации, сюжет с посещением занятий, дуэлями, история о гг и его тёмном брате, конфликты с Мерулой, не всегда заканчивающиеся справедливостью, знакомые персонажи (Северус Снейп, Флитвик, Минерва Макгонагалл, Хагрид и др.), возможность выбора в диалогах (говорил, что такой аспект меня весьма притягивает). Единственный минус - отсутствие русского языка. Но сейчас перевод - не проблема. Я делал скрин и заливал в переводчик. Неудобно, конечно, но игра стоит того, чтобы этот аспект претерпеть.
3) “Sniper 3D”. Если хочется шутера. Просто, но вкусно.
4) “Mobile Legends“. По типу «Dota 2» для телефона. Фэнтезийный мир, разнообразие интересных персонажей (мне больше берущие мощью нравились - скажем, Минотавр), онлайн-катки минут на 20-25. Можно зайти на пару таймов.
5) «Head Ball 2». В игре нужно лишь отбивать мяч головой своего игрока, дабы он не попал в собственные ворота, и стремиться направить ⚽️ в чужие, используя различные бафы вроде уменьшения или увеличения мяча. Всё просто, но игра способна затянуть. Недавно ещё обновление вышло: теперь есть возможность пенальти.
6) «WOW», «Crostic». Интеллектуальные. Первая на сбор слов из нескольких букв в кроссворд (прошёл её на выше 1000 уровня), вторая - разгадка слов по их описанию, из букв которых собирается определённая фраза, по обозначению которой игрой приводится научный факт.

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Посоветуйте интересную мобильную игру чтобы затянула на время

Co jeśli znam Twoją tajemnicę ? ;)

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
What if I know your secret?
This is not a mystery, just a coincidence. I was supposed to answer a question and it was in my memory to be translated, but it went to you as a question
To nie jest tajemnica tylko przypadek. Miałam odpowiadać na pytanie i było w pamięci do przetłumaczenia, a poszło do Ciebie jako pytanie
Co jeśli znam Twoją tajemnicę

Have you/your husband noticed your daughter looks more like one of you or do you feel it’s a mix right now? Asking cause I tend to hear parents say their baby has certain facial features of both parents, or that they look similar to one parent. (If you’re uncomfortable sharing, feel free to ignore).

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I think she looks nothing like me 😅😂🤷🏻‍♀️.
Although her face changes and will change a lot, her hair is still a mystery. I hope it turns black, but she will most likely have mine—Latvian brown.
Her eyes are still blue/gray. They will change color, but I don't know when.
There's a pattern, though. I believe women tend to have sons who look like them, and men tend to have daughters who look like them. It's not a 100% thing but a high possibility.
As a newborn, she looks like other newborns except for her nose, lips, and hair. And I believe her nose and lips are from Dad. 😅😃

What genres of books do you like to read (or listen to if you prefer audio books)?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I’m a huge fan of mystery and thriller books! I tend to prefer stories that keep me on my feet. Or even those that make me wonder or throw me into the story and let me put the pieces of the puzzle together myself. I am honestly rather picky about books, and often get bored of them quickly. 😬 So yeah, I usually stick to those couple genres. Even though, I am truly trying to venture outside of that and explore other genres! ☺️
What genres of books do you like to read or listen to if you prefer audio books

https://ask.fm/nebelung1717/answers/174698197998 - What apps would you recommend people download? 😆

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
A więc, zdecydowanie polecam aska. XD
Poza tym instagram, facebook, messenger i takie tam, wiadomo.
Jakieś aplikacje do płacenia i ogarniania swojego konta w banku też są użyteczne, osobiście mam IKO z racji konta w PKO BP i polecam.
Dla kobiet (lub ich partnerów) polecam aplikacje Flo bądź Mój Kalendarzyk, żeby ogarniać, co i jak z okresem.
Do nauki języków niby mogę polecić Duolingo, chociaż chyba lepszym wyborem będzie Buusu mimo wszystko, tam przynajmniej tłumaczą, czemu tak, a nie inaczej, i można napisać do rodowitych mówców tego języka.
Do ogarniania obowiązków zdecydowanie Habitica, bardzo sympatyczna aplikacja, a do śledzenia swoich humorków Daylio.
A co do gierek, to wiadomo, każdy ma swój gust, ale ja polecam Sudoku, Nonogram, Subway Surfers (chociaż ostatnio wprowadzają dużo nowości i apka się trochę zacina), Horrorfield, Hogwarts Mystery, Duskwood i Match Factory.
So, I highly recommend ask. 😆
Apart from this, instagram, facebook, messenger and stuff like that, you know.
Some applications for paying and managing your bank account are also useful, I personally have IKO due to my PKO BP account and I recommend it.
For women (or their partners), I recommend the Flo or My Calendar applications to keep track of what's going on with your period.
For learning languages, I can recommend Duolingo, although Buusu will probably be a better choice after all, at least there they explain why this way and not otherwise, and you can write to native speakers.
Habitica, a very nice application, is definitely for taking care of your duties, and Daylio is for keeping track of your moods.
As for games, everyone has their own taste, but I recommend Sudoku, Nonogram, Subway Surfers (although recently they have introduced a lot of new things and the app lags a bit), Horrorfield, Hogwarts Mystery,

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You never really know someone, do you?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
I think no matter how well we may think we know someone, there is always a certain level of mystery or complexity to each individual that can be difficult to fully understand. After all – we are all constantly changing and evolving based on our experiences, thoughts, and emotions and sometimes those changes can be hard for even ourselves to keep up with. But what is scary is that you will never fully see someone or know the true intentions behind every action they choose to take, there will always be a hidden motive, that you can guess, that you could swear you can see, but you have no proof. 🌻

How much do you care about avoiding Spoilers when it comes to movies and television shows?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I'm not usually bothered by spoilers, to be honest with you. I understand why people don't like them, and I'd never go out of my way to purposely spoil something for somebody else. But if I'm watching something and someone tells me how it's going to end or what's going to happen, my first thought isn't "oh man! why did you tell me that?!" but "huh, neat, I can't wait to see that with my own eyeballs!"
There have only been two occasions where I've actively tried to avoid spoilers. The first was when I watched Naoki Urasawa's Monster for the first time. The mystery was just so well-constructed and the show had managed to catch me by surprise multiple times already... I couldn't bear to find out how it was all going to end before actually seeing for myself!
The second was more recently, when I went to see Rite Here Rite Now with my fiancé.

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How complicated is love be honest?

Genuine love is the least complicated concept in the world. There is no riddle to decipher, no great mystery to ponder. Exhaustive treatises or convoluted theories aren't required. People love to complicate the sentiment for reasons which are truly baffling. That might be the only "love" which they will experience...
How complicated is love be honest

Why do some couples not expect privacy? Like some couples shower together never close the bathroom door every aspect of their relationship is zero privacy

I think that that’s fine as long as both of them are ok with it but if one of them have an issue with it whereas the other doesn’t respect their privacy, then that’s concerning. I also read somewhere (but I’m sure it doesn’t apply for every couple who does this) that if couples use the bathroom the same time as each other or if they don’t have any privacy whatsoever, their interest in each other may diminish overtime since there’s no “mystery” left in their relationship.

From your own personal experience with it, does caffeine usually have much of an effect on you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
No. I used to feel that it kept me from falling asleep but now sometimes I can take caffeine for my headache and fall asleep shortly after. Of course I have sleeping issues as it is that remain a mystery. It’s more due to current state of life and complexity of thoughts it seems.

Any good mystery or horror season on Netflix?

Do yourself a favour and get off of Netflix. It has garbage tv shows. Just sign up for free on Susflix. Its a mock off version of Netflix, zero buffering, 1080p quality and has every season or movie imaginable.
Start watching Mentalist or The Leftovers on Susflix.

Wo dakhne ma kasi ha ?

She's a stunning beauty with black hair that cascades down her back like a waterfall of night. Her big, brown eyes are like warm hugs that envelop your heart, making you feel safe and loved. She sometimes wears a scarf, which adds a touch of mystery to her already captivating presence. Her medium height and slender build make her look like a delicate flower, and her fair skin glows with a soft, ethereal light. Her chubby cheeks blush with a subtle sweetness, making you want to kiss them all day long. When she smiles, her whole face radiates joy, and her eyes sparkle like diamonds, revealing a depth of kindness and love that makes your heart skip a beat.
Yea i’m down bad.

What color or symbol represents your soul? Could you please explain the connection?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Blue. Blue is my favourite colour too. All shades of it. It is like a peaceful shade that evokes feelings of serenity and tranquility but at the same time, there is also a depth to it that speaks to me on a deeper level. It's like looking out into the ocean and there's this sense of vastness and mystery lying just beneath the surface. — And I think that's true of my soul as well. There are so many layers and complexities to who I am as a person - parts of myself that even I am still discovering every day. But at my core beneath all those layers. I believe there's also this sense of calmness and peace. A deep-seated knowledge that no matter what life throws my way, everything will ultimately be kay in the end. 🌻💙
What color or symbol represents your soul Could you please explain the

What makes you attractive ?

it’s forever question… why u are so beautiful, Ines….?!
someone ask with love…
someone with envy…( but rare… because around i don’t want 🙌
and don’t have any
envy eyes.
but guys …
I’m woven from the beauty and love
of the times …✨anonymous
if u ask its mean u don’t know me…
✨💚beauty… mystery …femininity …sexuality… love…bliss…ecstasy…lightness… darkness…prosperity.. .harmony…confidence… charm…charisma…flexibility…integrity…deliciousness… attractiveness… magnetism…fullness… happiness…free energy in the body…celebration around oneself and magic…abundance…truth..purity…mercy…
and …and…and.
and i don’t need to study it … or do something… i was born in that way…!!!
million little stars starting shining in me when i’m happy…
and i must … want
could be only happy…in this life.
who don’t think so…
open road.

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You mentioned that you do management. What kind of place do you manage?

Hell. Like quite literally it feels like hell. And apparently mystery upcoming projects "in the works" whatever that means? My boss wouldn't elaborate on what that means🤷🏻‍♀️
Liked by: Hassan sophie

If you got a paid trip to anywhere in the world, where'd you choose to go? What'd you want to do there? ✈️🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
To some rich Arab country probably (SA, UAE, QA, KW) - just to observe life of women there, as in documentaries are only men there on the streets, it is still mystery for me, where those women are kept hidden? 😅

> god works in mysterious ways - I sure do! And through mysterious forces too. Hell, I'm God. I can do anything. You should see the last one I sent down there. Nice lad. A little unpredictable. Meh, nobody's perfect. Except me. -God

That’s what you said to yourself when you made the vegetable from Florida, right? It was even a mystery to you I bet. 🤣
Liked by: Smile Lex Talionis

Do you have any plans for upcoming summer?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
Aaaaaaah. . . . . it's My Viki has all the wild & wonderful plans . . ./
But, for me it's just all such a MYSTERY ~ to me
So all I can do , is be . . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JefjmSB27fwigotamatch’s Video 174037809786 JefjmSB27fwigotamatch’s Video 174037809786 JefjmSB27fw
sadly , the closest I can find on RUTUBE (and I tried so hard ~
~ it's well worth a click (get the headphones on, a biggest screen !

Who is your favorite author?

Ya_7abibi’s Profile PhotoDiaa
It's tough to pick just one favorite author because there are so many talented writers out there, each with their own unique style and perspective.
But if I had to choose, I'd probably go with Haruki Murakami. His blend of surrealism, mystery, and everyday life always keeps me hooked.
His characters feel so real and relatable, even when they're navigating bizarre situations.
How about you?
Do you have a favorite author?

How do you deal with hypocrites and contrarians?

I despise hypocrites. Avoided whenever possible. Logical contrarians are among the wisest people I've known. Going against the grain for the sake of being "edgy" or recognized is ridiculous and ironically, an indirect mode of conformity. I align myself with reasonable contrarians who recognize the value and benefits of distancing themselves from the herd. We are often maligned and misunderstood. Our motivation remains a mystery. It is usually by design. If we take flak, it is because we are directly over the target. I cannot speak for others but I wouldn't have it any other way... 👍
How do you deal with hypocrites and contrarians

If you could talk about a historic mystery, an unsolved case, what would you talk about?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Assassination of JF Kennedy, maybe? Idk, there is a lot of controversy around the real reason as to why it happened
Liked by: Cupid 2.0 Alizay~

Do you consider yourself a creative person?

Some say I have a gift,
But what was the cost?
For it was Earth shattering pain;
It was detrimental loss.
It was a hate for myself.
It was violence in my mind.
It was a longing for more.
It was a mystery to find.
A mystery to find,
A better way of life;
A love for myself,
And a love for man kind.
So my God told me,
To do it with words.
Simple words at that,
So they all could be heard.
So that all could read,
And easily follow along,
So I just write these words,
And hope that their memory will live on.
I try my hardest to display them;
Most times with rhyme.
They give me a release,
And let my soul shine.
But I no longer burry them,
I write them for all to see
So maybe that you'll see,
That we all are begging to be.
Do you consider yourself a creative person

✞( @SWEETV3N0M 》memories of a murderer )

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀チャプタ III⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://tiny.pl/dm6mp
SWEETV3N0M memories of a murderer

Grasz w gry na telefonie/kompie?

I tu, i tu. Na telefonie mam dużo gier z rodzaju tych odstresowujących, Candy Crush, jakieś sortowanie elementów i tak dalej. Mam też grę fabularną, Hogwarts Mystery, ale nie pamiętam kiedy w nią ostatnio grałam. Z gier na komputer aktualnie posiadam dwie części Simsów - 3 i 4 z paroma dodatkami, oprócz tego czasem gram na komputerze mojego narzeczonego w Hogwarts Legacy i w F1, ale to bardziej w formie ciekawości, robiąc okrążenia próbne, nigdy nie jechałam w wyścigu.

What's the longest vacation/holiday you have ever had?

n11shake’s Profile PhotoShake
Hallo Shake & Co !
I have deeply considered your question ~ from every aspect & angle . . . .
But, alas, this is a MYSTERY to me . . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hvzSuJJSYcigotamatch’s Video 173918177146 8hvzSuJJSYcigotamatch’s Video 173918177146 8hvzSuJJSYc
Whats the longest vacationholiday you have ever had

Kannst du den Kindheiten, die ein OC unter Rufus & Yukina und Magnus & Aurora am ehesten verbracht hat, ein Genre zuordnen (Abenteuer, Horror, etc.)?

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
Die Frage ist echt tricky!
Rufus und Yukina als Eltern bekommen spontan von mir zugeteilt Schmerz/Trost. Magnus und Aurora sind einfacher zum Zuordnen und erhalten Abenteuer & Tragödie. Und die ganze Selwyn Familie bekommt Drama und Mystery.

Wie groß ist groß genug?

Habe mit meiner Mama eine Art Mystery K-Drama angefangen und wir vergessen am laufenden Band die Namen und spekulieren ständig lautstark, was noch einmal die Handlung ist und wie alles vernetzt sein könnte. Mein Vater sitzt im Wohnzimmer und hat 1:1 diesen Blick hier aufgesetzt. xd
Wie groß ist groß genug
Liked by: Sora moonchild. Mic's

Language: English