
Dee ღ

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Could you still be friends with someone that was obsessed with you?

If it's a one-sided thing, definitely not.
Dealt with having "friends" who were obsessed with me but who I only saw as platonic and/or had a more chill attitude towards a few times in my life, and it only ever caused problems, drama, heartache and resentment. I don't define that as genuine friendship and more often than not, those people don't/can't really see you, don't even really want to and more than likely won't humanise you because they're too focused on the fantasy version of you in their mind. I've often found that just because someone is obsessed with you, doesn't mean they actually care about you or your boundaries, or take you/who you are/your experience into consideration.
For me personally, having that kind of imbalance in a connection isnt fun or pleasant, it's just an unnecessary headache. I've never been someone who's liked having "fans" and if something isn't mutual, if we're not on the same page or aren't compatible, in a friendship or any other kind of relationship, it's a hard no. I'm too old to be dealing with any more unnecessary nonsense 😭😂😂

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Least favourite emoji

Ignored, muted, blocked 😭💀
I'm very particular about emojis and I will judge you on your use of them 😂😂

Do you have a TV licence? and if not, are you worried about being caught without one?

I do, for literally no reason since I don't ever watch regular TV, all my TVs except 1 don't even have channels on them because I'm always on YouTube or another VOD service like Netflix or Prime. I don't watch live stuff on those and I'm not interested in Sky or any of that, so the only time a TV licence comes into play for me is on the very rare times I use BBC iPlayer. I'm subjected to regular TV at my mum's or aunt's house and I genuinely don't understand how people deal with it 💀
Considering getting rid of the TV licence because I'm mostly paying for no reason at this point. Pretty sure I can watch Silent Witness somewhere else once a year 😅
Liked by: Lex Talionis

Do you like chatting with your neighbours outside or try and avoid them?

I avoid them like the plague lmao.
Not because they're bad people or anything, most of them are very nice. I'm just asocial and awkward as shit and they're all...very chatty/social old people 😭😂 I'm polite and will engage if I have to, but I very much keep to myself. Grateful for the other two or 3 houses that are the same 😂🙏
Liked by: Lex Talionis

Those that don't drive. Do you take other transport or rely on friends etc

I rely on my legs and feet.
And maybe a train here or there.
Luckily I'm a very tired, reclusive loner so I rarely, if ever, have cause or desire to travel far from my own doorstep 😂
Liked by: Lex Talionis

If you into games what’s your favourite

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
I have a lot of favourites.
Hellblade, MGS, Halo, Days Gone, The Last of Us, Cyberpunk, Elder Scrolls, GTA, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Scorn, Catherine, Fahrenheit, Condemned, Mafia...so many others.
Currently playing Kona 2 (why did I not know this existed??), and I've not long finished Still Wakes The Deep which I'm want to start a new playthrough of for achievement hunting - being (very) Scottish, I'm very at home with that game 😂 but it's also got such charm, very touching and moving at parts. A little (bizarre and fucked up) gem that, in-between laughing at the (genuinely funny and all too relatable at times) dialogue and general fucked up-ness, I completely fell in love with ❤️🎮

How often do you weigh yourself?

My weight has never been an issue for me and I've never really been concerned about it. I'm not self conscious about the number on the scales and I'm pretty neutral about my current weight - content and secure, I don't feel like I want to/should lose/put on a few pounds, but I'm also happy to see an increase during times I'm consistently working out and gaining muscle (a very slight increase if there ever is one, I'm not exactly bodybuilding here 😂 - just making the point that an increase in the number on the scales isn't necessarily a bad thing).
Whether I workout and/or eat well consistently, or don't workout at all And eat trash for long periods of time, either way my weight doesn't significantly change one way or the other so weighing myself doesn't really tell me anything. I more guage how/what my body is doing at any time through physical changes - a gaining or loss of muscle mass, noticing a little fluff here or some definition there, an increase in physical strength or a weakness, physical shapes changing, that kind of thing. Generally, whatever my body is doing one way or another doesn't really translate to the scales so I don't really bother unless I'm just randomly curious.

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Liked by: Lex Talionis

Do you use Threads?

I tried once or twice but there's something about Threads that just annoys me. Like IG and Facebook in general. I'll half heartedly use IG specifically because I did like old school IG, but miss me with Threads.
Liked by: Lex Talionis

Do you use Twitter (X)?

That stuff I said in my previous post about being less interested in social media generally doesn't apply to Twitter because I use that religiously 😂
Don't get me wrong, the way Elon makes the most trivial, unnecessary and completely illogical changes but refuses to do anything about the more nefarious things on there is baffling, I'm becoming increasingly annoyed by the way the algorithm works (or doesn't work, apparently), and I am still gradually becoming less interested in posting in general (haven't posted new gaming screenshots or clips on there either), but despite my issues with it, it's still my home 😂
Liked by: Lex Talionis

Do you use Instagram?

Been back to using my alt account for the last few months. Treating it like old school Instagram so I have barely any followers and get no likes or anything, but I do kind of like the lack of attention/engagement. The social aspect of social media puts me off a lot of the time 😂 Brought my gaming IG back too - keep meaning to post some new screenshots and game clips but tbh I just cbf atm. Social media in general has really fell off the last few years and I find myself wanting to post things like that less and less. Or maybe I'm just growing out of it, just doesn't interest me like it used to. Actually been posting more to my personal blog recently, away from all the social media noise and nonsense.
Liked by: Lex Talionis Ja24

Do you ever feel lonely without a partner .Not that I mind being alone, just feel a bit sad every now and then

I'm content/at home being on my own, and while I'm not actively looking, I am ready and open to love if the right person showed up, so I do feel a bit sad/lonely now and then too. I think it's natural to feel that way at times when you're on your own, especially if you generally/in the long run want someone to share your life with but it hasn't happened yet. We're social creatures built for connection, community and relationships of all kinds - feeling lonely or sad if an aspect of that is missing when it's something we want, even if we're generally okay or tolerant of not having it, is to be expected 💜
Liked by: Lex Talionis

Do you post videos on Tik Tok?

Not really. I don't find it particularly interesting or fun - the app itself or making videos in general. But I am thinking of making a new account on there for gaming stuff (or just turning my current account into a dedicated gaming one since I haven't used it in a good while), and posting some of the clips I recently took of my favourite scenes/parts of Hellblade and Days Gone, just since I now have them and want to share them. Posted them all on YouTube but some are very short and more suited to the TikTok style 🤔🤷‍♀️


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